of the Week
then I will declare to them, from everlasting, I never knew you;
from me, those working lawlessness!"
Note: The lawless gospel message that Christianity is teaching did
not originate from the bible and when Yahshua returns all those who
have been practicing lawlessness will be cast into the lake of Fire.
(Psalms 6:8)
for the Week
of the keys to conducting a successful experiment is the application
of “control mechanisms” to regulate environmental variables.
Control mechanisms must be in place or the experiment will be
meaningless and thus a failure. When the USA began even the Founding
Fathers knew it was an experiment and knew that controls would be
needed for it to succeed. This grand experiment is now failing
because the two primary controls are being ignored. This experiment
was conducted by the people and the Government they formed and
employed a “control” to regulate each. The people were, in
general, regulated by the moral principles of the Bible. The
Government was, in general, regulated by the Constitution.
key component of the experiment was the separation of powers as
dictated by the Constitution. The entire experiment has gone awry as
the Government (and politicians) resist all efforts at any type of
restraining control whatsoever. Under the Constitution all laws must
come from the Legislative branch. Yet, today, the Executive branch
passes thousands of laws every year under the guise of regulation.
The Judicial branch also creates laws all by itself under the guise
of “precedents”. As bad, if not worse, both the Executive and
Judicial branches randomly and selectively enforce or ignore the laws
that are enacted by the Legislative branch.
without representation was a big issue when the experiment was
initiated. Under the Constitution only the Legislature – the
representative branch of government – could enact taxation. Yet,
today, the Executive branch enacts thousands of new taxes every year
under the guise of fees. Failure to pay these fees will result in
action to collect even more money under the guise of penalties; and,
if necessary the Judicial branch will assist in these collections.
control mechanism for the people, though not mandated, was also
considered an absolutely necessity for success (SEE NOTE 1). The
mechanism was, in essence, a moral code of conduct based upon the
Bible. Just as the Government is largely ignoring the Constitution
the people are largely ignoring the Bible. Just as the Government
operates in opposition to the Constitution so too the people are
operating in opposition to the Bible.
people did not just casually and accidentally begin evading moral
responsibility. The Government has been enforcing laws and
educational doctrines contrary to the Bible for decades. Worse, even
so called religious leaders are teaching and encouraging people to
behave in ways contrary to the Bible.
powers-that-be in the Government are happy to see this failure among
the populace because they know all to well that a populace that does
not hold itself individually accountable will not bother to unite to
demand accountability from those who govern them.
way of analogy: With no rudder to guide the Government and no power
for steerage supplied by the people the US has become a nation adrift
and lost at sea. The world itself is as a tropical storm that is
approaching hurricane strength and unless drastic and heroic action
is taken, and taken soon, the US will find itself dashed to pieces
upon the shoals of history.
more than ever, the children of YHWH in the US must shine forth as a
light for others. They must strive to act as a lighthouse providing a
guiding light to aid their country to reestablish a safe course.
evil that is destroying the US from within is insidious; but, because
it has gone unchecked for so long the corrective measures needed
cannot be so incremental. Satan and his minions have been deceptively
patient and persistent in their attacks on the morals of the US; and,
these attacks are bearing a bumper crop of evil.
warriors of YHWH, even knowing the war will be won in the end, have a
duty not to “rest on their laurels”. We can resist “the enemy”
best by loving them enough to recruit them to our side.
for the Week
is dangerous to be right in matters on which the established
authorities are wrong. – Voltaire
asked by a curious citizen after the adjournment of the
Constitutional Convention what kind of government had been structured
by the Founding Fathers, Benjamin Franklin is said to have answered:
running for President Obama said he would not use signing statements
and “we aren't going to use signing statements as a way to do an
end run around Congress”. Yet he issued his first signing
statement in March 2009. In fact he issued more than 2 dozen during
his first term in office. This is in direct violation of the the US
Constitution: Article 2 section 3: . . . he shall take Care that the
Laws be faithfully executed –
to recent study 40% of U.S. college students graduate lack reasoning
1 – Some comments from the Founding Fathers:
have no government armed with power capable of contending with human
passions unbridled by morality and religion. Avarice, ambition,
revenge, or gallantry, would break the strongest cords of our
Constitution as a whale goes through a net. Our Constitution was made
only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the
government of any other. – John Adams
it is religion and morality alone, which can establish the principles
upon which freedom can surely stand. – John Adams
foundations of our national policy will be laid in the pure and
immutable principles of private morality, . . . – George
is impossible to govern the world without God and the Bible. Of all
the dispositions and habits that lead to political prosperity, our
religion and morality are the indispensable supporters. Let us with
caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained
without religion. Reason and experience both forbid us to expect that
our national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious
principle. – George Washington
morals a republic cannot subsist any length of time; they therefore
who are decrying the Christian religion, whose morality is so sublime
and pure (and) which insures to the good eternal happiness, are
undermining the solid foundation of morals, the best security for the
duration of free governments. – Charles Carroll
powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal
government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the
State governments are numerous and indefinite. - James Madison,
cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation
was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians and on the gospel
of Jesus Christ! - Patrick Henry, 1765
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