Saturday, October 18, 2014

Paganism Redux


For certain men stole in, those of old having been written before to this judgment, ungodly ones perverting the grace of our God into unbridled evil, and denying the only Lord God, and our Master - Jesus Christ.

(Jude 1:4)

          It seems the more time passes since Jesus was here in the flesh the more the people and Nations of the world war against what He taught - first and foremost that nothing is above YHWH and His Laws (that includes the US Government!). These wars have been legion. The wars began against pagans. Then the war with the perversion called Catholicism came; and, that has dragged on for millennia and continues to do so. Next, the war with the Sword of Islam that has raged for centuries without end; and, there is no end in sight. The more recent war against godless communism seems to be waning; but, it is not yet over. Last but not least is the worldwide war now being led by the US Government - a war which, for lack of a better term, I call Paganism Redux. We have come full circle with little to show for it.

          I concede that to lay Paganism Redux at the feet of the US Government may seem a stretch but consider a few things. First, consumerism and commercialism runs rampant worldwide due to US consumption and the envy it causes. The US Government both promotes and condemns this at the same time - worldwide. It squashes the freedoms of its own people (and their businesses) while handing cash out left and right worldwide - as long as the recipients are not “Christian”.

          The US supports both Israel and those who want to wipe Israel off the face of the Earth - e.g. the Palestinians. While at war with Islamic terrorists the US turned its back on Egypt for going against the Muslim Brotherhood! It supports other African nations whole heartedly but only if they adopt sexual standards approved of by the Department of LGBT. The US Government will support anybody except those seeking freedom to love and obey YHWH - then it is in attack mode. Hence the US Government leads the enemy troops of Paganism Redux.

Also, among the few that do not chase the almighty dollar is a growing group of folks that are more concerned with the created than they are the Creator. Some of these folks not only place nature over YHWH but seem to despise the only thing created in His image - mankind. They seem as bipolar as the US Government which promotes discord by such actions as banning smoking while paying farm subsidies to tobacco growers.

It is sad enough that the US Government has been stripping its own citizens of their God given rights; yet, it is worse that it is using its unholy power to try to enforce the new immorality on the entire world. The Superpower is Super Evil!

Mankind has become technologically advanced, morally retarded, and spiritually stagnant. Love for YHWH is rarer than gold and the US Government wants to take worldwide control of who can possess either of them - and how much they can have. Ironically, gold has become more common than “common sense” - especially among US Government officials. More examples abound but space and time limit the discourse.

The US Government would do well to remember that the Constitution was not written to give people or States their rights but to restrict the powers of the US Government. Go too far and it will be interesting to see which happens first - the Second Coming of Christ or the Third American Revolution.

PS - The States are 1-1. They won against the tyrants of the British Empire in the 1700’s. They lost to the tyrants of the US Government in the 1800’s (The War of Northern Aggression, also called the Civil War or The War Between the States, which was the Second American Revolution and the people lost. -- No I am not pro-slavery. I am pro-State’s Rights and pro-God Given Rights of the People!



Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. - Thomas Jefferson

COMMENT: We have the right to believe what we want - even from YHWH. YHWH does not want robotic minions who offer obedience but not love. We have a God given right (and duty) to preach and teach YHWH’s way to others; and, this is protected by TWO Constitutional rights as well as - the right to free speech and the right to the free expression of religion. But, we do not have the right to force others or their children to abide, condone, accept or support any belief - nor they us. Yet the US Government is forcing just that. Party A can teach the Koran in public schools (under the guise of “cultural diversity!); but, Party B cannot teach the Bible. Party A can use the public schools to teach the Theory of Evolution but Party B cannot teach the Theory of Creation or the Theory of Intelligent Design; yet, the Constitution says we have the right to the free speech and the free expression of religion. Another example: YHWH says homosexuality is wrong; but, the US Government Department of LGBT has banned our Constitutional rights in favor of sexual immorality. This allows Party A to use the public schools to teach our children homosexuality is good but Party B cannot use the public schools to teach our children homosexuality is bad. The people and the Constitution have been betrayed yet again. A call to account is coming . . . from within and from above . . . are you ready?

NOTE: The Koran also teaches homosexuality is wrong - I guess they leave that part out at school!


The Catholic Church changed the Ten Commandments (as given to Moses). Research it or write for more detail (hint - it concerns Mary worship and Idolatry).

          Even before there were any Jews, or the written “Ten Commandments”, YHWH’s laws, rules, precepts, etc. were known to His people. (See below as well as article Lie #2)

          The vast majority of the people of the world adhere to religions that have a holy book condemning homosexuality - Christianity, Catholicism, and Judaism all have the Old Testament and Islam has the Koran. (And yet the US Government is still forcing the LGBT agenda down the throats of its own people and blackmailing other nations to accept it as a condition of US foreign aid!)

Many Jewish scholars believe the “Noahide laws”, which apply to all mankind, are comprised of six commandments which were given to Adam in the Garden of Eden (according to the Talmud's interpretation of Genesis 2:16) and a seventh precept was added after the commonly called “Flood of Noah”. Others believe the last two precepts were added after the Flood since Adam did not originally eat meat. You will find some variation in the interpretation of these precepts since they are not “spelled out” as clearly as the Ten Commandments and are often thought to be broader in scope - often combining several other more specific laws. The seven precepts are:

1.   Acknowledge YHWH - The prohibition against denying YHWH is the Creator and the Supreme Being.

2.   Respect YHWH - The prohibition against worshipping anything or anyone but YHWH. This includes not taking his name in vain, not worshipping idols, remembering His Sabbath, etc.

3.   The prohibition against murder.

4.   The prohibition against theft.

5.   The prohibition against sexual immorality. This includes incestuous, adulterous, bestial or homosexual relationships.

6.   The prohibition of eating flesh taken from an animal while it is still alive.

7.   The requirement of maintaining courts to administer justice.

COMMENT: Please note that the seventh precept concerns a subject not covered by the Ten Commandments - it concerns governance. This is yet another example of Paul’s failure to adhere to the ways of YHWH - Paul, as a false teacher, taught that YHWH’s Laws were done away with but obedience to man’s laws was required. The truth is that YHWH’s Laws - as Jesus told us - will not change until Heaven and Earth have passed away. Man’s laws are only valid if they comply with the Laws of YHWH.

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