Thought For the Week
Most of us have
heard the term “cui bono” or roughly “to whose benefit”. It is a common axiom
applied in solving many mysteries - criminal or otherwise. Another saying along
the same lines is “follow the money”. All these terms, and those like them,
reflect the influence of money on the law. The U.S. claims to have been
established as a “nation of laws, not of men”; but, just as unsupported law has
little lasting influence on people (think Prohibition) so too even supported
law often has little lasting influence on the power of money. The negative
influence money has on people concerning manmade laws is obvious to most - the
extent is perhaps not so clear. This is also true for the extent the evil influence
of money has on people when it concerns YHWH’s Law.
To begin we
address manmade law. Many folks readily acknowledge the influence money has on not
sealing the US southern border against the illegal drug trade (north and south
of the border). How many realize that is the tip of the iceberg. Many terrorist
organizations fund their efforts thru profits made on illegal drugs - from the
Marxists in South America to the Muslims in the Middle East. It gets worse too.
Sealing the southern border of the US would not only hurt the drug trade and
terrorists it would stem the flow of illegal aliens - this in turn would change
the entire picture of political power in the US. The southern border not only
influences who gets high but who sits on high in Washington DC. An open border
means Obama types rule (liberal democrats) - which in turn means the LGBT, the
ACLU, and the anti-YHWH and pro-abortion crowd rule. Often the law says one
thing - money says another. Of course, if the Obama Administration gets its way
the law and the money will get a lot closer. So “who benefits” when money
trumps manmade law? - Satan and those who serve, knowingly or not, purposely or
not, his evil purposes.
Now we address
YHWH’s Law. Many folks also readily acknowledge the impact money has on people
regarding commandments such as “do not covet”. That too is just the tip of the
iceberg. Consider that folks forget that circumcision was only one sign used to
identify YHWH’s people; and, it was not a sign that would be readily obvious to
others - even less so today. The most obvious sign to others that a person is
one of YHWH’s is that person keeps His Sabbath* (e.g. Ezekiel 20:12 & 20). Keeping
the Sabbath though is even more than a sign that a person belongs to YHWH - it
is a commandment, part of YHWH’s Law. How many folks are willing to lose a job
that requires them to work on the Sabbath? Most folks are not willing to lose
the money - they chose money over the Law. So “who benefits” when money trumps
YHWH’s law? - Satan and those who serve, knowingly or not, purposely or not,
his evil purposes.
* YHWH’s Sabbath was and is the seventh day -
His words not mine. That means Saturday is the Sabbath! Sunday, called
“Resurrection Day” or the “Lord’s Day”, is not the Sabbath of YHWH!
What power has law where only money rules. - Gaius Petronius (circa 66 AD)
Comment: As Solomon said, “. . . there is no new thing under the sun” (Ecclesiastes 1:9).
Did You Know
In 2011, the U.S.
Government announced it foiled an Iranian terrorist plot to work with Mexican
drug cartel members to assassinate the Saudi ambassador to the U.S. by bombing
a Washington D.C. restaurant he frequented.
Yet today the U.S. Government refuses to acknowledge terrorists (or even Ebola)
threaten the US via its southern border. There are laws on the books to protect
the borders so why is the US Government refusing to do so? Cui bono!
Christians have
three choices under Islam: pay the jizya, convert to Islam, or die.
Even Muslims place money above the law. Cui bono!
Obama Administration refuses to recognize the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist
Comment: And
how much money has the Brotherhood funneled into the coffers of Obama and his
supporters? Besides, the Obama administration has been too busy dumping money overseas
into the Social Behavior Change Communication (SBCC) program fighting for the
LGBT to dedicate enough to provide embassy security or intelligence resources
to study our enemies - e.g. the Brotherhood. Cui bono!
There are an estimated
35.8 million people enslaved
Comment: The majority are in Muslim dominated
countries. This is especially prevalent in African countries where Arab Muslims
enslave black non-Muslims. Islam forbids slavery - of another Muslim. Islam
supports and encourages Muslims to enslave non-Muslims. Cui bono!
The generic Hebrew word for any kind of sin is “aveira”
("transgression"). Based on the Tanakh (Hebrew Bible) Judaism
describes three levels of sin:
Pesha - an "intentional sin" - an act in deliberate defiance of YHWH
Avon - a "sin of uncontrollable emotion” (e.g. lust) - an act against a person's nature and not part of a person’s normal
behavior or desires. It is a sin done knowingly, but not done to defy God.
Chet - an "unintentional sin".
Comment: Obviously violating His
Sabbath is Pesha! Cui
**The legal criteria for “Foreign
Terrorist Organization” designation includes the following:
1. It must be a foreign organization.
2. The organization must engage in terrorist
activity, as defined in section 212 (a)(3)(B) of the INA (8 U.S.C. § 1182(a)(3)(B)),
or terrorism, as defined in section 140(d)(2) of the Foreign Relations
Authorization Act, Fiscal Years 1988 and 1989 (22 U.S.C. § 2656f(d)(2)), or
retain the capability and intent to engage in terrorist activity or terrorism.
3. The organization’s terrorist activity or
terrorism must threaten the security of U.S. nationals or the national security
(national defense, foreign relations, or the economic interests) of the United
information regarding legal criteria for FTO designation can be obtained from
the U.S. Department of State, Office of Coordinator for Counterterrorism.
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