Sunday, October 26, 2014

Of Sirens and Swans - the Downfall of the US?


          There is a difference between providing an environment conducive to a people’s welfare and providing people with welfare. The first promotes freedom and independence while the second encourages sloth and dependence. The first was the intended result of the framers of the US Constitution; the second is becoming the result.

          There was a time when the character of the US reflected a more “Christian” disposition and the US was considered by many to be a beacon of light guiding all towards freedom. This freedom is important because it allows for the children of YHWH to more openly and actively spread the light of the gospel; and, as children of YHWH we are commanded to be a light unto the world.

          The US, once a lighthouse indicating a safe passage towards freedom, has become a home of Sirens. Worse still is that the US Government, as a Superpower unto itself, is trying to force all nations to join in its Siren song. A nation once singing “Amazing Grace” is becoming an amazing disgrace.

          This tragedy did not occur overnight - the corruption was as incremental as it was insidious. It will not be corrected overnight - with or with revolution and bloodshed. We have a duty to our fellow man to try to prevent bloodshed and as such we must strive, like our forefathers, to change the course of history once again. It will not be easy to restore our freedoms and we may not succeed. We war against more than Governments; we war against the very powers of Hell and failure is the historical norm.

          The US was not great because her Government won the fight for freedom against tyranny. She was great because her people fought for freedom and against tyranny. The US Government need not be the world’s policeman or even its big brother. The US Government need not be the people’s nanny. To be great the US Government need only to return to its humble beginnings as a ray of freedom in a world dark with tyranny.

They say a light bulb is brightest before it burns out. Is that to be the true legacy of the so called “greatest generation” of Americans? Has the swan song of freedom been sung while being drowned out and replaced by the Siren song of the US Government?

History is replete with places associated with battles in the fight for freedom - from Thermopylae to the Alamo. Is this how America is to be remembered? I doubt it; those names are associated with people who fought to the death for freedom - not with sheeple who willing surrendered their freedom in exchange for handouts. The US will be remembered more like Rome - a republic turned tyrannical superpower that died from self-flagellation.


The duty of a Patriot is to protect his country from its government. - Thomas Paine

COMMENT: Our primary duty is to love YHWH above all else (Matthew 22:37, Luke 10:27, Mark 12:30). Our second duty is to love others (Matthew 22:39, Luke 10:27, Mark 12:31). The fulfillment of this second duty melds perfectly with the sentiments expressed by Thomas Paine. In loving our fellow man we must always place people above institutions. It is inevitable that all manmade things will begin to degrade with the passage of time. Institutions, like machines, must periodically have the tarnish of time removed. The erosion of age must be eradicated or functionality will suffer. The primary duty of the US Government is the application of the US Constitution. With the passage of time the fulfillment of this duty by the US Government has degraded and this loss of functionality is reflected in the loss of freedoms by the people of the US. Service to YHWH includes service to our fellow man - no matter what the cost. Are you stepping up or lying down?


There are whole books written based on comparisons between the fall of Rome and the current state of the US. Regarding the fall of Rome here are just a couple of things that most historians all agree on to take note of:

Among the primary reasons given are political corruption and antagonism between the Senate and the Emperors. -- VS. -- Today in the US we see the corrupt influence of special interest groups far outweigh their numbers (e.g. the LGBT Mafia). Also, Obama has been quite clear that his phone and pen are more important than cooperation with Congress - as have his henchmen such as Holder, Lerner, etc.

Another is related to immigration:

“Roman government allowed uncontrolled hostile immigration to dissolve the fabric of their civilization. Illegal and legal Immigrants grew more powerful while exercising their own character of their cultures. They did not adopt Roman ways. Second, vast blocks of once Roman lands became foreign held and even the Roman population, once outnumbered, was no match for hostile immigrants.” (Reference: “The Fall of the Roman Empire: A New History of Rome and Barbarians” -- Peter Heather) -- VS. -- Obama and his ilk are purposely flooding the US with immigrants who, while thankful for the handouts, have no allegiance to the US, its customs, institutions, or people. The US Government, instead of providing an environment conducive to its citizen’s welfare, is focused on providing welfare for immigrants - legal and illegal.

The list could go on ad naseum but the fall of Rome is only one example of “national failure” so we can and should broaden our perspective. Results of studies conducted on the influence of domestic behavior on the decline of civilizations/empires: The loss of the traditional meaning of the marriage ceremony, increasing interest in and spread of sexual perversions and sex-related crimes, a growing desire for and acceptance of adultery, the rise of Feminism, increased public disrespect for parents and authority in general, acceleration of juvenile delinquency, promiscuity and rebellion, refusal of people with traditional marriages to accept their family responsibilities. (Reference: “Family and Civilization” -- Dr. Carl Zimmerman)

COMMENTS: Zimmerman conducted his research circa 1947! The mores of 1947 were tame compared to the current situation in the US. Acceptance of such practices was far from the norm and a far cry from the current era. Today such practices are not only common place but many are enforced as law by the US Department of LGBT. The US Government, by enforcing the LGBT agenda, is denying States their Constitutional rights. The US Government not only enforces compliance with such immorality on its citizens but tries to do so worldwide - through blackmail via requirements to qualify for foreign aid. In a time when the US State Department fails to dedicate the time and money to protect its own people overseas it has the time and resources to sponsor and hold LGBT pride parades at US embassies the world over!

Is this the legacy you want to leave your children? Courage or cowardice - it’s your move! YHWH will demand an accounting from those who fail to stand for Him - believers included!


Saturday, October 18, 2014

Paganism Redux


For certain men stole in, those of old having been written before to this judgment, ungodly ones perverting the grace of our God into unbridled evil, and denying the only Lord God, and our Master - Jesus Christ.

(Jude 1:4)

          It seems the more time passes since Jesus was here in the flesh the more the people and Nations of the world war against what He taught - first and foremost that nothing is above YHWH and His Laws (that includes the US Government!). These wars have been legion. The wars began against pagans. Then the war with the perversion called Catholicism came; and, that has dragged on for millennia and continues to do so. Next, the war with the Sword of Islam that has raged for centuries without end; and, there is no end in sight. The more recent war against godless communism seems to be waning; but, it is not yet over. Last but not least is the worldwide war now being led by the US Government - a war which, for lack of a better term, I call Paganism Redux. We have come full circle with little to show for it.

          I concede that to lay Paganism Redux at the feet of the US Government may seem a stretch but consider a few things. First, consumerism and commercialism runs rampant worldwide due to US consumption and the envy it causes. The US Government both promotes and condemns this at the same time - worldwide. It squashes the freedoms of its own people (and their businesses) while handing cash out left and right worldwide - as long as the recipients are not “Christian”.

          The US supports both Israel and those who want to wipe Israel off the face of the Earth - e.g. the Palestinians. While at war with Islamic terrorists the US turned its back on Egypt for going against the Muslim Brotherhood! It supports other African nations whole heartedly but only if they adopt sexual standards approved of by the Department of LGBT. The US Government will support anybody except those seeking freedom to love and obey YHWH - then it is in attack mode. Hence the US Government leads the enemy troops of Paganism Redux.

Also, among the few that do not chase the almighty dollar is a growing group of folks that are more concerned with the created than they are the Creator. Some of these folks not only place nature over YHWH but seem to despise the only thing created in His image - mankind. They seem as bipolar as the US Government which promotes discord by such actions as banning smoking while paying farm subsidies to tobacco growers.

It is sad enough that the US Government has been stripping its own citizens of their God given rights; yet, it is worse that it is using its unholy power to try to enforce the new immorality on the entire world. The Superpower is Super Evil!

Mankind has become technologically advanced, morally retarded, and spiritually stagnant. Love for YHWH is rarer than gold and the US Government wants to take worldwide control of who can possess either of them - and how much they can have. Ironically, gold has become more common than “common sense” - especially among US Government officials. More examples abound but space and time limit the discourse.

The US Government would do well to remember that the Constitution was not written to give people or States their rights but to restrict the powers of the US Government. Go too far and it will be interesting to see which happens first - the Second Coming of Christ or the Third American Revolution.

PS - The States are 1-1. They won against the tyrants of the British Empire in the 1700’s. They lost to the tyrants of the US Government in the 1800’s (The War of Northern Aggression, also called the Civil War or The War Between the States, which was the Second American Revolution and the people lost. -- No I am not pro-slavery. I am pro-State’s Rights and pro-God Given Rights of the People!



Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. - Thomas Jefferson

COMMENT: We have the right to believe what we want - even from YHWH. YHWH does not want robotic minions who offer obedience but not love. We have a God given right (and duty) to preach and teach YHWH’s way to others; and, this is protected by TWO Constitutional rights as well as - the right to free speech and the right to the free expression of religion. But, we do not have the right to force others or their children to abide, condone, accept or support any belief - nor they us. Yet the US Government is forcing just that. Party A can teach the Koran in public schools (under the guise of “cultural diversity!); but, Party B cannot teach the Bible. Party A can use the public schools to teach the Theory of Evolution but Party B cannot teach the Theory of Creation or the Theory of Intelligent Design; yet, the Constitution says we have the right to the free speech and the free expression of religion. Another example: YHWH says homosexuality is wrong; but, the US Government Department of LGBT has banned our Constitutional rights in favor of sexual immorality. This allows Party A to use the public schools to teach our children homosexuality is good but Party B cannot use the public schools to teach our children homosexuality is bad. The people and the Constitution have been betrayed yet again. A call to account is coming . . . from within and from above . . . are you ready?

NOTE: The Koran also teaches homosexuality is wrong - I guess they leave that part out at school!


The Catholic Church changed the Ten Commandments (as given to Moses). Research it or write for more detail (hint - it concerns Mary worship and Idolatry).

          Even before there were any Jews, or the written “Ten Commandments”, YHWH’s laws, rules, precepts, etc. were known to His people. (See below as well as article Lie #2)

          The vast majority of the people of the world adhere to religions that have a holy book condemning homosexuality - Christianity, Catholicism, and Judaism all have the Old Testament and Islam has the Koran. (And yet the US Government is still forcing the LGBT agenda down the throats of its own people and blackmailing other nations to accept it as a condition of US foreign aid!)

Many Jewish scholars believe the “Noahide laws”, which apply to all mankind, are comprised of six commandments which were given to Adam in the Garden of Eden (according to the Talmud's interpretation of Genesis 2:16) and a seventh precept was added after the commonly called “Flood of Noah”. Others believe the last two precepts were added after the Flood since Adam did not originally eat meat. You will find some variation in the interpretation of these precepts since they are not “spelled out” as clearly as the Ten Commandments and are often thought to be broader in scope - often combining several other more specific laws. The seven precepts are:

1.   Acknowledge YHWH - The prohibition against denying YHWH is the Creator and the Supreme Being.

2.   Respect YHWH - The prohibition against worshipping anything or anyone but YHWH. This includes not taking his name in vain, not worshipping idols, remembering His Sabbath, etc.

3.   The prohibition against murder.

4.   The prohibition against theft.

5.   The prohibition against sexual immorality. This includes incestuous, adulterous, bestial or homosexual relationships.

6.   The prohibition of eating flesh taken from an animal while it is still alive.

7.   The requirement of maintaining courts to administer justice.

COMMENT: Please note that the seventh precept concerns a subject not covered by the Ten Commandments - it concerns governance. This is yet another example of Paul’s failure to adhere to the ways of YHWH - Paul, as a false teacher, taught that YHWH’s Laws were done away with but obedience to man’s laws was required. The truth is that YHWH’s Laws - as Jesus told us - will not change until Heaven and Earth have passed away. Man’s laws are only valid if they comply with the Laws of YHWH.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

American Greatness Replaced by . . .


          Where did American greatness come from - and where did it go? There are a lot of reasons why the US became the great nation it was in its early history. Few folks seldom seem to give thought to them so the greatness, like the reasons, is fading.  One of the reasons often given is the belief the US started as a Christian nation. For several decades now that belief has been suppressed completely or supplanted by the notion that many of the Founding Fathers were deists not Christians. Remember the quotes from the founding fathers over the last few weeks? Can any deny the US was founded on principles espoused in the Bible? Even those who held a belief in a Supreme Being but not Jesus cited the need for ethics and morals as espoused by the Bible and wanted the free exercise of religion as sought by the majority - which was comprised of a variety of groups claiming a base in Christianity. (See the Did You Know section below for proof.) Nowadays American greatness, like Constitutional rights and the Bible, is being suppressed by the US government.

          Religious freedom was being sought by many folks in many nations during the era of America’s founding so there had to be more to it for the US to achieve what it did. Interestingly another major facet of the birth of US greatness was due to a phenomenon related to Christianity as well - the growing literacy rate. The Bible was and is the most published book in the history of the world; and, it is safe to say that every school in the US prior to the 20th Century used it as a primary reader. It would have been practically impossible for a child to learn to read without being exposed to the lessons taught in the Bible. Practically every institution of higher learning had a religious foundation too. This phenomenon was not restricted to the US but it was far more prevalent and institutionalized than elsewhere. Today the Bible is being banned by the US Government from the entire US educational system - an act akin to book burning, yet insidiously more subtle, that is as detrimental to greatness as it is to morals and freedom.

          Finally we come to yet another related issue that was and is a phenomenon that is more American than mom and apple pie - the public library. Books were primarily the domain of the rich and powerful prior to the era of the founding of the US. The Founding Fathers were well read men; but, ironically, many Kings were illiterate! The Protestant Reformation, and the subsequent battles fought to publish the Bible in the languages of the people, did lead to a boon in the number of privately owned Bibles but few folks could afford to own many other books. What few folks today realize is that most all America’s forefathers realized the need for knowledge to increase apace with freedom. The concept of educating the common man had a purpose; and, the recognition of this purpose continued for quite a time. Consider the following:

"It is no part of the duty of the municipality to raise taxes for the amusement of the people, unless the amusement is tolerably clearly seen to be conducive to higher ends of good citizenship, like the encouragement of patriotism, the promotion of public health, or the undermining of immorality." Trustees of the Boston Public Library, 23rd Annual Report (SEE NOTE1)

          So how does all this tie together? Notice that while religion is not mentioned in the preceding citation the issue of morality is; and, it was clearly tied to good citizenship. The freedom to choose comes with the resposinility to learn enough to make wise choices.

In modern day America the government considers a citizen good only if they are willing to accept immorality! The US government forces not only acceptance of immorality but support for it as well. When a baker refused to bake a wedding cake for an immoral couple the LGBT Mafia was ecstatic to see the Government take the lead and punish the baker. The same thing happened to a wedding photographer in a similar situation. Is it any wonder that the greatness is fading?

Many today call the US Constitution a living document yet the 1st Amendment right to the freedom of religion AND the free exercise thereof is being treated as an infected appendage and is being amputated. Immorality is rampant and its acceptance and support is being mandated by law and enforced on pain of loss of life and liberty.

Like a stainless steel knife with the chrome and temper removed the US government has removed biblical principles and morality and the results are the same - tarnish and rust are setting in, the strength is gone, the once keen edge is fading.

NOTE1 - What a wonderful concept too is the relationship between determining the expenditure of tax dollars and the forming of good citizenship. I for one will never understand the folks today claiming a “right” to a free, tax dollar funded, cell phone - or their getting it with ongoing free monthly service at taxpayer expense!

The lazy, the cowardly, and the morally bankrupt continue to surrender the “power of the people” to would be tyrants in exchange for access to the pockets and futures of those who try to lead a decent, productive, and moral life. There is a distinct dearth of those willing to risk the wrath of these tyrants to wrest back the rights our forefathers fought and died to bequeath to us.

America, once the “land of the free and the home of the brave” has become the land of the ungodly and the home of the coerced.


If people are good only because they fear punishment, and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed. -- Albert Einstein

COMMENT: In the spiritual realm true worshippers obey YHWH out of love, awe, and respect - not out of fear of punishment.

In the physical realm the US Government, afraid of the righteous indignant, punishes the moral and rewards the immoral - and is a sorry lot in deed! The American Justice (an oxymoron) system has become a farcical travesty largely administered by sycophantical degenerates serving immoral political factions (e.g. LGBT Mafia) and their agendas rather than justice.


A spouse behind on child support payments loses their passport but murders, rapists, etc., - even terrorists - can keep theirs.

You do not have to have ID to vote for who will have their hand on the buttons to launch nuclear weapons but you do to exercise your Constitutional right to keep & bear arms!

A driver who has two drinks and drives without hurting anyone will be punished harsher than an adulterer, a sodomite, and even many burglars, robbers, child molesters, etc.

Illegal aliens, felons by definition, are given “rights” a citizen just accused of a felony is not allowed to keep - even though those are rights are constitutionally guaranteed to the citizen.

Native born Islamic terrorists are being tried as criminals (e.g. charged for workplace violence) while many American citizens are being arrested for protesting abortion and are being charged for terrorism!

Foreign born Islamic terrorists are being given the full rights and protections of the US Constitution and tried in civilian courts as criminals rather than enemy combatants in military tribunals.

That a Christian, exercising their constitutionally protected right to the free exercise of religion, can be arrested and imprisoned for telling their own child that the actions of a homosexual adult are an abomination to God according to the Bible; yet, the homosexual, can tell any child, including yours, that you are an abomination of nature and an ignorant bigot and then proceed to give children sexual material (e.g. condoms) and encourage them to try homosexual acts; and, the homosexual is not only protected by the US Government but encouraged to commit such acts! It is even possible the Government will force you to make financial payments to any homosexual offended by overhearing your words - as restitution for hate speech!

There is no mention of a separation of church and state mentioned in the US Constitution. In fact practically every State originally had a State supported Religion - Christianity:

Virginia Declaration of Rights 1776

"That religion, or the duty which we owe to our Creator and the manner of discharging it, can be directed by reason and conviction, not by force or violence; and therefore, all men are equally entitled to the free exercise of religion, according to the dictates of conscience; and that it is the mutual duty of all to practice Christian forbearance, love, and charity towards each other."

New York Charter of Liberties and Privileges 1683

"THAT No person or persons which profess faith in God by Jesus Christ Shall at any time be any ways molested punished disquieted or called in Question for any Difference in opinion or Matter of Religious Concernment"

Massachusetts Constitution 1780

Chapter VI. Article I. Any person chosen governor, lieutenant-governor, councilor, senator, or representative, and accepting the trust, shall, before he proceed to execute the duties of his place or office, make and subscribe the following declaration, viz:

'I _______, do declare that I believe the Christian religion...'"

Maryland State Constitution 1776

Article XXXV. That no other test or qualification ought to be required, on admission to any office of trust or profit, than such oath of support and fidelity to this State, and such oath of office, as shall be directed by this Convention or the Legislature of this State, and a declaration of a belief in the Christian religion."

Delaware State Constitution 1776

"Article 22. Every person who shall be chosen a member of either House, or appointed to any office or place of trust... shall take the following oath:

'I _______, do profess faith in God the Father, and in Jesus Christ His only Son, and in the Holy Ghost, One God, blessed for evermore; and I do acknowledge the holy scriptures of the Old Testament and New Testament to be given by Divine Inspiration.'

Connecticut Constitution 1818

Article VII. Section 1. It being the duty of all men to worship the Supreme Being, the great Creator and Preserver of the Universe, and their right to render that worship in the mode most consistent with the dictates or their consciences, . . . "

New Hampshire Constitution 1784

Senate. Provided, nevertheless, That no person shall be capable of being elected a senator who is not of the Protestant religion...

House of Representatives. Every member of the house of representatives... shall be of the Protestant religion...

President. [H]e shall be of the Protestant religion."

Georgia Constitution 1777

"Article VI. [R]epresentatives... shall be of the Protestant religion...

North Carolina Constitution 1776

Article XXXII. That no person, who shall deny the being of God or the truth of the Protestant religion, or the divine authority of the Old or New Testaments, or who shall hold religious principles incompatible with the freedom and safety of the State, shall be capable of holding any office or place of trust or profit in the civil department within this State.

Article XXXIV. . . . Provided, That nothing herein contained shall be construed to exempt preachers of treasonable or seditious discourses, from legal trial and punishment."

South Carolina Constitution 1778

1st. That there is one eternal God, and a future state of rewards and punishments.

2d. That God is publicly to be worshipped.

3d. That the Christian religion is the true religion.

4th. That the holy scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are of divine inspiration, and are the rule of faith and practice.

5th That it is lawful and the duty of every man being thereunto called by those that govern, to bear witness to the truth."

Pennsylvania Constitution 1776

Section 10... shall each [representative] before they proceed to business take... the following oath or affirmation:

'I do believe in one God, the creator and governor of the universe, the rewarder of the good and punisher of the wicked. And I do acknowledge the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament to be given by Divine inspiration.'

New Jersey Constitution 1776

XIX. That there shall be no establishment of any one religious sect in this Province, in preference to another; and that no Protestant inhabitant of this Colony shall be denied the enjoyment of any civil right, merely on account of his religious principles; but that all persons, professing a belief in the faith of any Protestant sect, who shall demean themselves peaceably under the government, as hereby established, shall be capable of being elected into any office of profit or trust, or being a member of either branch of the Legislature, and shall fully and freely enjoy every privilege and immunity, enjoyed by others their fellow subjects."



Sunday, October 5, 2014

Immigration Abomination in Obama nation

SEP 28, 2014 Posting




          The Chinese have a saying, “May you live in interesting times”. This can be a blessing or a curse. Either way few can deny that the era we are living in is one of rapid and not so subtle changes. The US continues to become a more divided nation over many issues of which immigration is but one. It is a challenging issue.

          When the issue of immigration comes up it seems a lot of effort intentionally goes into keeping the turmoil centered on illegal immigration; and, this diverts attention away from an equally dangerous facet of the subject - the legal immigrants.

          Under the Obama administration the entire picture has been changing with little notice. It is more than a matter of “from where” and “how many”. Folks from around the globe have been risking life and limb for centuries just for the chance to participate in the “American way of life”. There are still many who do so - legal and illegally. However, under the Obama Administration the math alone does not reveal the dangerous agenda that has been being carried out. It is also a matter of who, what, why and how they are coming here.

          Illegal immigrants may not be the greatest danger in the long run even though it is troubling that an increasing number of the illegals coming here are perpetrating other nefarious acts as well - purposely or under duress from the cartels. The greater danger is from the legal immigrants that have no desire to be “American”. That is the “who” that is literally infiltrating the US.

          Increasingly the majority of legal immigrants are Muslims - not just from the Middle East but from Asia and Africa as well. That is the “what” that is infiltrating the US.

          Increasingly the majority of these legal immigrants have no desire to be “Americans” but; rather, they desire to change the fabric of the US to that of a Muslim nation. Gone are the days of an influx of immigrants all seeking a “better way of life”. The new immigrants do not want to be remade in the image of an American. No, they want to remake America in their image. The media would have us believe they are coming here to escape repressive regimes that enforce draconian sharia laws; yet, in every area where these legal immigrants form a concentrated population we see lawsuits and court actions reflecting a push to employ sharia law over “American” civil and criminal laws based on the Constitution. They are covertly using words, money, and political influence to take over the US from within while their more radical Muslim brethren employ overt warfare against the US as well. That is the “why” that is literally flooding the US.

The communist of the Soviet era believed they could destroy the West from within by selling the capitalistic West the rope to hang itself - they tried a few generations too soon. The Muslims seem to be employing perfect timing. Though to be fair to the Communists they did not have the full backing and support of the Obama Administration the way the Muslims do. Perhaps that is why Putin is pushing Russian expansion now while the US has no leadership.

          Last but not least is the “how” that is flooding the US. Herein the greatest danger festers in the shadows while debate rages over “illegal immigration”. Many of these new immigrants are not so much trying to reach the US but rather they are being selected to be brought here by the Administration under the guise of “refugee status”. Compare the total number of Christian refugees allowed to enter the US from Sudan with the number of Muslim refugees being brought over on a monthly basis from Somalia. Can anyone tell me the last time a Sudanese Christian killed a US citizen just for being an “American”? As a veteran that was in Somalia I will never forget the Somali Muslims that killed our men and paraded the bodies through the streets!

          Illegal immigration is dangerous - it is as if the US is about to founder yet continues to ignore the steady seep of incoming water. To make matters worse the water trickling in may very well be contaminated to the point that even arresting the flow will not remove the danger of catastrophe. Yet even without illegal immigration the ship will eventually sink if the parameters of legal immigration do not change. Recent legal immigration is a creating an incremental and insidious erosion of the glue that makes America American - the Constitution and the Christian values that support it.


PS - Regardless of a piece of paper (or lack thereof) Obama, if he is an American, is a traitor! By law he has committed treason by supplying money and weapons to organizations on the list of terrorist organizations - a feat which has landed many in jail during peace time. Obama should not be assassinated or impeached: As Commander in Chief he should be legally executed by a military firing squad for committing treason during wartime.



          “What constitutes an American? Not color nor race nor religion. Not the pedigree of his family nor the place of his birth. Not the coincidence of his citizenship. Not his social status nor his bank account. Not his trade nor his profession. An American is one who loves justice and believes in the dignity of man. An American is one who will fight for his freedom and that of his neighbor. An American is one who will sacrifice property, ease and security in order that he and his children may retain the rights of free men. An American is one in whose heart is engraved the immortal second sentence of the Declaration of Independence.”
― Harold Ickes


COMMENT: I live in Arizona so see the damage being done to the US everyday by illegal immigration. That said I have also personally travel to over forty different countries, including Somalia, and would take an illegal from south of the border over a Muslim Somali any day. It is insane that the US is purposely flooding its own cities (Minneapolis, etc. for the Somalis) with legal immigrants that, for the most part, would love to see the US converted to an Islamic State. At least most of the illegals from down south come to the US searching for the “American Dream” and not as a people that despise the US in general.




Iraq, Iran, Eritrea and Somalia all rank in the top ten as nations of origin for overall US immigration for almost every year Obama has been in power. Number wise Iraqis and Somalis are #2 and #3 respectively for the last decade!

Since Obama took over the number of Muslims from Africa, compared to other regions, has increased 300%.

Almost 2/3’s of the total US Muslim population is comprised of immigrants entering under the Obama Administration.

Since Obama took power annual legal immigrants from the Middle East outnumber those from Central America.

PS - The second sentence of the Declaration of Independence is: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.