Sunday, October 26, 2014

Of Sirens and Swans - the Downfall of the US?


          There is a difference between providing an environment conducive to a people’s welfare and providing people with welfare. The first promotes freedom and independence while the second encourages sloth and dependence. The first was the intended result of the framers of the US Constitution; the second is becoming the result.

          There was a time when the character of the US reflected a more “Christian” disposition and the US was considered by many to be a beacon of light guiding all towards freedom. This freedom is important because it allows for the children of YHWH to more openly and actively spread the light of the gospel; and, as children of YHWH we are commanded to be a light unto the world.

          The US, once a lighthouse indicating a safe passage towards freedom, has become a home of Sirens. Worse still is that the US Government, as a Superpower unto itself, is trying to force all nations to join in its Siren song. A nation once singing “Amazing Grace” is becoming an amazing disgrace.

          This tragedy did not occur overnight - the corruption was as incremental as it was insidious. It will not be corrected overnight - with or with revolution and bloodshed. We have a duty to our fellow man to try to prevent bloodshed and as such we must strive, like our forefathers, to change the course of history once again. It will not be easy to restore our freedoms and we may not succeed. We war against more than Governments; we war against the very powers of Hell and failure is the historical norm.

          The US was not great because her Government won the fight for freedom against tyranny. She was great because her people fought for freedom and against tyranny. The US Government need not be the world’s policeman or even its big brother. The US Government need not be the people’s nanny. To be great the US Government need only to return to its humble beginnings as a ray of freedom in a world dark with tyranny.

They say a light bulb is brightest before it burns out. Is that to be the true legacy of the so called “greatest generation” of Americans? Has the swan song of freedom been sung while being drowned out and replaced by the Siren song of the US Government?

History is replete with places associated with battles in the fight for freedom - from Thermopylae to the Alamo. Is this how America is to be remembered? I doubt it; those names are associated with people who fought to the death for freedom - not with sheeple who willing surrendered their freedom in exchange for handouts. The US will be remembered more like Rome - a republic turned tyrannical superpower that died from self-flagellation.


The duty of a Patriot is to protect his country from its government. - Thomas Paine

COMMENT: Our primary duty is to love YHWH above all else (Matthew 22:37, Luke 10:27, Mark 12:30). Our second duty is to love others (Matthew 22:39, Luke 10:27, Mark 12:31). The fulfillment of this second duty melds perfectly with the sentiments expressed by Thomas Paine. In loving our fellow man we must always place people above institutions. It is inevitable that all manmade things will begin to degrade with the passage of time. Institutions, like machines, must periodically have the tarnish of time removed. The erosion of age must be eradicated or functionality will suffer. The primary duty of the US Government is the application of the US Constitution. With the passage of time the fulfillment of this duty by the US Government has degraded and this loss of functionality is reflected in the loss of freedoms by the people of the US. Service to YHWH includes service to our fellow man - no matter what the cost. Are you stepping up or lying down?


There are whole books written based on comparisons between the fall of Rome and the current state of the US. Regarding the fall of Rome here are just a couple of things that most historians all agree on to take note of:

Among the primary reasons given are political corruption and antagonism between the Senate and the Emperors. -- VS. -- Today in the US we see the corrupt influence of special interest groups far outweigh their numbers (e.g. the LGBT Mafia). Also, Obama has been quite clear that his phone and pen are more important than cooperation with Congress - as have his henchmen such as Holder, Lerner, etc.

Another is related to immigration:

“Roman government allowed uncontrolled hostile immigration to dissolve the fabric of their civilization. Illegal and legal Immigrants grew more powerful while exercising their own character of their cultures. They did not adopt Roman ways. Second, vast blocks of once Roman lands became foreign held and even the Roman population, once outnumbered, was no match for hostile immigrants.” (Reference: “The Fall of the Roman Empire: A New History of Rome and Barbarians” -- Peter Heather) -- VS. -- Obama and his ilk are purposely flooding the US with immigrants who, while thankful for the handouts, have no allegiance to the US, its customs, institutions, or people. The US Government, instead of providing an environment conducive to its citizen’s welfare, is focused on providing welfare for immigrants - legal and illegal.

The list could go on ad naseum but the fall of Rome is only one example of “national failure” so we can and should broaden our perspective. Results of studies conducted on the influence of domestic behavior on the decline of civilizations/empires: The loss of the traditional meaning of the marriage ceremony, increasing interest in and spread of sexual perversions and sex-related crimes, a growing desire for and acceptance of adultery, the rise of Feminism, increased public disrespect for parents and authority in general, acceleration of juvenile delinquency, promiscuity and rebellion, refusal of people with traditional marriages to accept their family responsibilities. (Reference: “Family and Civilization” -- Dr. Carl Zimmerman)

COMMENTS: Zimmerman conducted his research circa 1947! The mores of 1947 were tame compared to the current situation in the US. Acceptance of such practices was far from the norm and a far cry from the current era. Today such practices are not only common place but many are enforced as law by the US Department of LGBT. The US Government, by enforcing the LGBT agenda, is denying States their Constitutional rights. The US Government not only enforces compliance with such immorality on its citizens but tries to do so worldwide - through blackmail via requirements to qualify for foreign aid. In a time when the US State Department fails to dedicate the time and money to protect its own people overseas it has the time and resources to sponsor and hold LGBT pride parades at US embassies the world over!

Is this the legacy you want to leave your children? Courage or cowardice - it’s your move! YHWH will demand an accounting from those who fail to stand for Him - believers included!


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