Sunday, October 5, 2014

Immigration Abomination in Obama nation

SEP 28, 2014 Posting




          The Chinese have a saying, “May you live in interesting times”. This can be a blessing or a curse. Either way few can deny that the era we are living in is one of rapid and not so subtle changes. The US continues to become a more divided nation over many issues of which immigration is but one. It is a challenging issue.

          When the issue of immigration comes up it seems a lot of effort intentionally goes into keeping the turmoil centered on illegal immigration; and, this diverts attention away from an equally dangerous facet of the subject - the legal immigrants.

          Under the Obama administration the entire picture has been changing with little notice. It is more than a matter of “from where” and “how many”. Folks from around the globe have been risking life and limb for centuries just for the chance to participate in the “American way of life”. There are still many who do so - legal and illegally. However, under the Obama Administration the math alone does not reveal the dangerous agenda that has been being carried out. It is also a matter of who, what, why and how they are coming here.

          Illegal immigrants may not be the greatest danger in the long run even though it is troubling that an increasing number of the illegals coming here are perpetrating other nefarious acts as well - purposely or under duress from the cartels. The greater danger is from the legal immigrants that have no desire to be “American”. That is the “who” that is literally infiltrating the US.

          Increasingly the majority of legal immigrants are Muslims - not just from the Middle East but from Asia and Africa as well. That is the “what” that is infiltrating the US.

          Increasingly the majority of these legal immigrants have no desire to be “Americans” but; rather, they desire to change the fabric of the US to that of a Muslim nation. Gone are the days of an influx of immigrants all seeking a “better way of life”. The new immigrants do not want to be remade in the image of an American. No, they want to remake America in their image. The media would have us believe they are coming here to escape repressive regimes that enforce draconian sharia laws; yet, in every area where these legal immigrants form a concentrated population we see lawsuits and court actions reflecting a push to employ sharia law over “American” civil and criminal laws based on the Constitution. They are covertly using words, money, and political influence to take over the US from within while their more radical Muslim brethren employ overt warfare against the US as well. That is the “why” that is literally flooding the US.

The communist of the Soviet era believed they could destroy the West from within by selling the capitalistic West the rope to hang itself - they tried a few generations too soon. The Muslims seem to be employing perfect timing. Though to be fair to the Communists they did not have the full backing and support of the Obama Administration the way the Muslims do. Perhaps that is why Putin is pushing Russian expansion now while the US has no leadership.

          Last but not least is the “how” that is flooding the US. Herein the greatest danger festers in the shadows while debate rages over “illegal immigration”. Many of these new immigrants are not so much trying to reach the US but rather they are being selected to be brought here by the Administration under the guise of “refugee status”. Compare the total number of Christian refugees allowed to enter the US from Sudan with the number of Muslim refugees being brought over on a monthly basis from Somalia. Can anyone tell me the last time a Sudanese Christian killed a US citizen just for being an “American”? As a veteran that was in Somalia I will never forget the Somali Muslims that killed our men and paraded the bodies through the streets!

          Illegal immigration is dangerous - it is as if the US is about to founder yet continues to ignore the steady seep of incoming water. To make matters worse the water trickling in may very well be contaminated to the point that even arresting the flow will not remove the danger of catastrophe. Yet even without illegal immigration the ship will eventually sink if the parameters of legal immigration do not change. Recent legal immigration is a creating an incremental and insidious erosion of the glue that makes America American - the Constitution and the Christian values that support it.


PS - Regardless of a piece of paper (or lack thereof) Obama, if he is an American, is a traitor! By law he has committed treason by supplying money and weapons to organizations on the list of terrorist organizations - a feat which has landed many in jail during peace time. Obama should not be assassinated or impeached: As Commander in Chief he should be legally executed by a military firing squad for committing treason during wartime.



          “What constitutes an American? Not color nor race nor religion. Not the pedigree of his family nor the place of his birth. Not the coincidence of his citizenship. Not his social status nor his bank account. Not his trade nor his profession. An American is one who loves justice and believes in the dignity of man. An American is one who will fight for his freedom and that of his neighbor. An American is one who will sacrifice property, ease and security in order that he and his children may retain the rights of free men. An American is one in whose heart is engraved the immortal second sentence of the Declaration of Independence.”
― Harold Ickes


COMMENT: I live in Arizona so see the damage being done to the US everyday by illegal immigration. That said I have also personally travel to over forty different countries, including Somalia, and would take an illegal from south of the border over a Muslim Somali any day. It is insane that the US is purposely flooding its own cities (Minneapolis, etc. for the Somalis) with legal immigrants that, for the most part, would love to see the US converted to an Islamic State. At least most of the illegals from down south come to the US searching for the “American Dream” and not as a people that despise the US in general.




Iraq, Iran, Eritrea and Somalia all rank in the top ten as nations of origin for overall US immigration for almost every year Obama has been in power. Number wise Iraqis and Somalis are #2 and #3 respectively for the last decade!

Since Obama took over the number of Muslims from Africa, compared to other regions, has increased 300%.

Almost 2/3’s of the total US Muslim population is comprised of immigrants entering under the Obama Administration.

Since Obama took power annual legal immigrants from the Middle East outnumber those from Central America.

PS - The second sentence of the Declaration of Independence is: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

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