in the US Government claim man is just another animal – even though
they also claim the right to tell others, thousands of miles away,
how to live, which no animal does. So what truly separates man from
animal? Man's cruelty. Only man imprisons his fellow man for years on
end for nothing more than not being rich, or for imbibing a
substance, or speaking his mind, etc. Man will even imprison another
man for teaching his own children. Civilized man? That only means
that those in power have someone else enact the actual physical
cruelties. I have yet to encounter a politician who could better me
on Nature's playing field based on strength, cunning, skill, etc. –
yet by the power given them by weaker beings I live daily under the
threat of death or imprisonment if I do not kowtow to the perverted
wishes of these “civilized” men.
society needs law and order for protection you say! I do not disagree
with the goal, only the means. Man's laws are nothing more than words
on paper and they do not protect men from one another regarding some
people's tendency towards the baser actions of murder, rape, theft,
etc. And what of these words on paper? By US Law, it is illegal today
for a grandmother to give a grandchild a hot toddy for a sore throat
(practicing medicine without a license); yet, by Law, doctors murder
millions of unborn children every year. By Law, schools must have
parental permission to give a child an aspirin but not a
contraceptive, to go on a field trip but not to go for an abortion.
By Law, a child cannot have a tooth removed without parental consent
but they can have a baby removed without parental consent or
knowledge! By Law, you have to show ID to board a plane, cash a
check, buy liquor or a firearm, even just to check out a library
book, but no ID can be required to vote who runs the Government! In
addition to the insanity of what is written as law is the insanity of
how it is enforced. For example: If you light a cigarette with a
teenager in the car you can be arrested for child endangerment; but,
if you drag a toddler, on foot, through 80 miles of desert without
any shelter and inadequate clothing and water (think illegal border
crossing) the Government will feed you, give you free medical care,
give you a free education, a monthly welfare check, and help you get
housing and a job!
American respect for the law was based upon the fact that we had a
Constitution – the Supreme Law of the Land; and, that Law was
designed to control the Government, not the people. Now that the US
Government no longer abides by the Constitution the Law has become
nothing more than a chain shackling the people. America has indeed
become a Nation of laws not of men; and, those involved in
traditional law enforcement (judges, police, etc.) are no more than
overseers of what is fast becoming institutionalized slavery – do
(and speak, and think) as you are told or else!
the police are for our protection you say! Bah! When was the last
time you heard of a murder, or rape, or theft being stopped by the
police? Just as our government serves those in power so too the law
enforcement personnel they pay from our pockets. Most law enforcement
officers are too focused upon enforcing the will of the tyrant to
actually prevent crimes against individuals. While violent crimes
against individuals run rampant we see the police citing children for
running “illegal” lemonade stands! With the prisons overflowing
we see thieves released early to make room for parents who cannot
afford to meet the State's demand for extortion and ransom (child
for example, what purpose is served by a SWAT team for the federal
Department of Education. The powers that be have decreed that we are
required, under threat of force, to pay someone else to educate, nay
indoctrinate, our young and that in manners and subjects with which
we may totally disagree. Said SWAT team will enforce said decree if
and when local authorities fail to properly subdue the masses; and,
the local authorities have ample SWAT teams of their own toward that
the Feds do not like to leave anything dependent upon local
enforcement so practically every Federal agency now has a SWAT team.
For all the efforts at brainwashing the people the Feds are taking no
chances – there are more SWAT teams than there are institutions of
higher learning. Remember the Department of Agriculture, the folks
who helped farmers learn new methods to avoid another Dust Bowl? The
Department is still there though the mission has changed. Try selling
fresh milk and you will soon be raided by their SWAT team. There was
a time we were free to buy any milk we wanted but no more – now you
can only buy Government approved milk.
I earlier specified traditional law enforcement for a very good
reason. These alleged pillars of society are not alone in the role of
overseers. School teachers, once a respected bastion against
ignorance, are now the vanguard of the Government's desire to
inoculate our children with doctrines we may abhor. Teachers are
empowered to dictate the arrest of any parent deemed to be
interfering with the indoctrination of their own children!
Parent-teacher meetings are more apt to be centered not on increasing
a child's knowledge but on what a parent must do to facilitate the
State's indoctrination process.
workers (e.g. child welfare workers), once focused upon helping those
in need to meet minimum essentials in food and shelter, are now more
focused on monitoring parents for interfering with the State's
indoctrination process of their own children. Is the child eating
what the Government says to eat? Is the child dressing to Government
standards (no US flags* or religious material on shirts worn
to school, dresses for a boy if he wants, etc.). Is the child free to
be participate in whatever sexual role they want? Etc. ad naseum! Any
social worker who deems a parent is lacking can order a legal
kidnapping and initiate an investigation to have the parents jailed!
have not only surrendered their freedom they have surrendered the
freedom of their children! US Law has failed because it now ignores
YHWH and the Constitution. The “golden rule” in America is
he who has the gold makes the rules. We have come full circle. The
Law of this new jungle is again one of fit “ness” – fit in or
has abandoned YHWH and His Law. Is it any wonder YHWH has abandoned
USA has become so loath of it's own that it is fine to wear a Mexican
flag to a school event on the 4th of July but not a USA
flag on the 5th of May.
. . the laws gave rise to antagonisms more calculated to cause
anarchy than to consolidate true liberty.” – Emperor of the
French Napoleon III, History of Julius Caesar Vol. 1
the earth was corrupt before God and the earth was filled with
violence † .
6:11) (HRB NOTE: The Hebrew word used for violence here is “Hamas”,
same as the terror group today.)
you were to add up all the numbers on a roulette wheel, it would come
to 666.
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