Saturday, May 28, 2016

Learn or Burn?

Verse of the Week

And why do you call Me Lord, Lord, and do not do what I say?

(Luke 6:46)

Thought for the Week

Last week I discussed how easy it is to get information – both on false teachings as well as on what YHWH expects of us. It is typically very easy to discern the difference. Yahshua told us quite clearly, Not everyone who says to Me, Lord, Lord, will enter into the kingdom of Heaven, but the ones who do the will of My Father in Heaven. (Matthew 7:21) If you do what YHWH said to do you are acting on the instruction of highest authority possible. The question that remains is what do to if you are unsure.

The best advice I can give is to pray and to seek the guidance of YHWH's Holy Spirit. However, unless you are already on the right track your prayers may be ignored since we are told, Whoever turns aside his ear from hearing the Torah, even his prayer is an abomination”. (Proverbs 28:9). Next best read YHWH's Word with an open heart and open mind and get the obvious basics right.

So what are the obvious basics? Even those who consider themselves “well versed” in the Bible could benefit from the what I suggest you do to discover that – Go through the New Testament and read only what Yahshua actually said. That action alone will teach the “obvious basics”. Next study the basics in general – Go through the Bible and read the context of why Yahshua said what he did and then research every verse Yahshua referenced in the Original (old) Testament ensuring you get the context of the referenced material. ALWAYS remember that you are doing this to learn about what YHWH wants!

To go deeper go through the Original Testament and read only what YHWH said. Now expand that to read the context of why He said what He did. If you do all this AND follow what you have learned then I have no doubt the Holy Spirit will guide you in all things.

Please note that the Original Testament was the only Scripture Yahshua had, it was the only Scripture the Apostles had, it was the only Scripture the first generations of believers had. You do not have to have more than the Original Scriptures and the words of YHWH's Anointed Yahshua to properly worship YHWH.

Yes there is more written in the Bible. If you seek more then you might find that the words of one of Yahshua's 12 Apostles can be beneficial (Matthew, John, Peter, Jude) whether you read them from the New Testament or, for example, from the Didache. The writings of James, Yahshua's brother and the head of the first “church”, may also help you. Although the author is unknown the writings known as the Book of Hebrews may also be of assistance.

Can doubt still remain as to what is best to do? Yes. Learning is a process and it should never stop – just as we should never stop striving to achieve the perfection YHWH wants for us. If you are wondering if something is applicable to you than ask yourself a simple question, “If in doubt it is it better to obey or disobey until clarity is achieved?” BEWARE the teachings of men! What does YHWH say?! What does Yahshua say?!

Never forget the object is to properly worship YHWH and to live the way YHWH wants you to live. YHWH gave us freewill to chose to worship Him or not; BUT, He did not give us the freedom to choose how we worship Him (i.e. What to call Him - His name is not God! YHWH's Sabbath is the seventh day, not Sunday!). YHWH gave us freewill to chose how we will live our lives; BUT, He did not give us the freedom to choose what is right or wrong.

Study and pray, pray and study. And, above all, do it all to honor YHWH – the way He says to honor Him!


When the government takes away our free will, the government steals a gift from God; it violates the natural law; it prevents us from having and utilizing the means to seek the truth. – Andrew Napolitano

COMMENT: Utilize the freedom you have to research, discover, and help reveal YHWH's Truth while you still can. Such freedom may not be there tomorrow. The duty to seek YHWH's Truth will never change though the earthly cost for doing so may soon increase.


Why say Yahshua and not Jesus? The Messiah's name was not Jesus. First, he was a Hebrew with a Hebrew name and Yahshua was his Hebrew name. The name Jesus is a combination of the Latin and Greek IESOUS. He was not a Greek with a Greek name or a Latin with a Latin name. Second, the letter “J” did not exist until almost 1500 years after Yahshua died so even the Greek name would be incorrect! COMMENT: I am still learning too - I find the more I apply what He has taught me the more He reveals.

Will the anti-morals crowd, who seem to despise History, demand we destroy the Liberty Bell next? Consider the inscription which bears reference to the Book of Leviticus:

Proclaim LIBERTY Throughout all the Land unto all the Inhabitants Thereof Lev. XXV. v X.
By Order of the ASSEMBLY of the Province of PENSYLVANIA for the State House in PhiladA
Pass and Stow

On the subject pf History . . . The version of the Second Amendment the House of Representatives first approved read: A well regulated militia, composed of the body of the People, being the best security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. COMMENT: As Thomas Jefferson said, “The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government”.

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