Verse of the Week
Woe to you, scribes and
Pharisees, hypocrites! For you pay tithes of mint and dill and cumin, and you
have left aside the weightier matters of the Law - judgment, and mercy, and
faith. And these things were necessary for you to have done and these things
you should not have forgotten.
(Matthew 23:23)
Thought for the Week
If there is no God there are no God given rights. Aside from man,
do any animals grant rights to other animals? In Nature there is no right to
shelter or food. The strong take what they want and the weak accept whatever is
left. In nature it is kill or be killed for most. Those that do not kill to
live learn to run and/or hide - every minute of every day for their entire
Without a Creator “might makes right”, and the golden rule becomes
“he who has the gold makes the rules”. Without a Creator all laws are based
upon one law, the “law of the jungle”. All governments, no matter how benign,
rule by threat of force. No animal uses prisons the way man does. Did YHWH ever
decree a prison sentence for a crime?
Governments and bodies of laws are “social contracts”: Contracts
which we are born under without, in most cases today, the ability to reject the
contract. This is not unique to such countries as the USSR. Even the US refuses
to allow many people to leave by refusing to issue a passport. Get caught
trying to illegally enter and you may get educated, housed and fed for free.
Try to escape and get caught and you will go straight to prison. Governments
hate “lone wolves” from their own pack. They want herd animals - sheeple. The
Government demands it be the alpha.
If there is no Creator then the ultimate power resides in the
government. Is it any wonder governments either claim God does not exist or
that they are acting with His approval? But YHWH does exist and it is to Him
only that we owe allegiance. The false apostle Paul revealed his true colors
when he claimed we do not need to obey the laws of YHWH but only the laws of
man. The children of YHWH are under an obligation to do just the opposite. The midwives of Exodus 1:17 obeyed YHWH rather than king
of Egypt (pharaoh). So too did Shadrach,
Meshach, and Abednego ignore the king in Daniel 3:12. In Acts 4:19 Peter and John ignored the
threats of the Sanhedrin and later again reminded us in Acts 5:29 that YHWH must be obeyed rather than men. (Note that when
the false apostle Paul was threatened by the Sanhedrin he appealed not to YHWH
for protection but to the Romans!)
Few folks understand the true meaning behind Jesus’ statement
regarding rendering to Caesar that which is Caesar’s. At that time, under
Jewish custom, the coinage used acknowledged who the Jews accepted as the
“ruler” of the country. Jesus had been asked if the Jews should pay tribute to
Caesar. He replied by asking who’s image was on the coin. They knew what that
meant. When Jesus said to render to Caesar that which is Caesar’s he was not
telling us we must obey government officials. He was reminding the Jews that
they had already submitted to Roman rule and were suffering the consequences
(SEE NOTE). If Caesar wanted “his” money back then they should give it to him. He
then reiterated the need to render to God that which is God’s because the Jews
were more submissive to Rome than they were to YHWH. In addition to the
failures Jesus pointed out in the verse above the Jews later even declared that
they had no king but Caesar (John 19:15).
This is a key reason for Jesus’ comment about trying to serving two masters (Matthew 6:24)! In their zeal for Rome
they omitted not just Jesus but YHWH as well!
When people allow their government to ignore YHWH’s laws without
fighting back they are implicitly accepting a “social contract” which shows
they accept Government authority over YHWH’s authority. That is why YHWH
punishes entire nations and not just individuals.
Man is not just another animal; and, no earthly Government is the
supreme authority. Will you stand up for YHWH and suffer the earthly
consequences now or will you remain a sheeple and pay for it with your very
NOTE: One of the first
things the Jews did in the Jewish Revolt (War of 66-73) was to mint their own
coins to show who ruled. (Reference Tacitus’ Histories)
Quote of the Week
I am only one, but still I am one.
I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do
everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do. - Helen Keller
Comment: Most
Americans disappointed with the direction the US is heading are so apathetic
that few even voice their discontent much less act to eliminate it. If you are
not part of the solution then you are a part of the problem - and will pay
You Know
The Barna
Group conducted a study by testing professing Christians about their worldview.
Only 9% of those who professed to be born-again believers also professed a
biblical worldview. COMMENT: Many
are called but few chosen. Will you be chosen?
law enforcement, under pressure for employing deadly Gestapo tactics when
serving warrants, is increasingly using a physically safer method called
delayed notification warrants (AKA sneak and peek). COMMENT: This means they can “legally”
wait until you leave home and then break in and trash the place to make it look
like it was a burglar that tore up the place; or, they may be so careful you
would never know they were there. They are “required” to inform the victim they
were there within 90 days but in one documented case they waited 455 days! They
can do the same to your car. In one documented case they actually stole the car
- even leaving broken glass in the parking lot to misleading the victim! PS - US law enforcement is truly
multicultural by using tactics from the Gestapo,
the KGB, etc! But I guess delayed
notification is better than a gestapo raid - then they might “legally” kill
you. Americans used to fight, kill, and die for their rights. Now the only
right they do this for is the “right” not to be pregnant!
As of 2013 there were just over 1 million sworn law
enforcement officers in the US. US Law Enforcement averages killing over 1000
American each year (that is 1 murder by cop for every 1000 officers). Alabama
(one of the few States that are standing up to the LGBT mafia) had about 5
million people in 2013 - and only 2 killings by criminals (that is 1 murder by
crook for every 2.5 million people). COMMENT:
Nationwide if you are robbed it is most likely a crook not a cop; but, you are
more likely to be killed or sexually assaulted by a cop than a crook! Our
greatest danger comes not from crime but from “the justice system”!
Joke for the Week?: In an effort to remove the stigma of
prisons being a hot bed for forced sodomy officials from the Bureau of Prisons
are joining the LGBT in trying to declare sodomy a Constitutional right
irrevocable even for felons.
Due to financial constraints the Abridged New Testament (without the writings
of Paul but with the OGM, the Didache, & Study Guides) project is on hold.
I will still continue working on my
next project: A How-to Manual for a Christian Underground
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