Monday, May 18, 2015

Police - a military style occupation force

Verse of the Week


And this is the judgment, that the Light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness more than the Light, for their works were evil.

(John 3:19)

Thought for the Week

I recently read a very disturbing report concerning a judge’s ruling that it is Constitutional for law enforcement agents to take over the use of your home (e.g. as a place to set up a command center or to run surveillance) anytime they want - and arrest you if you so much as verbally disagree with them or question the need. The judge ruled the Constitution only prevents the “quartering of troops” and not of law enforcement personnel. I guess the judge is too ignorant to realize that when the Constitution was written law enforcement was done by the “troops”.

Furthermore, US law enforcement agents are trained by the military and armed identical to the military - with automatic weapons, sniper rifles, body and vehicle armor, etc. The use of military equipment and tactics, by law enforcement agents, has been making headlines even in the mainstream media for quite a while. In point of fact, US law enforcement agents are better equipped with military hardware and better trained in military tactics than most of the Armies in the world.

Scarier still is that US law enforcement is allowed, by law, to apply deadly force against US citizens in a manner less restrictive than the law regulating our military personnel in combat areas in most foreign countries. Most Status of Force agreements require our troops to be fired upon before they can apply deadly force; yet, US law enforcement is under no such restriction at home. This is reflected in the fact that US law enforcement kills more American citizens every month (over 90 in the past month of April alone) than our military does enemy combatants in the War on Terror.

The Left, when it does not ignore the Constitution entirely, loves to claim the Constitution is a living document. As such they have passed many a law under the claim of constitutional penumbras. The original Founding Fathers were not even comfortable with having a standing army and certainly did not envision an army of law enforcement agents having dictatorial powers over citizens of the republic. Can anyone honestly believe the signers of the Constitution would approve of the government seizing a person’s home for use in any manner without due process - much less for the purpose of quartering an armed force for internal domestic deployment?

Law enforcement agents (e.g. in Ohio), using warrants generated by secret court proceedings, have even conducted raids on homes and informed the citizens being raided that they could not even ask why they were raided or talk to an attorney about the incident or they would be arrested for contempt of court!

For generations our troops have fought and died overseas to try to bring freedom from tyranny to others. Sadly while they were doing so their own people have slowly been being engulfed by a tyrannical government at home. Even sadder still the military is itself becoming a tool for the oppression of the people it was meant to protect.

To our troops in uniform: Your oath is first and foremost to defend the Constitution! If there is any honor left in our military then perhaps it is time to consider action at home - not to overthrow the US Government - but to restore it to the Constitutional Republic it was meant to be. Of course this is highly unlikely since the US Government has been deploying the military domestically in a manner that instills fear. - This while the country is slowly invaded because of under protected borders.

The US Military and law enforcement personnel have a lot in common. I have served in both. They were both once considered honorable professions that served, respectively, their country and their community. Now they have become the tools of tyranny.

          Americans are on track to suffer the tyranny felt by the Europeans from the Nazis and the Fascists. Ironically I posit it will do so in the 20’s and 30’s of this century just as it happened in Europe in the 20’s and 30’s of the last century.

          It has become a coin toss which will happen first: civil war, a nuclear attack, or the Second Coming. Either way the end of the US is near.

          CONSIDER: If the US were to suffer a major terrorist attack in the US it will not be the terrorists that suffer under the repercussions - it will be the American people. The Government is already poised to declare martial law, suspend the Constitution, and nationalize all major industries (food, energy, communication, etc). Look at history folks - did the SS or the Gestapo suffer the privations of the average German citizen? - Of course not. The Government will provide first and foremost for itself - including the military and law enforcement agents it uses to enforce its will. They call it Continuity of Government - I call that a euphemism for tyranny.

Quote of the Week

The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, I'm from the government and I'm here to help.  - Ronald Reagan

Comment: I doubt Reagan realized how prophetic his comment would turn out to be.


Did You Know

          The States that ceded from the Union in the 1860’s had the Constitutional right to do so. That is why the States that were conquered by the US called it The War of Northern Aggression. COMMENT: The next domestic conflict in the US will be a true Civil War.

Studies estimate 10,000 innocent Americans are convicted each year in the US

I have mentioned before that US Prison System is big business. So big in fact even Judges are making money off of it.

There have been over 500 documented cases in which a person was killed by police with Tasers.

Here is a CATO map of US police raids gone wrong. COMMENT: These incidents include deaths for “suspects”, as well as unrelated bystanders, by Government sanctioned forces - in other countries they are called death squads - in the US they are called SWAT teams. No matter what name you call them their goal, and the results of their actions, are same - comply with the Government’s wishes or risk death or imprisonment.


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