Sunday, June 8, 2014

Abortion of the USA

I recently watched a TV program, presented on TBN, called Babies Are Murdered Here. Everyone,  American or not, should see the film - it is free online.

You shall not murder.

(Exodus 20:13 and Deuteronomy 5:17)

About 25 times the Bible speaks of a “woman with child”. These verses range from how a child grows inside the womb (Ecclesiastes 11:5) to several specifying the horrific act of ripping apart a woman with child. We see how serious a child’s life is in Exodus 21:22: just causing a woman to deliver a child prematurely is grounds for punishment - even if the child is born unharmed and healthy! It is a crime just to endanger the life of an unborn child in such a manner! And, if a person causes an unborn child to die then the person causing the death of the unborn child is to be killed! (Exodus 21:23) These Scriptures are again reflected in the New Testament era in the teachings of the Apostles (Didache 2:2). Why are we allowing this slaughter?

Hear Me, those knowing righteousness, the people with My Law in their heart; do not fear the scorn of man; and, never fear their abuse.

(Isaiah 51:7)

          The USA often acts as if it is “the”, or at least “a”, world leader. In such a role the USA has utterly failed. The USA is no longer “the land of the free and the home of the brave”. Rather the USA has become a land of murderers of innocents and the home of cowards too afraid to stand up for themselves. Americans no longer protect their children, born or unborn. The ones we do not kill we let the Government educate in the ways of Satan. It should surprise no one that the USA is on a downward path. Cowards and tyrants always fail in the end.

Hear, O earth! I will bring evil on this people, the fruit of their thoughts. For they have not listened to My Words, My Law; but rejected it.

(Jeremiah 6:19)

          I spent twelve years in the Armed Forces of the USA “defending freedom”. Sadly those freedoms have been lost to my own government. Why were these right lost? Is it because too many Americans no longer have the courage to stand up for what they believe, or do too many believe in the ways of Satan, or both? Either way the America I used to know and love is dying a slow and painful death. The Muslim need not fear us - we are destroying ourselves from within. It is just a matter of time - unless we begin to fight back!

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