Wednesday, October 19, 2016

America's Lukewarm Death

SAMECH: I hate the halfhearted; but I love Your Torah.
(Psalms 119:113) HRB NOTE: (1704) Neutrality is of the devil, Yahweh's way is a clear path of right and wrong and the true believer should always take a stand against evil based on the word of the Torah.
What did Yahshua say about the lukewarm? (Revelation 3:16)
For all the things some Americans ding Russia for it is one of the few nations left on Earth that is anti-homosexual and not Muslim. Most of the non-Muslim nations that support Christianity and not homosexuality are in Africa. They all come far closer to deserving a blessing from YHWH than the pro-homosexual, pro-Muslim, anti-Christian, US of A.
I searched for a place where an English speaking person could fit in, and live in, a land undefiled by the abomination of state supported homosexuality; and, the only one that initially looked even remotely plausible is not even recognized as an independent nation - the Cook Islands off of New Zealand! Sadly, it is almost impossible for a foreigner to move there.
If anyone needs a sign that the end times are at hand the above facts should serve as a heads up! There is, for all practical purposes, no undefiled place left on Earth to safely live as a follower of Yahshua. The few African nations that stand against Islam and homosexuality are under fierce attack - physically by the Muslims and economically and politically by . . . THE US of A! (See Note 1)
The US of A, once part of the “New World”, once provided a home for those suffering under religious persecution; but, now it participates wholeheartedly against YHWH. The US of A is becoming a fairy tale - “Once upon a time, . . .” - that has turned into a nightmare. The US not only openly flaunts it's rejection of YHWH it is using it's power, often successfully, to coerce other nations too reject Him as well. The US is acting as if it is becoming what Islamic terrorists label it - the Great Satan.
Muslims are slaughtering each other around the globe - shia vs sunni; but, both shia and sunni Muslims are slaughtering Christains around the globe. What does the US do? It brings thousands upon thosands of Muslims to the safety of the US while rejecting over 99% of asylum applications from Christians! Calling the US lukewarm these days would be to give it credit it no longer deserves.
There is no “New World” left for believers to seek shelter from persecution. But, there will be . . . and it may come sooner than some think.

The One testifying these things says, Yes, I am coming quickly. Amen. Yes, come, Master Yahshua!
(Revelation 22:20)

Prudence is the knowledge of what is good, what is bad, and what is neutral. Its parts are memory, intelligence, and foresight (memoria, intelligentia, providentia).Memory is how the mind recalls what has been; intelligence is how it ascertains what is; foresight is that by which something is seen before it has occurred. - Cicero, De inventione

NOTE 1 - Our Constitutional Republic was formed by States that were sovereign, voluntarily members. Prior to the Civil War the nation was known as “these United States of America”. Afterward, it became “the United States” as States suffered a massive loss of Constitutional rights to the Federal Government. Since that time the Federal Government has waged a relentless and highly successful war against all the Constitutional Rights of the States. So successful in fact that the Federal Government has since turned it's attention to and against the Constitutional Rights of the people of “the United States”. Here too the Federal Government is proving to be relentless and successful. Unless people take major action, and soon, the phrase “the United States” will, like “these United States”, become a term for the history books.

PS - Long ago I proudly, voluntarily, served 12 years in the Armed Forces of the US (6 Navy & 6 Army); yet, today I am no longer proud to be an “American” nor would I insult my Creator by asking Him to bless such an evil nation.

Off the Cuff: Near the beginning Cain slew Able . . . near the end Kaine slew America. (No way Hellary lasts four years with her health.)