Sunday, August 16, 2015

Protect and Defend

Verse of the Week

Then he said to them, but now, the one having a purse, let him take it; likewise also a wallet; and, the one not having, let him sell his garment, and let him buy a sword.

                  (Luke 22:36)

Thought for the Week

          Folks have historically jumped thru hoops trying to explain the above verse. Some will say Jesus was speaking literally about everything except the sword. Some say the sword is a spiritual reference only. Some say he did not mean it. Some say it must have been added later. But, a rare few actually believe he meant exactly what he said. The key is the context.

          Those that are against accepting it at face value often cite Jesus’ rebuke of Peter’s use of a sword. Yet they ignore that Jesus qualified the use of restraint for a reason - Jesus must suffer to fulfill the Scriptures. Some will cite the command to love your enemies for rejecting the above verse at face value. They ignore the difference between an enemy and a common criminal. First, it is obvious Jesus did not forbid his disciples being armed; and, second, YHWH has always sanctioned the use of violence in the fulfillment of justice (e.g. stoning).

          In context the Apostles are told that the two swords they have are sufficient. Would not two armed men be ample to protect the group from the average mugger? Yet two armed men untrained in warfare would stand no chance at all against an enemy (e.g. a trained Roman soldier). We are commanded not to murder. We are not told not to kill in self-defense. (SEE NOTE)

          Did Jesus rebuke the Roman Centurion for his profession? No, in fact he complimented the man’s faith. YHWH is the same yesterday and forever: The “God” of the Original Testament is the same “God” of the New Testament. There is no contradiction. It is not His instructions that are lacking; it is man’s inability to understand. Understanding requires spiritual reasoning taught by the Holy Spirit. The spiritual cannot be ascertained by physical reasoning.

Violence to fulfill His will is permissible. Violence for any other reason is not. We know from His instructions that it is not His will that any be forced to worship Him (a prime indicator that Muslims and Catholics are not the children of YHWH). We know from His instructions war for conquest is not allowed unless He specifically orders it; but, that warfare is permitted by His people in self-defense. Love your enemy requires that you do not invade him and try to dominate him.  It does not require you to kneel to Satan minions. Did not Jesus use his gifts from the Holy Spirit to evade capture “until all be fulfilled”? Did not the Apostles use deception to evade persecution so they could spread the Gospel?

Does this era end by YHWH just zapping Satan and his ilk into oblivion? No, it ends in a violent battle - those who worship YHWH against those who do not. Until that day the worshippers of YHWH have a duty to continue spreading the Gospel - even if that means we must do so clandestinely. We cannot murder the tyrant but we must try to subvert his efforts. We cannot launch preemptive attacks but we can defend ourselves.

Muslims accuse the US of being “The Great Satan”. It is fast becoming a tool of Satan as it increasingly persecutes YHWH’s followers and enforces immorality upon its own citizens. It even uses its economic power to try to enforce immorality on other countries (e.g. acceptance of homosexuality). America is falling because it increasingly serves Satan instead of YHWH. Are you prepared to serve YHWH even as persecution increases? How will you do so?

NOTE: Jesus taught to give to him that asks, he did not teach to surrender to thieves. Jesus used strength and being armed as defense against thieves (e.g. Mark 3:27, Luke 11:21, etc). In point of fact under Noahide law we are required to administer criminal and civil justice.

Quote of the Week

The free citizens were idle, dissipated, sunken; their chief thoughts of the theatre and the arena; and they were mostly supported at the public cost. While, even in the time of Augustus, more than two hundred thousand persons were thus maintained by the State, what of the old Roman stock remained was rapidly decaying, partly from corruption, but chiefly from the increasing cessation of marriage, and the nameless abominations of what remained of family-life - Alfred Edersheim (1825-1889) - describing what happened to the Roman Empire

Comment: The problems cited for Roman society are a perfect parallel for what we see in the US today. The only thing left is the downfall itself - the crumbling is already well underway. Are you prepared?

                                                                      Did You Know

The US FDA is considering making it legal for doctors to make “three parent babies”. COMMENT: Ever wondered who is really behind the Governments continued funding for Planned Parenthood? If so read the history of eugenics and socialism. The end goal of socialism is a society ruled by Patricians (elites) and served by Plebs (commoners); but, the Plebs must not have any personal values - i.e. the old fashioned American value of freedom, the biblical value of morality, etc.


The number of sexual assaults in the U.S. military is at an all-time high with the majority of them being male on male. COMMENT: The Pentagons solution appears to be relieving sexual tension among the troops by providing more transgender personnel.


The original motto of Harvard University was Veritas Christo et Ecclesiae (Latin for "Truth for Christ and the Church") which was appropriate since Harvard is named after a minister who donated a large sum of money to create an educational institute to train Christian ministers. Now the motto is just Veritas. COMMENT: Now instead of ministers the focus is to train left wing lawyers and politicians. Most of them, it seems, are not satisfied with just removing Christ and the church from their alma mater: It seems they are intent on removing Christ and the church from all of American society.






Extra: The Abridged New Testament (without the writings of Paul but with the OGM, the Didache, & Study Guides) is entering the final edit phase. I am working on my next project: A How-to Manual for a Christian Underground (covering covert and clandestine operations, strategy & tactics, structure & form, communication, OPSEC, tradecraft, CI/FID methods/tactics, and more).

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