Sunday, December 28, 2014

Noth Korea, Christians, and Movie Hype

 Verse of the Week

With all that is happening in the world today, and in most folk’s personal lives, it may be difficult to find a spiritual issue to focus on. I hope the “Verse of the Week” section may help some folks find that easier and so do it more often. So the very first one will be a direct quote from YHWH, if you remember nothing else ever written, on this site or elsewhere, I hope it is this:

Only be strong and very brave, so that you may take heed to do according to all the Law which Moses My servant commanded you. Do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may act wisely wherever you go.
(Joshua 1:7)

Thought For the Week

When North Korea hacks a movie company in the US and makes a threat it is headline news and we are told we all should be concerned; yet when NK not only threatens but arrests and persecutes US Christian missionaries it is rarely if ever mentioned in the main stream media. There are US citizens rotting away in NK prisons just for being Christians. What North Korea does to its own people if they are Christians is even worse.
This fiasco over the blackmailed movie company has liberals and conservatives alike complaining - because both are losing money. Interestingly Sony has been being threatened for a while concerning releasing the movie and only decided to announce pulling it this past week - the same week Congress passed legislation removing Federal backing to the Insurance industry for terrorism coverage. I guess Sony was willing to risk a bombed out movie theater as long as it was covered for any lawsuits!
Of course a Christian missionary is not making anyone a ton of money. You won’t hear Clooney and his loonies say a word to help them. Liberals claim they are big on respecting the rule of law and NK has the right to enforce its own beliefs - just as liberals in the US use the force of law to enslave others with their own beliefs.
And force is what they use. The murder of children is dictated by law - under the color of abortion. Supporting homosexuality is dictated by law. Support for the Theory of Evolution is dictated by law. Respect for Islam is dictated by law.
Under the law the US kills more humans than NK does. And, though the form is drastically less personal, the persecution of Christianity is, under color of law, becoming just as bad in the US as it is in NK. The law, once designed to protect the body, is now used to enslave the soul.
How would Obama and the US react if a prominent LGBT personality figure was arrested in NK for being a sexual pervert? Hollywood types (Rodman, et al) have been going to NK and have been showing support for the NK government; but, that was before it hit their pocket book.


“Good laws have their origins in bad morals.” Ambrosius Macrobius
Comment:  If man had not strayed from YHWH’s first command no law would ever have been needed. However, since man continued to stray, YHWH created a very short set of simple, concise, and explicit laws - His 10 Commandments. YHWH’s 10 Commandments are so perfect that most have been imitated by many cultures throughout history, in one form or another, knowing or not, for the simple reason that man’s weaknesses are universal.
Did You Know

The U.S. Constitution mentions three federal crimes by citizens: treason, piracy and counterfeiting. By the turn of the 20th century, the number of criminal statutes still only numbered in the dozens. Today, it is estimated there are over 4,500 crimes in federal statutes.
North Korea, with a population over 24 million and an estimated 300,000 Christians, remains the most dangerous country worldwide for Christians for the 12th consecutive year, followed by Somalia, Syria and Iraq. Being caught with a Bible is grounds for execution or a life-long political prison sentence. An estimated 50,000 to 70,000 Christians live in concentration camps, prisons and prison-like circumstances under the regime of leader Kim Jong-Un.”
Persecution.Org, said the persecutions of Christians have been on the rise in places like Africa and the Middle East over the last decade. "Two-hundred million Christians currently live under persecution. It’s absolutely on the rise." Jeff King, President - Persecution.Org
There were 2,123 documented killings of Christians last year due to their faith, compared to 1,201 in 2012. More than half of those reported killings (1,213) occurred in Syria, followed by Nigeria (612) and Pakistan (88).
The Vatican estimates some 100,000 Christians are killed per year over faith.
A great book to read on the subject of persecution of Christians, and a book that proves you do not have to have a Bible to love YHWH, is “Tortured for Christ”. Go to - PDF, website, and download site to buy a copy and support the program.


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