Sunday, September 6, 2015

The Enforcement of Evil

Verse of the Week

                  For YAHWEH, to do righteousness and justice is
                 to be chosen more than sacrifice.
                  (Proverbs 21:3)

Thought for the Week

I whole heartedly support a legal system for the administration of justice. Regretfully the US legal system is more focused on “law” than it is justice. Just as bad is the fact that the legal system also continues to increasingly ignore the Constitution which is the very foundation of US law and the US legal system. The US Department of Justice no longer operates legally or with justice. Not only have they blinded Lady Justice they have bound and gagged her as well!

It is not difficult to understand why the left wing liberals of the DOJ hate the Constitution so much. Legally it is an obstacle for them on their march toward the creation of a totalitarian state. But the hatred goes much deeper. The Constitution, as a legal document, is based on English Common Law. In turn English Common Law is largely based upon the Bible and Mosaic Law.

The DOJ, along with the rest of the US Government (regretfully even the DOD is guilty here as well), is dominated by left wing liberals - aka democrats and RINO’s. These left wing liberals are succeeding in making the US into a socialist nation. Their agenda is one of national socialism. For those that need a reminder for why that term may sound familiar it is because National Socialism is often abbreviated as NAZI.

The strange part is that the German version of national socialism was seen as right wing extremism whereas the US version is from a left wing extremist perspective. It is this irony that makes America’s descent into tyranny a perfect illustration of politics making for strange bedfellows. The left despises law enforce officers yet cannot achieve their goal of total control without them. Conversely most law enforcement personnel have historically been more conservative and right leaning.

Why is this important? Because if US law enforcement personnel were to uniformly honor their oaths to the Constitution then the left could never gain domination. Sadly, as things stand, too many US law enforcement personnel are uniformly ignoring their oaths and are abandoning all honor for the sake of “just following orders”. This too should sound familiar. It was a common refrain used by Nazi war criminals to explain away their guilt. History is repeating itself.

By design the US Supreme Court has no enforcement capability. Just because the Federal Government is betraying the Constitution, the States, and the People does not mean state and local law enforcement personnel are relieved of their duty to the people.

We must call upon all law enforcement personnel to decide where they stand. Will they uphold their honor and their oaths by standing with the people? Or will they do as the Nazi Gestapo did and “protect and serve” the tyrants. US law enforcement personnel must know that if they earn the people’s respect it will be given; but, if they serve the tyrant they will earn and deserve not only condemnation by the people but damnation by YHWH as well.

          Every street cop knows that the ultimate power resides in their hands. The courts can issue all the writs and warrants they like but it is meaningless unless the cop on the street enforces it. Legislatures can write all the laws they like but it is meaningless unless the cop on the street enforces it. America will soon learn what kind of men and women they have entrusted with badge and weapon. Are they men and women of honor deserving of respect or are they merely petty tyrants themselves knowing neither honor nor shame? Are they just an American version of the Gestapo and deserving of the same punishment? Ask every cop you know or meet, maybe we can still save this country. Better a revolt than civil war.

NOTE: As a former law enforcement officer I am not hopeful for the future of freedom in America.


Quote of the Week

If the machine of government is of such a nature that it requires you to be the agent of injustice to another, then, I say, break the law. -- Henry David Thoreau

Comment: As the children of YHWH we are duty bound to interact with others according to justice as defined by YHWH. We must not strive for righteousness only for ourselves: Biblical love requires we try to aid even our enemies in achieving righteousness.


                                                                      Did You Know


QUESTION: What Pope was exhumed and tried after his death?

ANSWER: Pope Formosus. In what is now known as the Cadaver Synod, Pope Stephen VI had his predecessor Formosus dug up, dressed in papal robes, and placed on trial. The corpse was found guilty on all charges and all his papal acts were voided. For good measure Pope Stephen then had the three “blessing fingers” on Formosus’ right hand chopped off.


QUESTION: Can a man and a woman get a divorce if they do not enjoy sex together?

ANSWER: Pope Innocent III (1198-1216) said yes if the sex was poor due to genital size.


          QUESTION: What revered saint and icon of the Catholic Church said, “Prostitution is a necessary condition of morality” and that “If you put down prostitution, license and pleasure will corrupt society”?  

ANSWER: St. Augustine


          QUESTION: Do women have souls?

ANSWER: The Council of Macon in 585 A.D. decided, by one vote, that women were human and had souls.


QUESTION: What revered saint and icon of the Catholic Church was killed after being caught in “flagrante delicto” by the husband whose wife he was committing adultery with?

ANSWER: 10th-century Pope John XII.


QUESTION: What important position did Joan Anglicus once occupy in the Catholic Church?

 ANSWER: Some claim she was its Pope from 853 to 855 A.D. when Joan posed as “John”. But then Pope John got pregnant.


PS: The Abridged New Testament (without the writings of Paul but with the OGM, the Didache, & Study Guides) project will soon start the final edit stage. I just ordered print proofs.

I will still continue to work on my next project too: A How-to Manual for a Christian Underground.

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