Sunday, March 13, 2016

The Nazification of the USA

The righteous falling down before the wicked is like a fouled fountain

and a ruined spring.

(Proverbs 25:26)

Once upon a time the USA was a self proclaimed bastion of freedom and a light unto the world. Yet in recent times comments have been made comparing the present conditions in the USA with both Rome near the time of her fall as well as with Germany during the rise of the Nazis. There has been much to support both comparisons but as of late it seems the Nazi comparison is gaining ground.

Though the term “politically correct” is considered a modern slogan the practice was long ago instituted with a vengeance by the Nazi regime. The German people, during the 30's, learned very quickly that to speak one's mind was becoming dangerous indeed. In the Universities as well as the workplace a person had to show a “politically correct” view or risk, progressively, being ostracized, to being barred from advancement, to being discharged, to being incarcerated. In Nazi Germany the taboos included primarily being a Jew or a communist, or befriending them, or defending them. In the present day USA the same taboo is fast falling upon those who wear the appellation of “Christian” or conservative.

The Nazi did not tolerate competition and so used propaganda, censorship, terror, etc to seize and hold power. Anyone who cannot see that the same techniques are being used by the Demokratik Party in the USA are blind – think LGBT mafia, the Black Lives Matter Movement, etc. And, no the Republicans do not seem much better these days. It almost seems the options are the SS or the SA (SEE NOTE 1)!

There is no doubt that Nazi methods are being employed, the difference is only a matter of degree and that difference is waning. Free speech is under heavy attack as is the freedom of religion AND the free exercise thereof! The sphere of personal privacy grows smaller everyday. Life is no longer sacred as evidenced by the rapid escalation of abortion and the number of citizens murdered under the guise of law. Liberty is increasingly restricted and is at the whim of the Government - consider eminent domain, asset forfeiture, etc. The pursuit of happiness has been made conditional upon compliance with government standards of what is allowed to create happiness – consider the requirement to have a permit or license for almost every activity, any of which may be denied or taken away without trial.

As far as the SS and the Gestapo are concerned remember they started out small using little things like being able to open mail, tap phones, conduct searches, make arrests, etc without court approval – even incarcerating citizens without trial. If it sounds like the Patriot Act it should – it is straight from the Nazi playbook (research Hitler's “Decree for the Protection of the People and the State”). The only things missing are official Block Wardens (semi-official informers are already operating) and concentration camps (executive legislation for this is in place).

As in Nazi Germany mere acquiescence to the party line in not enough, support is demanded on pain of a censorship which is growing increasingly punitive. Yet when the Nazis started out they knew they could never control all the adults so they placed great emphasis on the indoctrination potential of the educational systems (See NOTE 2). The educational systems of the US have for some time also focused more on social indoctrination than the acquisition of knowledge. True the goals were sometimes different but the methods are the same (i.e. the Nazis wanted kids to be pro heterosexual and pro traditional marriage and family – the Demokrats want kids to be pro homosexual and anti traditional marriage and family.) The Nazi's considered homosexuality a blight on mankind whereas the USA idealizes homosexuality to the extent that being a homosexual in the USA confers the same heightened political status that Nazi Party membership would have held in Nazi Germany.

Also, Obama has taken a page from Nazi history and is using his “I have a pen and a phone” attitude as if he was operating under a new form of the Nazi Enabling Act (or the Weimar Article 48). Sadly, the cowards in Congress continue to allow Obama to not only enact laws as he sees fit but to disregard the laws that are Constitutionally passed by Congress and or by the States. It is like seeing Hitler and the Reichsatg all over again. Folks seem to forget that Hitler and the Nazis were elected by the people (SEE NOTE 3).

Yet there are differences; one is that Hitler promised food on the table - by creating jobs for workers, while in the USA Obama and the Demokratik Party also promise food on the table – though by taxing the workers with jobs.

The bottom line to all this is that both Nazi Germany and the USA turned a blind eye to YHWH. They disregard His wisdom and act as if those who temporarily hold secular power are in fact the Supreme Authority. Believing man has evolved they go a step further and cling religiously to dogmas proclaiming their own superiority over their fellow man and thus assert a “right” to tell others how they must act, think, and live with no regard for our Creator.

If the USA cannot be brought back to YHWH it would be better that she go the way of Rome and fall to migrant hordes (also in progress) rather than become an evil Nazi-like monster that devours her own and embroils half the world in her own destruction.

NOTE 1 – The SA were the original Stormtroopers and were led by Ernst Rohm, a homosexual.

NOTE 2 – Just as the Nazis employed the Hitler Youth to push the Nazi agenda in the extracurricular activities of the next generations so too the Demokrats have ensured their agenda (e.g. pro-LGBT) is in place with the “Boy Scouts”, “Girl Scouts”, “AmeriCorps”, “Peace Corps”, and even the Military!

NOTE 3 - “Instead of working to achieve power by an armed rising, we will have to hold our noses and enter the Reichstag. If outvoting them takes longer than outshooting them, at least the result will be guaranteed by their own constitution. Sooner of later we will have a majority, and after that we shall have Germany.” (Hitler, in a letter from Prison 1924)

COMMENT: A Constitution, like the Bible, does no good if The People do not read it, learn it, follow it, and, in the case of the Constitutions of the US, enforce it – both in letter and spirit. The US Government is ignoring the Constitution and The People are allowing it!


Folks can’t seem to realize that it isn’t a smooth talker we need in there but a steady man, a man with judgment. Any medicine-show man can spout words, if they are written for him. It takes no genius to sound well. To act right and at the right time is something else again. - Louis L'Amour, Comstock Lode


65% of the subjects in the Yale University electro-shock experiments delivered what they believed were dangerously high levels of shocks to other subjects just because they were told to do so. COMMENT: For more info on how regular people can rapidly become brutal abusers research the Prison Experiment at Stanford University.

65% of German doctors became Nazi Party members.

From the Int'l Review of the Red Cross, Sept 2007: Ultimately, dehumanization allows the perpetrator to go beyond hatred and anger, and commit atrocious acts as if they were part of every day life. . . . within the larger social context of ‘‘political medicine’’, the Nazi doctors were able mentally to connect healing with their murderous actions. COMMENT: US abortion mills are creating a nation of doctors and people that are desensitized to the sacredness of human life. Consider that the US, like the Nazis, even conducts medical experiments on humans! Is the US only a step away from an American model of the Nazi Action T4 program?

More from the Int'l Review of the Red Cross: Science was bent to the service of the Nazi Party, and the new guiding spirit of Nazified psychoanalysis was employed to develop mental health treatments that aligned with the Third Reich’s racist ideology. COMMENT: Updated for the US: Science was bent to the service of the Demokratik Party, and the new guiding spirit of Demokratik psychoanalysis was employed to develop mental health treatments that aligned with the Party's racial and LGBT sexual ideologies. (e.g. consider mandated “sensitivity training” for adults and being drugged for ADHD for non-compliant children)

Just as the Nazis (and Soviets) erected great barriers against people wanting to flee the country so too the USA is doing so. The Government has increased the fees for revoking US citizenship and bans many from leaving the country entirely without massive payments first (e.g. you cannot get a passport if you are a victim of Government sanctioned kidnapping and extortion - aka you owe child support). The last thing “Globalists” want is Americans (especially “Christians”) traveling overseas – they might try spreading thoughts about “God-given” rights and freedoms!

The Nazis implemented what is known as a Totalitarian Regime. TOTALITARIANISM:

Authoritarian government that attempts to regulate every aspect of sociocultural life. COMMENT: Just like the modern US Government!

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