Sunday, May 3, 2015

Nazi's, Muslims, & Democrats

Verse of the Week

Teach me Your way, O YAHWEH, and lead me on a level path, because of my enemies.

(Psalms 27:11)

Thought for the Week

Hitler and the National Socialists Party (Nazi) achieved mastery over the German people by first subverting two very specific categories of people - the children and the Armed Forces.

If you can indoctrinate the children you can control their future. The National Socialists were quick to enforce the teaching of their views in the national education system. The Democratic Party, under the sway of Left wing liberals, is doing the same in the USA (e.g. common core). Each passing generation of the USA is more submissive and immoral - to the point that most now accept (if not   support) abortion, homosexuality, etc. Also, they are more ignorant, with each passing generation, of the two foundations of American freedom - the US Constitution and the Bible. Due to this the support for many basic rights, such as freedom of speech, free exercise of religion, the right to bear arms, etc. are diminishing rapidly.

If you can control the Armed Forces you can control the present. The National Socialists changed the entire culture of the German military. They did this in two ways. First, they began teaching intolerance for any view other than their own. Second they began ousting any who would not adopt their point of view. The same has been happening in the US military. Rather than focus on military training an inordinate amount of time and effort goes toward “sensitivity training” and indoctrinating all Service members in other matters (sexual harassment, gender equality, LGBT acceptance, etc). Many Service members have been surveyed concerning their willingness to fire on US citizens. Furthermore they are taught that foreign Muslims are not terrorists but domestic Christians are.

It has reached the point that many generals have resigned (by force or by choice) just like many of the general staff members did under the National Socialists in Germany. In fact it has gotten so bad that many nationally known figures are now saying Christians should not enlist in the military; and, it appears many Christians are also leaving military service due to political pressures.

A nation’s “Armed Forces” are more than its military and the National Socialists knew this. A nation’s law enforcement apparatus is also an “Armed Force”. In fact law enforcement personnel are a government’s front line combatants against its own population. The infamous SS began as a government control mechanism over the populace. The infamous Gestapo followed suit under the dictates of the National Socialists. The USA is following suit - even to asking citizens to spy on each other (I guess someone is feeling insecure - even the NSA spying on its own citizens is not enough).

In the US the growing “militarization” of both national and local police forces is growing at an exponential rate - including drone usage. US Law Enforcement kills another citizen almost daily (even though usually only white cop on black citizen makes the main stream media). The US President uses these deaths as an excuse for more federal control over local police forces and has even called for a nationwide police force (apparently the US Marshals, FBI, ATF, DEA, etc. do not give the government enough control). Even organizations not traditionally considered law enforcement (Department of Education, Dept. of Agriculture, EPA, etc.) now have their own SWAT teams (and are conducting Gestapo style night raids on private citizens at an alarming rate)! The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is purchasing so much firearm ammunition that it has caused a shortage - not just for private citizens but even for local police agencies. Not satisfied with all that the DHS is also spending millions on “Less-than-lethal” weapons.

Now combine all the above. What happens when the members of the Armed Forces have no morals - and just follow orders? What happens when the members of the Armed Forces have no qualms about imprisoning or killing their fellow citizens? Then the Government will have Armed Forces acceptable to the Democratic Party - and they will use them against their own people - just like the National Socialists Party. The USA will be no more.

When your grandchildren are subjects and not citizens how will you explain to them why you did nothing to protect them?

Quote of the Week

In war, truth is the first casualty. - Aeschylus

Comment: The USA is at war within. In the USA, just like pre Nazi Germany almost a century ago, too many citizens are turning a blind eye to what is happening around them. Like Germany, if the socialists gain control the country will destroyed. History has judged that the Germans may have been that self-centered but they could not be that blind. What will your excuse be?

Did You Know

It is not just the radical Muslims that kill Christians - even your run of the mill Muslim “refugees” have proven they will kill Christians if they think they can get away with it. COMMENT: And Obama is bringing them into the USA by the plane load and forcing communities to accept it. They say there is a silver lining in every cloud - I guess if the US becomes a more Muslim nation the upside will be a people willing to stand up for morals and against the LGBT Mafia.



First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out -- Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out -- Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out -- Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me -- and there was no one left to speak for me. -- Martin Niemöller (1892–1984)



First they went after our children’s minds, and I did not speak out -- Because I had no children.

Then they went after the gun owners, and I did not speak out -- Because I owned no guns.

Then they went after the Christians, and I did not speak out -- Because I was not a Christian.

Then they went after me -- and there was no one left to speak for me. -- Average American 2015


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