Saturday, July 25, 2015

Are you ready?

Verse of the Week

A sensible one sees the evil and hides himself, but the simple go on and are punished.

(Proverbs 22:3)

Thought for the Week

          Historically the Gospel has thrived and spread when YHWH’s children were under persecution. Even today we see adherence to YHWH’s teaching growing in areas under severe persecution while love and obedience to YHWH is diminishing in areas of “freedom”. We, as individuals, each have our own gifts from YHWH. If you have the gift of courage to speak out then do so. If you are the more reserved type then you are still needed to play a very vital role. Silent witnessing is something we should all do.

          In the history of Christian persecution much has been made of martyrdom; but, if every believer had been killed where would we be? History teaches us that in every successful movement, cause, rebellion, or etc the “exposed” overt followers have been supported by a more subtle covert group of assistants who in turn have a clandestine group of supporters. Jesus himself had a dozen Apostles, numerous disciples, and a multitude of followers; and, each of those had a varying degree of more support from family and friends. Of course, every believer also has access to the support of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the ultimate covert warrior: He is never seen but the results of his actions are.

          Support comes in many forms - legal, moral, financial, spiritual, etc. As the level of persecution rises, wherever you live, it will be advantageous to our ability as a whole to continue our service to YHWH if we have prepared for better protected covert operations as well as preparing for clandestine operations. A simple example comes from the Apostles themselves. These brave men did not huddle together and preach in just one locale. They traveled constantly spreading the Gospel and in many ways were often “hiding” by movement. Believers gathered together in homes - overtly when allowed and covertly or clandestinely when forbidden. If the evil powers that be cannot find you they cannot stop you. If they do not know you are even around they may not even try.

          The itinerant “preachers” of the pioneer era in the US continued the practice of going where they were needed. They supported their fellow believers spiritually with knowledge and encouragement while in turn being supported physically by the believers they encountered in their travels. The future may well indeed need such brave travelling workers to do so again though secretly.

          Today many believers enrich and maintain their spiritual life via the internet and outside of the mainstream system of churches - many of which have strayed from the Way. Many Governments today already control much of what their people can access via the internet - and as persecution grows in the US this type of control will soon come to pass. The US Government is already openly monitoring the activity and beliefs of its people.

          As brick and mortar churches succumb to the secular evil being enforced by the Government, and the Government increasingly takes control of the internet, and the Government continues to criminalize following YHWH, the time may soon come when we will have to again gather together covertly to worship YHWH. History is full of examples of the lengths Governments will go to enforce their beliefs - especially against covert groups. Consider the Roman Frumentarii, the Nazi gestapo, the Soviet KGB, or the American FBI.

          Forming even small groups now from local local fellow believers could make a huge difference later to help preserve and spread the Gospel but preparation is vital. As followers of YHWH we will not be able to steal the food we need. Are you stocked up enough to not only last for yourself but to be able to help others as well? Do you know how to communicate clandestinely with or without the internet?

 If you had been picked by Jesus to be an Apostle would you have accepted the commission?

Are you ready now to be an itinerant “preacher”? Are you ready to support such a person? How would or could you help? How would that person know you would help? Have you begun building such a network?

          Underground networks have helped believers not only survive but thrive and spread the Gospel even in modern times - think USSR, North Korea, Iran, etc. Many may believe Jesus will come soon, and he may; but, what if he does not? Do you think the immigrants the Government is allowing in will preserve the Gospel? Future generations of Americans need us to be there for them now. Many folks will ask if you are ready if Jesus comes. That would be wonderful. But, I wonder how many are ready if he does not? Are you?

Quote of the Week

In free countries, every man is entitled to express his opinions and every other man is entitled not to listen. - G. Norman Collie

Comment: US citizens no longer live in a free country - the US Government no longer allows the Constitutional Rights to free speech or freedom of religion and the expression thereof! It is past time for the People to act. If secular Americans will not stand up for freedom then the children of YHWH must prepare for more evil to come. Consider Proverbs 6:6-8.


                                                                      Did You Know

Even non-government entities have networks to ferret out those who do not “follow the party line” - such as the Catholic Sodalitium Pianum and the Jesuits, or the Mormon “Strengthening the Members Committee”.

Geotagging: Often used for the tracking of a person via their phone. Information gathered includes, but is not limited to: the phone identification number, the owner of record, date, time, and location of the phone, which cell towers have been accessed, etc. Combining this data reveals patterns (e.g. when you leave for work) as well as individual specifics (where you live, work, etc). Most cell phones can still be accessed when turned off. Data in many of the newer models can still be accessed even with the battery removed (as with credit cards mobile scanners can read the “card” inside the phone). Geotagging also includes use of the metadata in photos uploaded to the internet.

Metadata: Many photo formats include information such as when and where a photo was taken. That candid photo you took of a friend or loved one and posted online just revealed the GPS coordinates of where it was taken (e.g. inside your home).



NOTE: The Abridged New Testament (without the writings of Paul but with the OGM, the Didache, & Study Guides) is entering the final edit phase. So I just started on my next project: A How-to Manual for a Christian Underground (covering covert and clandestine operations, strategy & tactics, structure & form, communication, OPSEC, tradecraft, CI/FID methods & tactics, and more.


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