Saturday, April 16, 2016

Law - The Left's New Weapon on Truth

Verse of the Week
Whoever turns aside his ear from hearing the Law (Torah), even his prayer is an abomination.
(Proverbs 28:9) (HRB Note: The Torah is the moral code of conduct in life and breaking the Torah is sin (1 John 3:4). Those who rebelliously turn away from hearing the Torah, even their prayer becomes an abomination. COMMENT: Consider also: And it will be, just as I called and they did not listen; so they called and I did not listen, says YAHWEH of Hosts. (Zechariah 7:13)

Thought for the Week
There can be little doubt that laws are an important of the history of mankind. However, law, like most things mankind tries to develop, has the potential to both better mankind's lot or worsen it. Mankind goes downhill when he chooses to think he can create better laws than his Creator. History has shown that the closer laws are to those given man by his Creator the safer and more prosperous man is. History has also shown that the further we drift from the laws of our Creator the worse off we are.
Recently there has been almost a universal attempt to crush, by law, any and all free speech. A prime example is the new “Inquisition” aka “AGs United for Clean Power” which is a witch's coven of 15 state AGs (California, Connecticut, Illinois, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, and Washington). These Inquisitors are threatening to criminalize disbelieve in the unproven scientific claim that man is responsible for a catastrophic global climate change. They are trying to pass laws that would penalize anyone who doubts this very dubious and often debunked paradigm. They further assert that dissenters are committing “fraud” and are not protected by the First Amendment. Even the Obama administration is getting in on the act and the US Attorney General has admitted that the Justice Department is considering action against “climate change deniers”.
As if it is not bad enough that they force feed our children unproven theories such as macro evolution they wish to add injury to insult by criminalizing scientific inquiry, even by scientists, unless the inquiry agrees with the Left's political agenda. Well did Orwell state that, “In times of universal deceit, telling the truth will be a revolutionary act”. Orwell also said, “If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear”. Satan is the father of deceit and these days he and his have free speech and the Truth under constant attack. Our forefathers fought a Revolution to ensure us the liberty to freely speak what we each see as truth; but, the Left is launching multiple Inquisitions to destroy that freedom.
The Left is not satisfied with just dictating how we behave ( e.g. mandated support for homosexuality) they endeavor to reach the Orwellian pinnacle of dictating how we think. Not just about social issues but even in the realm of so called science. By enforcing their pseudo science on everyone they are, in essence, claiming the authority to declare what is and is not “truth”; and, they are claiming the authority to punish any who challenge such astronomical hubris.
For the Left, man is god, the government is the church, and politicians are the priests. The Left will not be satisfied until they hold sway over the entire world the way the Catholic Church once held sway over European affairs: with Inquisitors wielding the power of life and death over everyone. Today they are seeking the power to economically ruin and or imprison anyone who disagrees with their agendas. How long til they seek, as many all ready call for, the very lives of dissenters?
It has been said that the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Well, the Left has been yelling loud and long and using the grease on the palms of most of the politicians. It is time those who love freedom spoke out even louder and longer. If you cherish your liberty, your freedom, your very life, then act now before it is too late. Stop Satan and his minions in their tracks. SPEAK OUT! LOUD! LONG! and OFTEN! ACT NOW! And continue as long as it takes! And, to my fellow worshipers of YHWH, live righteously and enlist your most powerful weapon – prayer:
YAHWEH is far from the wicked, but He hears the prayer of the righteous.
(Proverbs 15:29)
Confess your faults one to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed.
The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man is powerful.
(James 5:16)
because the eyes of YAHWEH are on the righteous, and His ears are open to their prayer.
But the face of YAHWEH is against any doing evil things.
(1 Peter 3:12)

If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter. – George Washington
COMMENT: Those that love freedom see these words as a warning; but, know that the Left uses such words as if from an instruction manual on how to gain power!

Pope Sylvester (314-335) was the first to order the churches to fast on Saturday, and Pope Innocent (402-417) made it a binding law, “Innocentius did ordain the Saturday or Sabbath to be always fasted.”
COMMENT: Even the historical documents of the Catholic Church demonstrate the knowledge that the Sabbath is the seventh day – Saturday! Like the Pharisees the RCC added “burdens” to YHWH's Sabbath. NOTE: Consider the early Church:
But the Jews having gone out of the synagogue, the gentiles begged that these words be
spoken to them on the next Sabbath.
(Acts 13:42) (HRB Note: Another clear proof that the believers were meeting on the Sabbath and not on Sunday, for if the gentiles were meeting on Sunday, then why would they have to wait a whole week . . . they simply would have continued the discussion the next day.)
US GDP growth has not exceeded 3% since 2005 so the past decade has been the worst for economic growth in the USA since the Great Depression.
About two-dozen states require teens to get parental permission before they can use a commercial tanning bed but not to get an abortion. The FDA recently proposed new federal rules to ban all US minors from using tanning beds; but, again not from getting abortions (PS – You can tell them what you think of this here).

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