Saturday, February 13, 2016

Tough Love

But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the ram's horn,

and the people are not warned, and the sword comes and takes a soul from them,

he is taken in his iniquity. But I will require his blood from the watchman's hand.

(Ezekiel 33:6)

It has been over a week since a Guest book posting, obviously from a practitioner of Catholicism*, and I still wonder at those that have eyes yet fail to see. Catholics are rather fond, contrary to what Jesus taught, of repetitively saying their “Hail Mary's” and “Our Father's” and yet how many folks, Catholic or otherwise, actually practice the words they say. For example, in the so called Lord's Prayer is the phrase, “May Your will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven”; yet, how many people saying this actually try to fulfill His will on Earth?

Many of these folks go around spouting platitudes about love that completely ignore YHWH's will concerning love. His Word is quite clear that love towards Him is predicated on obedience to His will and He gave us His Word to clearly communicate His will to us by His teachings. Yet everywhere you turn these same folks are championing tolerance for ignoring His will. For example, they speak, allegedly in the name of love, of accepting homosexual behavior even though YHWH is quite clear that it is an abomination to Him and clearly against His will. How can His will be done on Earth when those claiming to worship Him not only accept what is against Him but openly and actively support or even practice that which is contrary to His will?

Many folks, just as the aforementioned poster to the Guest book, in the name of peace and love, imply that come the Day of Judgment Muslims who support killing infidels by blowing themselves up so they can have a bunch of virgins will be greeted with open arms by YHWH. It is ludicrous! Tolerance of ignorance and evil is not love it is cowardice!

Jesus went among the sinners to change them not to encourage their sin! Jesus taught and lived by a single creed – YHWH's will! Jesus taught us to do YHWH's will on Earth, just as it is done in Heaven! Open your eyes people! How many practicing homosexuals do you think are in Heaven sodomizing each other in YHWH presence!!!!!

We are to be a light unto the world – by our actions we are to expose the wickedness around us for what it is – evil! To encourage others in darkness is not a sign of love it is proof positive that one is too weak willed to help YHWH 's will to be “done on Earth, as it is in Heaven”!

Yes, when combating evil, we must always remember that the people that are acting evil are not evil in and of themselves. Just as we are vessels being shaped by the hand of YHWH they are vessels in the hand of Satan. As servants of YHWH we have a responsibility to try to share His teachings with them so they can wrest free of Satan.

If you saw someone you loved trying to kill themselves by taking sleeping pills would you, in loving tolerance, stand by and watch? I hope not! How then can one tolerate, much less support, a person who is sinning against YHWH – and dare to hypocritically call such tolerance an act of love!

To see the danger to another and give no warning is to be a watchman who fails to warn of coming danger. Such actions are a danger to all including the watchman! Consider the following notes from the Hebraic Roots Bible (HRB):

- regarding Ezekiel 33:1-7:

. . . shows the believer's responsibility if he sees sin being perpetrated to try to redeem the one sinning, If he does not, he will bear his iniquity.

- regarding Leviticus 5:1:

. . . Neutrality is of the devil, and it is the Torah given responsibility for someone who witnesses evil to report it.

- regarding Matthew 18:15-17 (for a New Testament example):

. . . This is not a democratic process, but since the person has refused to listen to the first person and also the witnesses, now it is simply the formality to inform the congregation that the person has been separated until repentance is made. The separation is both to protect the congregation from the sinful, unrepentant person, and also an act of love toward the sinner, as if he is not held accountable for the sin and does not repent, then he is in danger of losing his eternal life.

Those who claim to follow Jesus yet refuse to be a light to shine upon the darkness are as Cain when he proclaimed, “am I my brother's keeper”. They endanger themselves as well as others.


To be silent in the face of evil, in itself, is evil. To not speak, is to speak. To not act, is the act. - Bonhoeffer

COMMENT: There is no gray area, one either walks in the light or walks in the darkness. To cowardly prolong another's ignorance as they are stumbling in the darkness is an injustice; and, to claim to do so in the name of love is an act of cruelty.

NOTE: For those that ponder why I am also vocal (on the front page of this website) concerning the actions of the US government consider the following:

the exercise of political power depends on the tacit or explicit agreement of

the population or, at worst, on its submissiveness. – Galula David

PS – As I serve for the glory of YHWH and not for my own purposes I consider it a blessing to be condemned by such of the world for assuredly they also would have condemned the prophets of YHWH who served to warn Israel. Why a blessing? because I am strengthened by the knowledge that evil complains about me for by such attention some may yet come to open their eyes.

* Most Catholics listen to a pope more than they do YHWH and turn to Mary more than they do YHWH's Messiah Jesus. With such blinders and ear plugs is it any wonder they are led astray from YHWH.

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