Verse of the Week
as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities around them, in like manner to
these, committing fornication, and going away after other flesh, laid down an
example before-times, undergoing vengeance of everlasting fire.
(Jude 1:7)
Thought for the Week
community, in an effort to justify perverted desires, has invested a lot of
effort into the quest for the discovery of a “gay” gene to “prove”
homosexuality is a product of Nature. The Left, the medical community, and US
government have all bought into this claim of a genetic cause for homosexuality
so much so that homosexuality is no longer socially unacceptable to the Left, a
disorder, disease, or defect to the medical/scientific community, or a crime to
the Government.
While no amount of
evil or idiocy on the part of the Left or the Government surprises me anymore I
find this an illogical view for the medical/scientific community for several
First, if such a
gene existed it is obviously rare since such a small percentage of the
population exhibit this trait. To call such a genetic trait abnormal is
automatically refuted by the claim that, like “red hair”, it may not be the
norm but nor is it abnormal. While this refutation begs semantic debate I will
avoid that here and proceed more “scientifically”. The same scientists
insisting that homosexuality is genetic also typically adhere to evolutionary
theory. However, homosexuality, unlike red hair, restricts, if not altogether
precludes, the passing on of genetic material via normal reproductive means and
so is counterproductive to an organism’s genetic survival. Hence, as per
evolutionary theory, homosexuality would not only be a genetic defect but it should
have been self-eliminating.
biologically speaking, sexual desire, like hunger and thirst, is considered a
basic and an instinctual necessity for survival. As such, when a person
exhibits eating traits that are counterproductive to genetic survival they are
said to have an eating disorder. Therefore, it logically follows that a person
who exhibits sexual traits that are counterproductive to genetic survival they
are exhibiting a sexual disorder.
Third, it is a
known fact that heterosexuals can abstain from sexual activity. If homosexual
acts are genetically compulsory then homosexuality should be classified, at
least by the Mayo clinic, as a disease - compulsive sexual behavior (which lists HIV as a possible complication
while ironically naming adultery as a symptom but not homosexuality).
The natural human
reproductive act requires the utilization of two reproductive organs - one male
and one female. Adultery, a sin against YHWH, is at least biologically a viable
act for the survival of the organism’s genes - homosexuality is not. Would
anyone deny the deviance of a man who felt compelled to continually imitate the
reproductive act by penetrating another man’s anus with a gun barrel (I pick
that object since the Left has a phallic obsession with firearms)? Such an act
is contrary to the design purpose of both the anus and the gun barrel - just as
the homosexual act is contrary to design - whether you acknowledge you have a
Creator or think you developed from inorganic sludge. (Hmm, maybe a
heterosexual brain was intentionally designed and the homosexual brain
accidentally came from sludge).
I can understand,
evolutionarily speaking, why finding a “gay” gene could be difficult since it
such a rare occurrence; but, must not there first be, evolutionarily speaking,
a normal heterosexual gene that should have easily been found?
Since the fall of
Man all of Creation has been influenced by entropy and so it would not change
anything to learn that a genetic defect could influence sexual behavior. If a
“gay” gene were found it would not absolve the sin since even heterosexuals
must learn to restrain sexual desires and impulses. Sexual desire is not the
same as sexual action. Society, rightly so, bans the practice of many sexual
actions based on sexual desires and impulses - i.e. incest, rape, pedophilia,
etc. (though the LGBT crowd is pushing to eliminate regulating many of these
Bottom line: YHWH
is unequivocal - homosexual acts are an abomination! Any people that cowardly
allow their government to propagate homosexuality, certify homosexual
marriages, endorse adoption of children by homosexual couples, or encourage and
teach homosexual behavior to children deserves, just as Sodom and Gomorrah, to
be destroyed.
As for me - I
will stand for YHWH. I will not kneel for Satan. I will not bend over for man.
When you die will you be morally standing,
kneeling, or bending over?
Quote of the Week
Marriage has got
historic, religious and moral content that goes back to the beginning of time
and I think a marriage is as a marriage has always been, between a man and a
woman. -- Hillary Clinton, 2000
This is obviously an old quote. The media says Clinton’s opinion on gay
marriage has “evolved”. Maybe it is just my anti-evolutionary view but I think
her opinion is by design. Like so many today, especially in the Government, her
moral compass is the most recent poll done by, for example, the Huffington Post
(for Obama it would be CAIR). As a recent bumper sticker said, “You deserve
what you accept”.
Did You Know
A National Health
and Social Life Survey (NHSLS) found that 2.8% of males and 1.4% of females
identify themselves as gay, lesbian, or bisexual. When adult bisexuality is
dropped the
study found that only 0.9% of men and 0.4% of women reported having only
same-sex partners since age 18. In essence less than one percent of the
American population claims to be homosexual. The NHSLS results are similar to a
survey conducted by the Minnesota Adolescent Health Survey of public school
students. The survey showed that only 0.6% of the boys and 0.2% of the girls
identified themselves as “mostly or 100% homosexual.” Furthermore, statistics
from the 2000 US Census Bureau showed homosexuals represented only 0.42% of the
households in the US. COMMENT:
Apparently the perversion of homosexuality, like a hemorrhagic virus, requires
very few carriers to become a very virulent and deadly pestilence capable of
threatening and undermining an entire society. Viruses though do not have the
help of the LGBT mafia, Hollywood, and the US Government (though the
Governments aid to the spread of viruses within the US is becoming questionable
- i. e. Ebola and MSR TB).
Macroevolution not only requires new information (primary), it also
requires extra new information (meta) about how to use
the new primary information. COMMENT:
There is no known example in Nature
of adding new genetic information to the genetic makeup of an existing
organism. A mutation may make a healthy monkey a sick monkey - it cannot make
it a human.
“Redheads, who are often unable to
develop a protective tan, have a high proportion of phaeomelanin. They have
probably inherited a defective gene which makes their pigment cells
“unable to respond to normal signals that stimulate eumelanin production”.
See Cohen, P., Redheads come out of the shade, New Scientist 147 (1997): 18, 1995.
the Contact Page of my website I recently got an email from someone called
Marty; but, they did not leave a return email address. Since it is such an
important topic I will address the issue here. Marty’s email:
Comments: You say you are a believer?
a Christian? Are you joking??? you just threw out a lot of the New Testament
with your Challenge on the apostle Paul being false...Have you read Rev. 22:19?
Think about that...get the revelation of that before you continue with this
heresy. If God in Whom we trust and rely on, saw it fit to include Paul's
teachings in the Bible, you now plan to supplant His Word, cast doubt and
division with your own view? One day you will have to account for all your
words and works before the Throne...God help you
My reply:
Rev 22:19 was written by John and specifically refers to his prophecy - The New
Testament did not even exist when he wrote his revelation. As to referring to
Revelation it specifically states there are only 12 Apostles. Paul is not among
them. Read Rev 2:2.
did not compile the new testament - the Catholic Church did, and, many early
Christians rejected Paul as well. If you want to read what was written before
the Catholics try the Didache. Also, did God allow Eden to be corrupted to test
Adam and Eve - yes. Did God allow the Apostles to be corrupted by testing them
- Yes (Judas). We are missing dozens of Old Testament books that our current
Old Testament refers to - so yes, God will allow man to corrupt things. Read
the Old Testament - even the Israelis lost books for over 400 years that are
now contained in the Old Testament.
I will gladly answer for following YHWH and not man. What you call "my
view" is not new. It pre dates the New Testament. If you are sincere in
your service to YHWH I hope you see the truth in time.
In His Service,
PS - Jesus said we would be guided by the Holy
Spirit - not a new collection of Scriptures that man calls the “new testament”.
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