Saturday, August 8, 2015

The Church and the Heart

Verse of the Week

Yahshua answered and said to him, if anyone loves me, he will keep my word, and my Father shall love him. And we will come to him and will make a dwelling place with him.

                  (John 14:23)

Thought for the Week

There is an overabundance of mega-churches in the US that teach becoming a Christian is like going to work for a corporation that will make you rich. There is also an abundance of mega-churches that teach Christianity as the program to achieve ultimate personal growth (self-esteem). How many groups or individuals do you know that teach the purpose of being a Christian is service to YHWH?

What is the focus of the recruitment methods employed by most of the larger churches today? We see them promising personal earthly wealth, promising increased personal self-esteem as judged by worldly standards, employing peer pressure, using the latest fads, etc. We find almost every “sales” tactic known. Where is the call to love and obey your Creator YHWH?

We see “church leaders” using money given for YHWH’s work to buy luxurious executive jets! How different the disciples that followed Jesus in the beginning! We see “churches” today that more resemble resorts with a conference hall. How different the humble homes and fields used by Jesus and his original disciples. Heaven has no “church building” in it - (Revelation 21:22). Earth cannot have a “church building” to hold YHWH (Isaiah 66:1). Magnificent buildings filled with malignant hearts?

Have you heard of the terms “tentmaking” or “tunneling”? The terms represent a missionary method employed throughout much of the world.  Disciples who, like the originals, work to pay their own way - while they minister to others as well! Sadly even on this issue “Christians” debate about what really “qualifies” one as a tentmaker with many arguing that you must travel outside the US to be a tentmaker. I suppose it scares them to think of losing their jet set perks, of being expected to act as men of God rather than as CEO’s of a corporation. Of course today many claim they earn their own way by being authors. These charlatans are not satisfied being paid to preach - they add insult to injury by selling their sermons and His words primarily to enrich themselves (SEE NOTE). The US does have some “domestic tentmakers” but they are few and far between.

The US decline in the number of churches and the dropping of church attendance is for two primary reasons. One regards quantity - the obvious decline in morals and the accompanying decline in people of faith. The second regards quality and is less obvious - people of faith are leaving too. It is because of an increase in faith and knowledge by those who truly worship YHWH. Few if any churches today reflect true worship of YHWH and instead many resemble the “den of thieves” of which Jesus spoke.

True men of YHWH trust Him and do not squander alms to pay for bodyguards, lavish estates, jets, pope-mobiles, etc! To those who would lead: Jesus commanded, “Feed my sheep”, not fleece my sheep! All of us are told to “count the cost”, not to act like union members whining and pining for more pay and benefits.

          Many churches today falsely teach that we are not “under the law”; but, they sure preach a lot about tithing! And like most salesmen they prefer to see your cash up front. Which do you think YHWH wants most from you? - Your money or your time?

NOTE: There are exceptions: Although I do not agree with much of what Rick Meyers preaches I salute him for the hard work and dedication he and his helpers put into making e-sword, making it so easily available,  and making it free!

Quote of the Week

I do not wish to live ‘neath sound of church or chapel bell; I want to run a rescue shop within a yard of hell. - C.T. Studd, famous missionary to Africa

Comment: It does not take a genius to see that the US is fast becoming “within a yard of hell”. Many await the return of YHWH’s messiah Jesus. How many are prepared to face a life “within a yard of hell” if that glorious day comes decades from now?


                                                                      Did You Know

The US State Department again designated North Korea as a “Country of Particular Concern (CPC)” for the country’s persecution of religion.  The State Department report stated, “Although the DPRK guarantees freedom of religion, there is no such thing in reality.COMMENT: I wonder if the State Department realizes the US is now a CPC for the same reason!

In the US more than 4000 churches close their doors every year - compared to just over 1000 new church starts! COMMENT: Yet congregations still focus on structural building improvements/expansions or sending missionaries overseas.

In the US at the turn of the century in 1900 there was a ratio of 27 churches per 10,000 people.  At the turn of the last century (2000) the ratio was 11 churches per 10,000 people.

China and India lead in the number of citizens who are not “professing Christians”. The United States ranks third (3rd)! COMMENT: Even Russia has more “professing Christians” than the US.

Beginning in the 1980’s the Episcopal Church pushed acceptance of homosexuality as an alternative lifestyle. COMMENT: They now have ordained practicing homosexuals priests.

Statistics from Barna Research suggest that up to 50% of people who go to a church are not even Christians. COMMENT: It is believed that many go for appearances sake.

In the industrialized world the US has the highest percentage or rate of: divorce*, single-parent families, abortion**, sexually transmitted diseases***, teenage birth, teenage drug use, and the highest rate of incarceration as well as the largest prison population per capita than any country in the world.

*The marriage rate in the United States has fallen to an all-time low of less than 6.8 marriages per 1000 people.

**The number of American babies killed by abortion each year is roughly equal to the total U.S. military deaths from every war the US has ever been involved in – combined! COMMENT: A Department of Homeland Security report (2012) says that if you are “anti-abortion”, you are a potential terrorist.

***The CDC states: Approximately one-third of the entire population of the United States (110 million people) currently has a sexually transmitted disease.



Extra: The Abridged New Testament (without the writings of Paul but with the OGM, the Didache, & Study Guides) is entering the final edit phase. I am working on my next project: A How-to Manual for a Christian Underground (covering covert and clandestine operations, strategy & tactics, structure & form, communication, OPSEC, tradecraft, CI/FID methods/tactics, and more).

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