Sunday, September 20, 2015

Courage and Truth

Verse of the Week

                    Then Jesus said to the Jews who had believed in Him, If you continue in my Word you                           are truly my disciples and you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.

                  (John 8:31-32)

Thought for the Week

          As with so many things Jesus told us the above is too often shortened so much as to lose the heart of the matter. I have written before on the dangers of allowing the insertion of chapter and verse designations to interfere with Bible study. It seems folks forget that the original writings did not have such chapter and verse separations or even punctuation as such. In this case folks focus, to paraphrase, on know the truth and it will set you free. They miss the part that this is only true, as Jesus told us, "If you continue in my Word". Here is a part of Robertson's Word Pictures comments on the verses above, "Your future loyalty to my teaching will prove the reality of your present profession. . . . Continuance in the word (teaching) proves the sincerity or insincerity of the profession. It is the acid test of life."

          In essence only those that practice what has been taught will be given more truth. You do not teach a child to walk until they have learned to stand. If you do not obey YHWH's teaching (to stand) then He does not waste time revealing more truth to you (how to walk)! Are not His Commandments a truth offered to all (Psalms 119:151)? Does not YHWH draw near to those that call on Him in truth (obedience) (Psalms 145:18)?

          The Truth is not there just for the taking or even asking. How many times have you heard it said that YHWH hears all prayers? What do the Scriptures tell us though! We are told quite clearly that if you do not listen to YHWH's teaching (His law) He does not listen to your prayers (Proverbs 28:9). I would posit that failure to obey is the primary reason so many are blind to the deceptions of Saul of Tarsus. They think simple belief enables them to run free without following YHWH's instructions.

          YHWH's teaching is not about a simple belief or even salvation: His teaching is about how to live your entire life in a manner that pleases Him. Sadly it seems most folks put more stock in their faith in Paul. Too many follow the teachings of Paul and treat Jesus as little more than a sacrificial lamb. This is even worse if you take into account that many of these same folks also claim Jesus is God - all the while ignoring both! How anyone can place Paul above every prophet of YHWH and above YHWH's chosen Messiah would be unfathomable to me if it were not for the knowledge that they are unknowingly wearing blinders.

          These blinders are very selective too. Many of these so called "christians" preach that we should "work in harmony" with Muslims, Buddhists, and others who deny YHWH and His Messiah; but, if you deny Paul many will treat as if you are the spawn of Satan himself. Most mainstream "christians" not only fail to live YHWH's teachings but most fail to even learn or listen to them. While great effort is expended to "spread the Gospel" the gospel being spread is not the Gospel from Jesus the Christ. Practically the entire world has heard of "a gospel" but how many have heard the true Gospel?

          If you do nothing else this week, please, have the courage to reach out to someone wearing blinders. You may learn what it is truly like to try to love someone who persecutes you for Jesus' sake; but, you might also help save a soul.

Quote of the Week

          Long before morning I knew that what I was seeking to discover was a thing I'd always known. That all courage was a form of constancy. That it is always himself that the coward abandoned first. After this all other betrayals come easily. - Cormac McCarthy, All the Pretty Horses

Comment: The children of YHWH know and apply the adage of "practice what you preach". We also know that it is YHWH who supplies the strength; we are but tools in His hands.


Did You Know

          "Believe" appears less than 150 times in the entire Bible; but, "Do" appears over 2700 times. Comment: Sources HRB, LITV, YLT, and NET Bibles. The KJV search appears to show less but this is a language usage issue because the KJV also uses doth, doest, etc.


          Sir Isaac Newton, considered one of the greatest Bible scholars, wrote that he did not believe in the trinity but did not publish this writing. Why you may ask? Because back then going against the doctrine of the trinity was illegal throughout the British Empire. In 1693 a pamphlet attacking the trinity was burned by order of the House of Lords and the printer and author prosecuted. The Blasphemy Act of 1697 made it an offence to deny the trinity and could result in imprisonment without bail or worse. That same year a student was even hanged in Edinburgh, Scotland for denying the trinity. In 1711 one of Newton's friends, William HYPERLINK ""Whiston, lost his professorship at Cambridge for this reason. Comment: Even today most of mainstream "Christianity" requires adherence to the doctrine of the trinity - but not to YHWH's law or His Sabbath! -- And then I will declare to them, I never knew you; "depart from me, those working lawlessness!" (Matthew 7:23) -- Reference to Psa. 6:8


          The term "pharaoh" does not mean an Egyptian ruler. The term means "great house". Comment: Just as the term "the House of David" refers to King David's royal court so to pharaoh refers to the court of the Egyptian King. That's why you may have heard of King Tut but not Pharaoh Tut.




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