One of the
reasons many Jews reject Jesus is because many Christians interpret the New
Testament to say that all the Law is done away with. Jews rightly cite Deuteronomy
13:1-4. Jesus Himself though did not say the Law was done away with. What He
said in Matthew 5:17/18 is that the
Law will be here until this heaven and this earth pass away. We are freed from the
Old Testament Ordinances only (the ritual law) - in Christian liberty. That is
a big difference.
Another point many modern day Jews raise to
refute Jesus is the Christian concept of the Trinity. Suffice it to say here
that even Jewish scholars centuries ago had a hard time grasping God’s
expressed plurality in Genesis 1:26.
For the average Christian I would turn to C.S. Lewis’ explanation in Mere Christianity - (If
you download the PDF from my website you can just type “cube” into the find box
of the PDF and it will take you to the general area). For any Christian wanting
information on how to answer this for a Jew from a Jewish point of view check
out this article.
Then again I
can’t blame most Jews for being leery of listening to most Christian. Too many
times throughout history the Jews have been butchered and tormented by those
claiming to be Christians. I say claiming because no true Christian would do
what has been done to the Jews. The Jews were the first chosen people of God.
That can never be changed. Jesus, as man, was a Jew that saved us with His
death. That can never be changed. Half of the Christian Bible – the Word of God
– is Jewish. The Word of God cannot be changed – even though the RCC has tried
by corrupting the Ten Commandments.
Still it is ironic that at least
some segment of the Jewish community is afraid of Christians in a more
spiritual way. If you Google Jews for Jesus you will find Jews For Jesus is the first nonpaid
site. The first site is a paid site by Jews for Judaism titled Why Jews say no
to Jesus. The fact that enough folks are going to Jews for Jesus to garner a Google
number 1 page rank speaks for itself. As does the fact that somebody is paying
to draw attention away.
We are told to spread the Gospel;
and, we are told to be able to defend our faith. There is one good thing about
the Jews for Judaism website. It lets us Christians know what we need to be
able to answer for that particular segment of the population. Even in their
rejection of Jesus, God shows His love for them, by having them tell us what we,
as God’s helpers with the Gospel, need to help show them.
I, by chance of birth, am a native
of the USA. But what follows applies the world over. Many muslims would love to
see every Christian dead or converted. I have never met or even heard of a Jew
that wants Christians dead or converted. Take a chance folks – we received the
Gospel - the Good News – from Jews: try sharing it back. They won’t kill you
for trying and God will bless you for it.
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