Sunday, March 22, 2015

National Socialism - the Nazi agenda of US Democrats

Verse of the Week

For You make man like the fish of the sea, like creeping things with no ruler over him.

(Habakkuk 1:14)

Thought for the Week

Many tyrannical regimes (the Catholic Church, the Nazi’s, Soviets, etc) had official policies that enforced their world view on the scientific community. The pressure for scientists to conform and to ignore actual scientific data was high and many elected to serve their political masters. The most recent historical example to fit this leadership paradigm is the Democratic Party of the US.

The Democrats, like those before them, are dedicated to the level of fanaticism. They too believe that their alleged superiority entitles them to use the force of law to make others comply with their view. The degree to which Democrats have twisted science to serve their end goals is more extreme than their predecessors though and examples abound.

They, based on their view of science, have decided they alone determine when a human being is entitled to protection from murder - allowing innocent babies that not only have heart beats and brain waves but their own unique DNA and unique fingerprints, to be murdered in the quest of population control. This while proclaiming the sanctity of life fighting against the death penalty for even the most heinous of criminals.

          Further contradictory views, based on their view of science, are easy to find. They proclaim the Theory of Evolution as fact and refuse to even allow alternate theories to be taught. They proclaim that YHWH does not exist and man is just another animal (See Note). Conversely, they say that man, unlike other animals, is not entitled to fulfill his obvious natural role in Nature - that of the planet’s keystone predator species.

          Just like the Nazi’s and Communists, they fear people that can resist their force and so despise the right to bear arms. They go a step further though using their science. They proclaim gun ownership is mental disease - which must to be eradicated. However, unlike their tyrannical predecessors, they are using their science to proclaim homosexuality is a genetic - which must be accepted. Nay even encouraged because this genetic difference, according to their science, apparently is not a defect or an abnormality, but, rather a, well, they have not explained that. They feel they do not have to; and, they, like most tyrants, resort to the force of law when their fallacies are challenged.

          Each of these examples demonstrates more a desire to control their fellow man rather than a desire to employ scientific data for the benefit of mankind. They want to control who is to be born and who is to be killed. They want to control what you can eat and where you can live. They want to prevent you from defending yourself (or even your views). They are even using their view of science to dominate sexual and social practices (e.g. marriage) - just like the Nazi’s.

          Yet, their most ambitious endeavor regarding the use of scientific data to advance their control is the hysteria of global warming. With this insidious ploy they are attempting to take control over the world’s use of energy - oil, coal, electricity, etc. By controlling the expenditure of energy they will be able to manipulate every aspect of most people’s lives. Manufacturing and the transportation of commodities will be under their control. The ability to obtain food, store it (refrigeration), and even cook it will be regulated. Your ability to travel will be regulated (no gas, no go). Your ability to communicate will be regulated (phone and internet).

          With this Orwellian picture the only thing missing is the thought police. Then again they have not ignored that either. Political correctness is nothing more that the utilization of peer pressure to prohibit the expression of free thinking. When speech, no matter how offensive to some, is prohibited, it endangers not only the expression of thoughts in the present but the ability to pass values on to the next generation. A child raised in such an environment will not miss the freedoms they never knew were possible (read Machiavelli’s The Prince). That is why the democrats despise home schooling - it deprives them of one of their primary brainwashing tools.

          So why harp on all this as a follower of YHWH? - Because these abuses of the knowledge of YHWH’s creation are being used to exclude the Creator. Worse, they are teaching our children that YHWH does not exist and that those who follow YHWH are as dangerous to them as a hidden sandbar to ship. The time is fast approaching when the followers of YHWH will not be allowed to speak out. Folks like me will be hunted as criminals and websites such as this will be a banned - though many modern evangelists will be safe because they do not teach the Gospel of YHWH.

          How will you serve YHWH or spread the His gospel then? How are you doing it now?

Note: Though some of these left wing liberals do apparently believe in Allah - yet another contradiction. COMMENT: What does a liberal democrat do with a homosexual Muslim? Elects him President!

Quote of the Week

Atheism substitutes men for the Supreme Creator, and this leads inevitably to domination and dictatorship. But we believe – and it is because we believe that God intends all men to be free and equal that we demand free government. Our Government is servant, not master; our chosen representatives are our equals, not our czars or commissars. We must jealously guard our foundation in faith. For on it rests the ability of the American individual to live and thrive in this blessed land – and to be able to help other less fortunate people to achieve freedom and individual opportunity. These we take for granted, but to others they are often only a wistful dream. -- President Eisenhower, Oct. 24, 1954

Comment: Such freedoms are fast becoming a wistful dream for Americans as well. Be prepared. Remember what George Washington said: “A free people ought not only be armed and disciplined; but, they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government.” PS - Some Democrats must have read this - that explains why they are after the ammo too! It will not be a short battle - it will be another bloody civil war.

Did You Know

The last act of Congress ever signed by President Lincoln was one requiring that the motto … ‘In God we trust’ should hereafter be inscribed upon all our national coin.”

Israel has 8019 square miles - New Jersey has 8729. That means Israel is about 1/6 of 1% the size of the Arab countries trying to destroy it.

Population wise just in the Middle East the comparison is @ 5.5 million Israelis to 300 million Arabs. (This does not include Iran - which is Persian not Arabic).

Worldwide population comparison is 14 million Jews to 1.3 billion Muslims.

Number of countries by religious majority:

56 Islamic

49 Roman Catholic

20 Protestant

12 Eastern Orthodox

4 Hindu

1 Jewish

COMMENT: Satan’s work is almost done.

In the year 1140 - A group of Muslims (Damascenes) and Catholics fought together against another group of Muslims (led by the Turk Zengi - He was the first Muslim leader to use the “jihad” against the Crusaders).

In 1144 - Zengi eventually won. He closed all the Catholic churches, but he left all the native Christians in peace.

Saladin (Salah ad-Din) was not an Arab, he was a Sunni Kurd. He overthrew the Shi'ites as well as the Crusaders.

COMMENT: The Muslims have always slaughtered each other. If they ever unite even the Democrats will lose!

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