Sunday, September 13, 2015

Beginnings and Endings?

Verse of the Week

                  The righteous falling down before the wicked is like a fouled fountain and a ruined spring.
                  (Proverbs 25:26)

Thought for the Week

          It seems it would be safe to say that almost every age since the time of Jesus has thought they would be the one to see his second coming. Sometimes this belief was based on faulty numerical calculations but more often than not it seems a sense of widespread evil and calamity gave rise to the belief, if not hope, that the end was near. Now too is such a time.

          The media is chock full of folks touting the end is near and even though it is an old song it may behoove us to examine what, if anything, makes this generation different from those that came before. It does not take a bible scholar to see that a key prophecy relating to Israel did not come to pass until the middle of the last century. That single issue separates recent generations from all who "cried wolf" in times gone by.

          Next I would point to Jesus' own words regarding the times being "as the days of Noah". It is safe to say that never before has the world seen homosexuality as widespread as today. Never before has homosexuality had a superpower forcing its acceptance on a world-wide basis. For those that would point to Rome they should remember that Rome actually had very little influence on the world outside of the "West". Rome never influenced the majority of Asia or Africa and none of the Americas. The US, on the other hand, is influencing the entire world - and it is doing so in a very evil manner.

The US is becoming the world's biggest hypocrite as nations go; and, it is paying a price for this evil and hypocrisy. The US itself is dying because of this evil and because the people of the US, as a whole, no longer have the courage to stand up against evil. Europe is experiencing the same catastrophe and for many of the same reasons.

As nation-states weaken and the UN grows stronger we draw closer to the potential for the "one world government" envisioned by many referred to in Revelation. We also see that Islam is rapidly expanding on a global scale - second only to humanism (not Christianity). Ironically we also see resurgence in the number of folks turning away from the false doctrines of many so called Christian churches and seeking the true path to life as set forth by YHWH.

Only YHWH knows when He will send His Son again. At this point all we can do is serve the best we can. We must keep our faith and spread the knowledge that salvation is from YHWH only and was never achievable by a manmade government. In times past there may have been at least one place in the world the children of YHWH were free to worship Him in peace. I know of no such place in the world today. Only Israel offers that freedom to its citizens but with most of the world seeking the destruction of Israel one could hardly say Israel can worship in peace.

The US, once a bastion of freedom for the worship of YHWH, has now joined the world in persecuting the children of YHWH. The US has indeed become a wellspring of corruption and is polluting the world. If Jesus does not come soon the end of the US will.  The US will pay for the evil it is forcing upon its people and the world. The wrath of YHWH against the US is coming soon - whether by the hand of Jesus or the hand of man. Are you ready?

The one testifying these things says, Yes, I am coming quickly. Amen. Yes, come, Lord Jesus!

(Revelation 22:20)


Quote of the Week

There is nothing more difficult to plan, more doubtful of success, more dangerous to manage, than the creation of a new system. -- Niccolo Machiavelli

Comment: The new system of government created at the founding of the US is, after just a historically brief blip on the radar of time, coming to an end. Hopefully, for our children’s sake, our Lord will come quickly.

                                                                      Did You Know

          Saul of Tarsus and Herod were Jewish by affiliation, not by blood. In Herod's case his grandfather had converted to Judaism. Herod was only the king of the Jews because the Romans appointed him as such. Herod even had a temple built to a roman “god”. Herod was a killer thru and thru, even before the murder of the innocents. He had his wife tried and executed. He had three of his own sons executed, and it is believed he had a high priest, whom he had himself appointed, drowned because he got too popular.

          Habiru: a term from between 1800 BC and 1100 BC, sometimes translated as wanderer, is believed by some to be the name for the people who later became known as Hebrews.

If ever one wanted proof YHWH is color blind consider that there are more Nations in Africa fighting against the scourge of homosexuality than there are States in the US with the courage to wage the same fight. Loading Preview

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