Friday, May 13, 2016

Gray Areas Increasing

Verse of the Week

Set your way of life without money-loving, being satisfied with present things;

for He has said, "Not at all will I leave you, not at all will I forsake you," never!

(Hebrews 13:5)

Thought for the Week

Last week the Thought for the Week dealt with companies that support issues against YHWH. Since this currently seems to be one of Satan's favorite methodologies I will continue here even though I will still primarily limit this to just three issues - which addresses the majority of companies and practically every government in the world today. Those three issues are: 1) do they support homosexuality, 2) do they support abortion, and 3) do they support Islam. The previous article was too short to address some of the issues that we all face in this regard. My research has shown, for example, that Starbucks is pro homosexual which is against YHWH yet it is also pro Israel which is, in essence, “pro YHWH”. Such cases may present some with a dilemma. For myself this particular case is resolved rather easily. I do not support Starbucks for two simple reasons:1) it's business practices are questionable at best, and 2) I will not abuse the blessings YHWH gives me by squandering $5 for a quarter worth of coffee.

Regretfully many such dilemmas are often not so easily dealt with. Try finding a tech company that does not support issues against YHWH. I try to use open source material if at all possible so at least I am not providing monetary support to aid the enemy – e.g Duck Duck Go not Google, Firefox not IE, Thunderbird for email, etc. Try finding an auto manufacturer, or grocery chain, or internet retailer, etc that does not support issues against YHWH. Though not impossible it is often a matter of degree.

Sometimes the item at issue is less critical to modern life but none the less presents a cause for pause for thought. Try finding a soft drink company that does not support issues against YHWH? The old “Pepsi challenge” is a perfect example of the methodology of Satan's tricks. The choices offered are Coke or Pepsi – both companies support issues against YHWH!

The list could go on ad naseum. This problem has gotten so bad that I challenge you to even find a country whose Government does not support issues against YHWH. A state. A county. A city. A public school.

Between corporate profits and Government spending being primarily focused toward furthering Satan's agendas is it any surprise Satan is winning the battle for the US? For Europe? The World?

For most folks today they have to have money to live; but, few today look closely at who profits from their labor. Are your labors going to obtain needs or wants? Spend your money and your time wisely brother and sisters. The time is drawing ever nearer to when those who worship YHWH will no longer be free to decide how they spend either. Our children are being brainwashed against YHWH, and against individual freedom and individual responsibility. Worship of YHWH has already been banned from the classroom and workplace. It is being forced out of the media and the marketplace. Worship of YHWH, like the US Constitution, is also being forced out of the alleged “Judicial” system! The US criminal justice system is more criminal than just!

We know YHWH will be there for us. Will you be there for Him? Are you prepared to face persecution? Physically? Spiritually?


A people that values its privileges above its principles soon loses both. – Dwight D. Eisenhower, former US President

COMMENT: Far too many in the US have sold their soul for secular comforts!


Anti-free speech Nazi's continue to get caught falsifying climate data! COMMENT: Other planets in our solar system appear to be getting warmer too – even National Geographic reported on this years ago. See also: – a list of things that have been touted as being “caused” by global warming. FYI -

It is not just free speech under attack in the USA. Do not count on a fair trial either: It recently came to light that yet another person was jailed with no trial (7 months and counting) - for not giving up a password! COMMENT: I guess he could not afford the lawyers that Apple has! Justice may be blind but it is not cheap!

Worse the Government is sanctioning imprisonment for failure to commit a crime when ordered to do so by a court! COMMENT: Sadly this is not the first time the courts have ruled their power is more important than the US Constitution!

How serious is the Left about eradicating YHWH and Constitutional rights in the US? Even members of minority groups they claim to represent are not safe. They attacked an individual that was both Black (who they would normally claim to protect as a victim of “white privilege”) and female (who they would normally claim to protect as a victim of the “war on women”).

As if it is not bad enough that NSA is recording everything email, text, and phone call, Big Brother is even monitoring us from power line poles in ways they refuse to reveal even when caught. COMMENT: And “private companies” are hand in glove with them – from the highest tech (e.g. Google) to supposedly old fashioned low tech - Billboards!

The US is doping children into oblivion – one third of ADHD diagnosis' are for kids under 6 years old; and, 75% are put on drugs. Even the CDC finally sees it as a problem. COMMENT: Could it be because diagnosis is based on “expert” opinion since there are no medical tests that indicate ADHD; and, it is often “cured” after a little over a half dozen visits to a shrink - by the parents! PS - The same “expert opinions” that have now made medial errors the third leading cause of death in the US. FYI - White children are far more likely to be diagnosed and drugged than any other race. Are white children more perceptive and as such do they have to be sedated to force them to quietly accept the fact they are being indoctrinated with propaganda instead of being given an education?

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