said, Just as My servant Isaiah has walked naked and barefoot three years as a
sign and a wonder on Egypt and on Ethiopia.
(Isaiah 20:3)
One would think a Christian, by definition, is one who believes Jesus
is the Christ and follows his teachings. That definition has been adulterated
in much of the world - especially the USA. In fact most dictionaries now
include, under the term Christian, the adherence to any religion professing
“Christianity”. This in turn has led to so many “versions” that the word
Christian has lost the ability to convey any real meaning.
YHWH, as our Father, as Jesus himself said, is above all else, so I
refer to myself as a child of YHWH. I believe Jesus is YHWH’s anointed and as
such follow his teachings; and, since children are born naked I guess another
way to say it is that I am a naked Christian:
And he
said, I came naked out of my mother's womb, and naked I shall return there.
YAHWEH gave, and YAHWEH has taken away. Blessed be the name of YAHWEH.
(Job 1:21)
I posit that what the world
needs is more naked Christians - Christians who stick to the naked Truth and
who do not clothe themselves in the doctrines or dogmas of man, religion or
“church”, or hypocrisy; nor do they wear any masks.
A naked Christian believes Jesus, as the Christ, is the anointed one
of YHWH. YHWH is the self-existent Creator of man and YHWH alone is the Supreme
God. If you do not believe YHWH exists and created mankind you may call
yourself a Christian but your clothing betrays you - you are not a child of
YHWH. (Genesis 1:26, Deuteronomy 6:4, etc.)
A naked Christian believes sex is a blessing from YHWH - when
practiced as YHWH intended. Any other form, such as adultery, homosexuality,
bestiality, etc., is a sin against YHWH. If you practice any of these sexual
aberrations, or accept them, or tolerate them, you may call yourself a
Christian but your clothing betrays you - you are not a child of YHWH. (Exodus
20:14, Leviticus 18:22, 20:10, 20:13, etc.)
A naked Christian believes murder is a sin against YHWH. This includes
taking the life of an unborn child. If you practice, accept, or tolerate
abortion, you may call yourself a Christian but your clothing betrays you - you
are not a child of YHWH. (Exodus 21:22/23, Didache 2:2, etc.)
A naked Christian believes YHWH gave His children His Sabbaths to be
as a sign they were His people. If you ignore His Sabbaths, e.g. follow none or
those appointed by man instead (e.g. Sunday) you may call yourself a Christian
but your clothing betrays you - you are not a child of YHWH. (Exodus 20:8,
Ezekiel 20:12, 20:20, etc.)
The list for what a naked Christian believes could go on but I hope
the point is obvious. Those who claim to be Christian but practice behaviors
which YHWH condemns are clothing themselves, just as Adam and Eve did, to hide
their sin. (Genesis 3:7)
Most of mankind has always been caught up in the latest fashion wear;
but, having wolves in sheep’s clothing has never gone out of style for Satan -
it works too well. Sadly many sheep have been led astray by inattention as much
as they have by intention; and, the damage done is the same. It never ceased to
amaze me when the fad among Christians was to ask WWJD (what would Jesus do):
it amazed me because most of the time their answer would be based on something
Paul taught instead of what Jesus taught - which is not the same thing.
Most Christians do not have the courage to go naked as a child of
YHWH. The world can be a cold and even cruel place without social clothing.
Naked Christians tend to make others uncomfortable - especially Christians
shielding themselves with the clothing of society. We are warned:
An unjust
man is an abomination to the righteous, and the upright of way are an
abomination to the wicked (Proverbs
When it comes to my mortal life I believe in the old American adage
that says, “I would rather be judged by twelve than carried by six”. This
basically means I would rather explain my actions to a jury than be carried by
6 pallbearers after being killed for taking no action. When it comes to my soul
I would rather be persecuted by all mankind than be condemned by the only judge
that matters:
Many seek the face of the ruler, but the judgment of each man is from
(Proverbs 29:26)
I am naked and unafraid.
Abundantia: Goddess of
good fortune. A symblo for her is the cornucopia ("horn of plenty")
with which she distributes grain and money.
Epona: Only Celtic
Goddess to be honored by the Romans with a temple in their capital city. She
was the goddess of good health and her symbol is also the cornucopia.
Moneta: Name given to
Juno, the goddess in whose temple the ancient Romans produced money. She was
the goddess of prosperity and her symbol is also the cornucopia.
Many scholars believe
the cornucopia suggests it is symbolizes
goddess of fertility as well.
Allah: The name is
derived from 'al-ilah', which literally means "the god". The Prophet
Muhammad declared Allah the one and only god (of the Islam) in the 7th century
CE. In pre-Islamic times, Allah was the supreme creator-god of the Arabs. The
goddesses Allat, Manat, and al-Uzza were considered to be his daughters.
"Haredi" is Hebrew for fearful. It
means a devout man who stands in awe before the Most High God.
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