Verse of the Week
The king is not saved by great force;
a mighty man is not saved by great strength.
(Psalms 33:16)
Thought for the Week
am guessing this past week was an anniversary for the original movie Star Wars
because I saw a lot of advertising regarding the movie's main catch phrase,
"May the Force be with you". This seems rather apt timing since we
are now seeing that even the US, an alleged bastion of religious freedom, is
now using an elevated level of force to punish Christians for their religious
is indeed sad to see that a clearly defined and expressed Constitutional right
to the "freedom of religion AND
the expression thereof" has been supplanted by an alleged
"right" to socially benefit from being a part of a homosexual pairing
- a "right" that is not defined or expressed in the Constitution or
any logical penumbra thereof. Further, the US Government is wasting no time
using incarceration to enforce its evil will upon the People. Politicians and
law enforcement personnel that swore an oath to uphold the Constitution are now
using the power of their offices to dismantle the document instead. Clearly a force
is with these evils minions of Satan and that evil force is aimed at the
destruction of the children of YHWH. The US Government is waging its own
"War of Terror" on Christians just as surely as ISIS is - even if the
methodologies differ - so far. (At least
ISIS does not try to force Christians to support homosexual sin against YHWH!)
things get progressively worse we need to ensure that our focus remains where
it should be - on service to YHWH and not on our own individual or collective
freedoms or comforts. Jesus himself deftly avoided being captured and
persecuted until his mission to establish a permanent cadre to spread the
Gospel was achieved. Only then did he allow himself to be captured and make the
ultimate sacrifice for us. No matter what the world does to us we too have this
duty - to continue to serve YHWH and spread the gospel until we die.
pagans and politicians have only evil and their own pathetic exertions to rely
on. The children of YHWH have the greatest Force in the Universe to rely on -
the Holy Spirit of YHWH. At the same time though the children of YHWH know that
just as Jesus was persecuted so too will we be treated - even unto death. It is
our duty to work to protect and project not our lives or our will but our faith
and YHWH's will. We, each of us individually, must balance our actions with the
knowledge that even while enduring the heartache of a losing battle in the US we
will be on the side of victory at wars end.
must stand together to serve and preserve His church no matter what rulings are
made by man-made governments (AKA tyrants): Even as we are treated as the lowly
nail, being pounded to its fullest extent, because it is the lowly nail which
binds the frame of a house together. Our house is not built upon on, or
dependent on, the sands of man and time: It is built on the eternal Rock of
YHWH. And Uncle Sam, like ISIS, can huff and puff all it wants - they cannot
blow this house down!
His Truth brothers & sisters - if not with a shout from the rooftops then
at least with a whisper in the cellars. Never surrender the Sword of our Lord.
Uncle Sam cannot take it - not even from your cold dead hands - if you have
already shared it with the heart of another.
Quote of the Week
Be like the
cliff against which the waves continually break; but it stands firm and tames
the fury of the water around it.
- Marcus Aurelius, Meditations
Comment: The world is awash in a sea of evil and the waves are increasing in
size, intensity, and tempo. Is your life built on the shifting sands of man which
wash away with the tide or on the timeless Rock of YHWH?
Did You Know
"Science" tells us it
is a basic Law of Nature that for every action there is an equal and opposite
reaction. Comment: Why fight nature?
Whatever amount of effort "they" act with to silence you put as much
effort into an equal and opposite reaction: Speak Out!
recognizes four forces interacting in our world:
1. Gravity - This force acts between all mass in the existence. It has
infinite range of influence.
2. Electromagnetic - This force acts between electrically charged
particles. Electricity, magnetism, and even light are all produced by this
force. It too has infinite range.
3. The Strong Force - This force binds neutrons and protons together
in the cores of atoms. It has a short range of influence.
4. Weak Force - This force causes Beta decay (the conversion of a
neutron to a proton, an electron and an antineutrino). Some particles (the
"strange" ones) are formed by strong interactions but decay via weak
interactions (that's what's strange about "strangeness"). Like the
strong force, the weak force is short range.
Note: Science has yet
to offer an intelligent theory to explain all four forces. The weak and
electromagnetic interactions have been" unified" under electroweak
theory. Theories have been put forth in an attempt to treat both strong and
electroweak interactions under the same mathematical structure; but, all
attempts at a Grand Unification Theory to include gravitation are acknowledged
as complete failures. Comment: Gravity
has been known to and used by man the longest of the four forces yet it still
defies explanation. Gravity seems to defy science even as science relearns it
cannot defy gravity.