Monday, February 8, 2016

On Love and the Law

But his delight is only in the Torah of YAHWEH, and he meditates in His Torah day and night.

(Psalms 1:2)

How terribly sad it is so many reject the fact that YHWH's offers love while simultaneously asking for obedience – too many act like petulant children claiming a parent does not love them or there would be no punishment for disobedience. So many, such as the writer of a recent Guest book comment, believe that neither knowledge of YHWH's truths nor obedience to Him are needed – and in doing so ignore the very words of both YHWH and His son Jesus the Christ.

The word which most Bible translators have translated as “law” (Torah) in fact has a much deeper meaning – it is, in the original Hebrew language, more appropriately translated as teaching or instruction. YHWH's “Laws” are far more than a list of do's and do not's. They are the teachings of a Father to His children on how to live, yet even more as He is more than a Father, He is our Creator! These teachings were given to us out of love; and, He expects us to follow them out of love. Those that follow the instructions only out of fear of punishment or out of hope for reward have missed the point - what is in the heart. Those who disregard the teachings of the Father are failing to listen to both the Father and His son. A son who paid the price to give us all a “clean sheet” to rebuild our lives anew upon learning of his Fathers teachings and expectations. This “clean sheet” is a chance to start anew, just as the Jubilee was a chance to start anew; and, as with the Jubilee any new debts incurred must be answered for. To say one accepts the Christ as their Lord and Savior and then claim the right to disobey him is to be a liar. To disobey is not evidence of a lack of belief – Satan and his demons have more than belief they have direct knowledge – it is a lack of love.

We are told to be holy even as our Father is holy. When one hangs all on love they would do well to remember that as YHWH is love so too are we to be love; and, Christ was quite clear that such love would be manifested by obedience. To “claim” Jesus' sacrifice – an example of YHWH's love - one must give love to YHWH and our fellow man. Our examples being obedience to YHWH yet more than just obedience to “the letter of the Law” but also, according to His teachings, “worthy works” toward our fellow man; and yet even more, a love that forgives in order to be forgiven in love.

Let us look at a simple analogy – being born into this fallen world is like being lost at sea after your ship has been sunk out from under you and you do not know how to swim. YHWH, because He loves you, is telling you how to swim to Him so that you can live – you ignore Him at your peril. He not only wants you to learn to swim but he also expects you to help teach others that are in the water with you! In addition He has provided Jesus with a twofold mission, one as a life buoy to cling to so you have the chance to learn to swim – without him you would have no chance to start with (past sins would drag you down), the second mission as an example to follow by showing not only how to actually swim but where to swim to. And, finally, YHWH has provided His Holy Spirit to encourage you to keep swimming, to provide comfort and assistance if you tire, and to remind you of all that YHWH and Jesus have taught and shown you (e.g. how to float and how to drown proof, as well as swim).

Satan and his minions know how to swim but they have refused to swim to YHWH. You must have faith that YHWH will save you if you listen to Him. This faith must be put into action by actually listening and doing as He says – and helping others to do the same. A person “rescued at sea” does not earn being saved; but, they will not be saved if they drown first because they refused to learn to swim!

Many claim Jesus is their lifeboat so they do not need to swim. This is claiming Jesus as Savior but not Lord! Jesus said follow me, Jesus said listen to me. He did not say believe in me and do what you want. He said “go and sin no more”! And sin is ignoring YHWH's teachings!

We are told love will cover a multitude of sin. How? First because of YHWH's love for us all of our past sins can be forgiven by the sacrifice of Jesus. Second, sins after we accept Jesus as Lord and Savior are forgiven by our love for YHWH! What? You say! How can that be? Because, when we in love forgive others then our sins as servants are in turn forgiven. If we fail to love and forgive sins against us then our sins as servants will not be forgiven.

Those that focus on YHWH as love are indeed correct – if only more would learn to love Him as He defines love and not the way man does.

God made the love of men and women, then men and women created their countries. - Sir Stephen King-Hall, Diary of a U-Boat Commander

COMMENT: It could also be safely said that God created love and man created religions. Yes, YHWH is love and we are told that YHWH desires that all would be saved; but, we are also told that few are chosen. Why only few? Perhaps because so few love Him the way He asks to be loved.

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