Any honest student of the Bible knows
the Sabbath is still on Saturday. God created the Sabbath – man made Sunday the
Lord’s Day. There is nothing wrong with observing the Lord’s Day - would that
we observed everyday as the Lord’s. Observing the Lord’s Day is up to you; but,
there is no Biblical obligation to do so. The expectation to set aside Sunday for
God is akin to the additional rituals the Pharisees placed on the Jews. You
know the ones that Jesus chastised them for. It has become one of the “traditions
of men”; and, as in Jesus’ time, these traditions have, for many, supplanted
the ordinance of God.
With the Law, Jesus Himself said that
the Law would not pass away until this Heaven and this Earth did. Without the
Law, we are told in the Old Testament that whatever God does, nothing can be
added to it or taken from it – Ecclesiastes 3:14.
People talk about circumcision being a
sign in the Old Testament and baptism being a sign in the New Testament. These
are signs that show we are God’s children. God says keeping His Sabbaths is a
sign that we know He is our God – Ezekiel 20:20. For more Scripture on this issue see this
article on my
Worshipping and fellowshipping on Sunday
is great. But, what are you telling God when you ignore His Sabbath?