Verse of the Week
Then if anyone hears the trumpet but does not heed the warning and the sword comes and takes their life, their blood will be on their own head.
(Ezekiel 33:4)
Thought for the Week
I have always thought the symbol of Uncle Sam for the US Government was appropriate. The US government was not supposed to be a big brother, a nanny, or a parent - More of a kindly uncle. One not there to raise and feed you though one who might help you out in pinch; and, definitely one who would just as readily remind you of your own duties and obligations. One who provided guidance rather than one who resorted to threats of violence over differences of opinion. Things have changed and Uncle Sam is no more. The relationship between the Government and the People is no longer benign. It has become a perversely malignant one of a self-serving master trying to subdue a wayward servant. Today the US Government seems more like the man dealing with a mule by employing the carrot and the stick to get what he wants. He has become Uncle Sugar to some and Uncle Satan to others.
The Constitution clearly says the US Government cannot restrict the right to freedom of religionAND the FREE exercise thereof. Yet the Federal Government is denying the People this right and forcing the States to do likewise. If you own a business you must cater to the LGBT community even against the free exercise of your religion.
Nowhere in the Constitution is it stated that anyone has the right to homosexuality or the exercise thereof. As to any penumbra, which is what the Left embraces whenever it deigns to recognize the Constitution, any power implied to create such a right is given to the States and the People by the 10th Amendment -“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people”.Yet, the US Government is asserting the authority to create and enforce a“right” to homosexuality and the free exercise thereof. BUT, if you own a business you can deny service to the religious community on the basis of your homosexuality!
Woe to those who say to evil, good; and to good, evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
(Isaiah 5:20)
The US Government says religion is not protected but sexual perversion is. Every official who has sworn an oath to the US Constitution that is not fighting this travesty has violated his oath and is a traitor. As such they are guilty of a felony and, according to current laws, should lose their rights. Furthermore, in most States, writing a check (above $50) without having sufficient funds to cover it is a felony. Every official who enacts or enforces the spending of public money not in the Treasury is therefore guilty of a felony and, according to current laws, should lose their rights.
Obviously no legal action will be taken against these officials. Tyrants are never held accountable to manmade law until or unless they have been forcefully removed from power. Tyrants care only for themselves (and possibly their sycophantic minions - note how the US Government evacuated its people from Yemen but refuses to help non-governmentalAmerican citizens trapped there - even telling them to ask India for help!).
Many communities, and even States, are vainly trying to reassert their Constitutional rights. Sadly, the US Government continues to coercively undermine these efforts and to ensure its tyrannical rule with threat of force. Like Bundy’s successful stand last year against this type of tyranny, communities, and yes even the States, must meet force with force. The tyrants in the US Government will let you vote - since they will, with threat of force, overrule any vote contrary to their wishes.
The US is fast losing the attribute of“the land of the free”. It will be gone forever if the People living in the“home of the brave” do not make a stand against the tyrants.
Elections are not protections. Remember - even Hitler was elected.
Quote of the Week
Can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis: a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are of the gift of God? – That they are not to be violated but with His wrath? -- Thomas Jefferson
Comment:The vast majority of the Left denies the existence of our Creator and denies those who worship YHWH the rights to freedom of religion and speech. Yet they claim as inalienable the “right” to sodomize each other, have sex changes, kill babies in the womb, and charge others to pay for these perversions. Worse, the current US government, by threat of violence, is enforcing the Leftist view. If YHWH does not soon bring about a change in this Satanic inspired US government then the people must: Since our children are being brainwashed to support the Government’s view it will only get worse. I love my country and its designed form of government (Constitutional Republic)- but I condemn the tyranny it has become.
Did You Know
Two-thirds of Americans cannot identify the three branches of government (legislative, executive, judicial), three-fourths do not know what the Judiciary Branch does, and eight in ten cannot name even one of the federal government’s powers. Seven in ten do not know that the Constitution is the supreme law of the land. Eight in ten cannot name even two of the rights listed in the Declaration, and forty-four percent are unable to define the Bill of Rights. Only 1 in 1000 can name the five freedoms protected by the First Amendment (speech, religion, press, assembly, and petition). COMMENT: The Federal government has abrogated and/or usurped almost every Constitutional right of the States and the People. Voting no longer works. If foreign terrorists do not take out the tyrants then the People must - or surrender all hope of freedom for themselves and their children.
While USA veterans disabled from answering their countrys call are being ignored or stalled by the VA the SSA is pushing the Democrat’s agenda by giving Puerto Ricans, in Puerto Rico, disability payments for speaking their own language better than they speak English! COMMENT: This while spending millions annually on government funded ESL courses in the US and spending millions on publishing government documents (and even employment tests) in multiple languages - because the Democrats refuse to recognize English as the official language of the USA. If English is not the official language why are they paying those with poor English skills disability? Oh, that’s right, they are not doing that - they are only paying Hispanics with poor English skills - everybody else is out of luck.
Obama is pushing (and succeeding) to get Cuba off the terror sponsor list even while Cuba continues to terrorize its own citizens if they are Christians. COMMENT: I guess that makes sense since the governments in the USA (Federal and many States) are beginning to terrorize their own citizens too if they are Christians. According to Obama and his minions if you a Palestinian who kills a six year old child for Allah you are a freedom fighter and should be given a country; but, if you are an American Christian and just speak out trying to save the life of a six month old unborn child then you are a terrorist and must always be watched and imprisoned whenever possible!
Over the last thirty years 41 previously unrecognized human infectious diseases have jumped from their normal animal hosts to human beings. COMMENT:Even here the US Government is betraying the People by purposefully bring in Ebola positive patients and turning them loose - as well as illegal aliens who are drug resistant TB positive. If a major outbreak occurs FEMA is authorized to take by force any and all resources it wants to treat Government officials and employees only -- research COGCON.
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