Saturday, October 17, 2015

Missing the mark -- Mark of the Beast?

Verse of the Week

                    This calls for wisdom: Let the one who has insight calculate the beast's number, for it is                       man's number, and his number is 666.

                    (Revelation 13:18) (NET Bible)

Thought for the Week

          If a person studies history there are a few things that tend to stand out. One of which is that mankind will never solve the problems of war, hunger, disease, etc. Another thing that stands out is that man seems to know good from evil - even if he does not refrain from evil. For example, most societies and religions condemn or prohibit murder, theft, many forms of "bearing false witness" (e.g. perjury), etc. Even respect for elders (Honor your parents), though the practice is diminishing, has been the norm in most cultures throughout history. Mankind also seems to recognize the hazards involved with jealousy and envy (coveting) - especially when it comes to maintaining family integrity (e. g. condemning adultery - see NOTE). These practices and beliefs have historically dominated most societies East and West. For most of mankind's history he has recognized a "right way" and a "wrong way" to deal with his fellow man. For many readers there is something familiar about all this - YHWH's Law.

          Man has a penchant to organize and categorize information to supposedly make study and understanding easier. Regarding YHWH's Law as per the Ten Commandments this is often done by dividing them into two categories, 1) dealing with man's relationship with God, and 2) dealing with man's relationship to his fellow man. Mankind appears to acknowledge the second section even though many do not acknowledge the source of this knowledge. It is the first section though that mankind has the most difficulty acknowledging and even more difficulty in practicing.

          Sadly, even among many so called Christians it is a popular refrain today to hear the claim that the Law is done away with and has been "nail to the cross". This even though YHWH said His Law would be forever and that it would be written on His people's hearts. Since most of the second part is written in man's law too what this boils down to is rather disturbing. These so called Christians are proclaiming they will deal with their fellow man according to their own laws - even when those laws begin to drift away from YHWH's Law and purposes. Worse, these so called Christians are also proclaiming they will not listen to YHWH's Law even in their dealings with Him.

          Yet most of these so called Christians do say it is wrong to murder, steal etc. They even say it is wrong to worship idols or Satan or to take YHWH's name in vain. At first blush it seems that these so called Christians follow the Law of YHWH despite what they claim; but, if you look closely you will find that they still ignore the only Law YHWH demanded His People remember - Keeping His Sabbath. They ignore the only Law that YHWH said would be a sign of those that are His People - Keeping His Sabbath.

          If you read some of the literature these folks hand out you will see that that proclaim if you have ever told a lie you are a liar and need Jesus. They repeat this for stealing, coveting, adultery, etc; but, one thing you will not see them proclaiming is that if you have ever profaned YHWH's Sabbath you need Jesus. These folks often say things such as, "What a wonderful world it would be if only everyone would follow Jesus' example. No more killing, or stealing, or lying." They never mention keeping the Sabbath - which Jesus always kept.

          Would Satan mind if everyone quit killing, lying and stealing? Many people are not murders, liars or thieves anyway; but, Satan hates it when people remember YHWH's Sabbath. Satan knows that keeping the Sabbath is the only law YHWH proclaimed as a sign for His people. If you keep YHWH's Sabbath it as a sign to Satan and the world you consider yourself YHWH's. If you do not keep YHWH's Sabbath then that too is a sign to Satan and to the world that you are not YHWH's.

          The seven day week, recognized worldwide by mankind, is the only division of the calendar that is not based on the cycles of the Sun or the Moon. It is also the only division of time proscribed by YHWH. Satan has six days a week for his people - Sunday thru Friday. YHWH has one day for His People, His seventh day Sabbath - aka Saturday. The mark of Satan is 666. Do you mark yourself with Satan? Are his 6 days a week in your past, his 6 days a week in your present, and his 6 days a week in your future? Are you Satan's, past, present, and future - 666?

          Or are you YHWH's? Only the 7th marks you as YHWH's.


NOTE: Biblically adultery is sex between a married woman and any man not her husband - it is not adultery for a married man to have sex with an unmarried woman.


Quote of the Week

          If Protestants would follow the Bible, they should worship God on the Sabbath day by God is Saturday. In keeping the Sunday, they are following a law of the Catholic Church. -- Chancellor Albert Smith, February 10, 1920

          The Bible says, “Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy,” but the Catholic Church says, “No, keep the first day of the week,” and the whole world bows in obedience. -- Catholic Priest T. Enright, Feb 18, 1884

          Comment: You have been warned:

                    And I heard another voice out of Heaven saying, My people, come out of her, that you may                     not share in her sins, and that you may not receive of her plagues.

                    (Revelation 18:4)

Did You Know

          In A.D. 325, Pope Sylvester officially named Sunday “the Lord’s Day”.

          In A.D. 338, Eusebius, the court bishop of Constantine, wrote, “All things whatsoever that it was the duty to do on the Sabbath (the seventh day of the week) we (Constantine, Eusebius, and other bishops) have transferred to the Lord’s Day (the first day of the week) as more appropriately belonging to it.”

          From the Augsburg Confession: They (the Catholics) allege the Sabbath changed into Sunday, the Lord’s day, contrary to the Decalogue, as it appears; neither is there any example more boasted of than the changing of the Sabbath day. Great, they say, is the power and authority of the church, since it dispensed with one of the Ten Commandments. -- Article 28

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