Sunday, July 5, 2015

Government Killers for Hire?

Verse of the Week

                  a time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to tear down, and a time to build up;

                  (Ecclesiastes 3:3)

Thought for the Week

          I recently saw an article that said Steven Hawking is in support of assisted suicide. Thirty years ago such an article would have been meaningless but today this bodes ill for everybody since Hawking is an idol of many who practice the religion of modern science. It means one more decision regarding a moral issue will be eventually be predetermined by the Government after a “scientific study” gives it the desired answer.

It seems that since I was a kid the US Government has never tired of finding new ways to let people practice killing or murdering each other. For example, even though State sanctioned executions have been practiced since time immemorial the US is still trying to come up with a way that is “humane” to the condemned. With the irrefutable number of innocent people being convicted annually in the US I posit no one will ever find a “humane” way to kill a condemned but innocent individual. It seems more effort is going into fighting over the method of state sanctioned killing than into preventing state sanctioned murder.

          We are told in the Commandments not to murder: You shall not murder (Exodus 20:13) and You shall not commit murder (Deuteronomy 5:17). Some translations instead say kill. The word to be translated is “râtsach” (Strong H7523). When we are told in Ecclesiastes 3:3 that there is “a time to kill” the word translated is “hârag” (Strong H2026). The difference is important because a lot of folks, especially nonbelievers, like to call Christians hypocrites when it comes to such things as the death penalty. YHWH did not just support the death penalty - He mandated it for certain crimes (sins). However, He also forbade murder on penalty of death. The US Government sanctions a lot of murders.

          The US also practices another form of “legal” murder although it is euphemistically called abortion instead.  This murder is a rare form of legal murder for hire. A mother decides she wants her child murdered and then finds a doctor to do it for her - often at taxpayer expense. That a doctor should be the Governments authorized agent for committing murder should come as no surprise. More people die every year under a doctor’s “care” than do from car wrecks and firearms combined. That’s why you have to be certified to practice medicine - it makes things legal.

          This brings us full circle back to Hawking and his support for assisted suicide. No doubt it will become another form of Government sanctioned murder; and, there is no doubt you will have to be certified to do it legally.

          Apparently murder is okay in the US as long as you are certified. If you cannot afford medical school you could always go into law enforcement instead. When it comes to committing murders in the name of the State think of medical practitioners as white collar and law enforcement as blue collar. Of course there is more physical risk in law enforcement so they are allowed more variety. Since law enforcement does not usually have their victims sedated ahead of time they can murder people with cars, firearms, Tasers, batons, and even strangulation. Strangely cops are even given protections the white collar killers do not usually get (SEE Note) - you are not allowed to disagree with them or sue them - even when they are in the wrong.

          America, what a country! Anyone can become a Government sanctioned murderer.

NOTE: Except when it comes to vaccines - you cannot, by US federal law, sue vaccine makers either.


Quote of the Week

If people let the government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as a sorry state as the souls who live under tyranny. -- Thomas Jefferson

Comment: After just a few generations living under the ever increasing government mandates regulating food and medical care the average American is living proof of the wisdom of Jefferson’s words. The “Founding Fathers” would be appalled (and ashamed) to see what has become of the US and its people.

Did You Know

           Preventable medical errors are the third leading cause of death in the US. COMMENT: Note however that the CDC does not even include “medical errors” in its list of causes of death.

          According to the Census Bureau the US population is about 320 million people. The number of Government (federal, state, and local) employees is over 20 million people. That means “the government” pays and “controls” at least 1 out of every 16 people. Out of the 15 not employed by a government, on average, one is employed under a government contract, one is an illegal alien, one is in jail or on probation, two are legal immigrants, and five are on government welfare programs. COMMENT: It looks like the whole country is well past halfway to Orwell’s nightmare.

The average staff to inmate ratio across US incarceration facilities is about 1 to 6 and 1 out of every 100 Americans is incarcerated.

Number of people who died from measles in the last 10 years in the US - 0

Number of people who died from measles vaccine in the last 10 years in the US - 108

The CDC says approximately 30,000 VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) reports are filed annually, with 10-15% classified as serious (resulting in permanent disability, hospitalization, life-threatening illnesses or death). COMMENT: Almost every communicable disease, except polio, for which a vaccine is given, was almost eradicated before vaccines began. Check this out for one example of the details.

The U.S. government is now the primary applicant for vaccine-related patents, followed by GlaxoSmithKline. COMMENT: I guess that explains why you cannot sue vaccine makers. It also explains why the Government wants to enforce vaccines though I do wonder where all the money is going regarding the Governments share of the profits.

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