Sunday, May 31, 2015

Equality - when the Government owns everybody

Verse of the Week
And now we are calling blessed both the doers of wickedness built up and they that test God and escape. (Malachi 3:15)
Thought for the Week

The US Government is constantly downplaying the threat of Islamic terrorism within the US itself. In a way they may have a point, if not a reason. Many Muslims do not hate Americans per say as much as they hate our "way of life"; and, at the rate things are going by the time the Muslims get around to trying to seriously attack the US it will no longer have that "way of life".

Under Muslim rule Americans would learn that the old adage about only death and taxes being the only certain things is not true. Muslims offer a third choice. You can die, pay an infidel tax, or become Muslim. Though many Americans still give lip service to being Christian it is safe to say that few would actually stand up for YHWH against a Muslim Government. They are already supporting an anti-YHWH tyrannical government anyway.

Most left wing liberals would not fight because, well, without the force of law behind them most of them are cowards - like children on a playground they love to threaten you with their Big Brother. Strange how they demand enforcement of laws they wish to force on others but despise law enforcement officers.

Of course some left wing liberals might fight. The LGBT mafia may fight tooth and nail - but not for YHWH. They would fight because the Muslims, rightly, will not tolerate the perversions of the LGBT.

Obviously the members of the group "Islamic Nation" would not fight - though they are in for a rude awakening. The Islamic Nation is largely comprised of individuals of African descent. If they have felt like second class citizens in the past just wait - the Arab Muslims already despise and slaughter African Muslims on a regular basis.

The only way the people of the US can defend against the Muslimization of America is to first defeat the tyrants it already has; and, since every group already mentioned is supporting the current tyrants the outlook is dire indeed.

For the centrists (e.g. RINO’s) it will be an interesting event for many. Muslims are not anti-business so the willingness to fight for many will be based on a combination of how high the tax versus how high the profit. It could be just another day for those that prize law & order over freedom - most folks like that are already selling their freedoms for so called security.

Since the Government employs more people than any other company a large part of them may see little change other than who signs their paycheck. Those in power will go along to get along - as long as they are still in power.

Of course some of us would try to resist; but, the current tyrants are already doing their best to weaken, even eliminate, any potential for resistance - out of fear of losing their own tyrannical control. Slave owners do not like slaves with guns. In fact they fear slaves owning anything that cannot be regulated, controlled, or easily taken away, not just freedom but even essentials like shelter, food, etc.

But hey, do not worry about that siren you hear - like artillery rounds it is not the one you hear you should fear. In the daylight laws are quietly passed; and, at night the lawmakers hide and send out their silent SWAT teams.

Quote of the Week

Americans are so enamored of equality they would rather be equal in slavery than unequal in freedom. - Alexis de Tocqueville

He made this comment several hundred years ago - one can only imagine what he would say now.

Did You Know

When the UN divide up Palestine 18% went to the Jews (to form Israel) and 82% went to the Arabs. COMMENT: Most Arabs countries (e.g. Jordan), after losing several wars with Israel, began refusing to allow residency to any Arab calling himself a Palestinian. Instead they began pushing the UN to force Israel to surrender more of what little land it has to the "Palestinian" Arabs.

The Hebraic Roots Bible (HRB) has the word "Hamas" listed 14 times - it essentially represents unjust/cruel violence. If you do not have a HRB try Strong’s word number 2555 - the word "châmâs". COMMENT: The US, with money borrowed against the taxpayers, is supporting both Hamas and the Palestinian Authority (the new PLO) - both of which are terrorist organizations that have sworn to annihilate Israel and all Jews.

The US Government is allowing sharia law courts in the US. Comment: Why does the Government allow Sharia Law courts in the US but Christian and Jewish Courts are banned? Is "separate but equal" making a comeback?

They say a Muslim male in Paradise gets 70 virgins. COMMENT: Is Hell for a Muslim male the same except he has permanent ED? What does a female Muslim get in Paradise - the permission to say no?

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Children - Tools of the State

Verse of the Week
Who will rise up for me against the evildoers? Who will stand up for me against the workers of evil? Unless YAHWEH had been my help, my soul would almost have dwelt in silence.
(Psalms 94:16/17)

Thought for the Week

I saw a slogan quite a while back that posed the question, "If you were charged with being a Christian would there be enough evidence to convict you?" That slogan came to mind again after reading about the latest Pew poll concerning the number of people claiming to be Christians in the USA. The poll states Christianity is on the decline because only 70% of Americans claim to be Christians.

That brought to mind a news report of a pastor of an evangelical church in the Northwest that said he did not believe in God but was insulted that some folks did not consider him a Christian! Well, Jesus said many are called but few are chosen; and, he also said that there will be folks claiming Him that He does not claim in return. Even a cursory look at American culture is proof positive that the true number of folks who worship YHWH and follow Jesus’ teachings is probably closer to 17% than it is to 70%.

Even with this grim outlook the Government is taking no chances. It seems most every action one can take to "provide evidence" of being a Christian is being criminalized. Those who stand up against abortion are considered terrorists. Those that stand up against homosexuality are considered guilty of hate crimes - and by extension so too are those who stand up for the biblical view of marriage. In many locations even trying to feed the homeless has been made a crime. Apparently the Government wants no competition in the handouts department or, more importantly, for the hearts and minds of populace - especially the children.

Teaching our children about YHWH is a basic duty of a Christian, yet the Government is literally Hell bent on overriding parental influence. They say it takes a village to raise a child. I say it takes parents to raise a child; it takes a village to raise a citizen, and a Government to raise a serf. Public schools are tailor made to create atheists and homeschooling is under attack from too many angles to discuss in this brief commentary. It is commonly said that the future belongs to our children. I posit it is more accurate to say that each succeeding generation inherits a future created by the preceding generation. Too many Americans have surrendered parental responsibility to the Government (or had it taken by force). As such, for several generations, it seems each passing generation leaves the next less freedom and more debt, more concern for creation but less for the Creator, more knowledge yet less wisdom. The list could go on but I finish the list with this - less trust in the Government but more dependence on it.

If you were charged with being a Christian could your children alone give enough evidence to convict you? Would they?

Quote of the Week

A government big enough to give you everything you want, is big enough to take away everything you have.
- Thomas Jefferson

This includes more than just physical property. It includes more than freedoms. It includes more than life itself. It includes your children - physically and mentally - and their future.

Did You Know
63% of youth suicides are from fatherless homes (US Dept. Of Health/Census) – 5 times the average.
90% of all homeless and runaway children are from fatherless homes – 32 times the average.
85% of all children who show behavior disorders come from fatherless homes – 20 times the average. (Center for Disease Control)
80% of rapists with anger problems come from fatherless homes –14 times the average. (Justice & Behavior, Vol 14, p. 403-26)
71% of all high school dropouts come from fatherless homes – 9 times the average. (National Principals Association Report)

Cops are now arresting folks for feeding homeless -

Kids are being trained to be spies for the Government - both for illegal drugs by the
D.A.R.E program and there are even other programs encouraging kids to steal parent’s legal guns.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Police - a military style occupation force

Verse of the Week


And this is the judgment, that the Light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness more than the Light, for their works were evil.

(John 3:19)

Thought for the Week

I recently read a very disturbing report concerning a judge’s ruling that it is Constitutional for law enforcement agents to take over the use of your home (e.g. as a place to set up a command center or to run surveillance) anytime they want - and arrest you if you so much as verbally disagree with them or question the need. The judge ruled the Constitution only prevents the “quartering of troops” and not of law enforcement personnel. I guess the judge is too ignorant to realize that when the Constitution was written law enforcement was done by the “troops”.

Furthermore, US law enforcement agents are trained by the military and armed identical to the military - with automatic weapons, sniper rifles, body and vehicle armor, etc. The use of military equipment and tactics, by law enforcement agents, has been making headlines even in the mainstream media for quite a while. In point of fact, US law enforcement agents are better equipped with military hardware and better trained in military tactics than most of the Armies in the world.

Scarier still is that US law enforcement is allowed, by law, to apply deadly force against US citizens in a manner less restrictive than the law regulating our military personnel in combat areas in most foreign countries. Most Status of Force agreements require our troops to be fired upon before they can apply deadly force; yet, US law enforcement is under no such restriction at home. This is reflected in the fact that US law enforcement kills more American citizens every month (over 90 in the past month of April alone) than our military does enemy combatants in the War on Terror.

The Left, when it does not ignore the Constitution entirely, loves to claim the Constitution is a living document. As such they have passed many a law under the claim of constitutional penumbras. The original Founding Fathers were not even comfortable with having a standing army and certainly did not envision an army of law enforcement agents having dictatorial powers over citizens of the republic. Can anyone honestly believe the signers of the Constitution would approve of the government seizing a person’s home for use in any manner without due process - much less for the purpose of quartering an armed force for internal domestic deployment?

Law enforcement agents (e.g. in Ohio), using warrants generated by secret court proceedings, have even conducted raids on homes and informed the citizens being raided that they could not even ask why they were raided or talk to an attorney about the incident or they would be arrested for contempt of court!

For generations our troops have fought and died overseas to try to bring freedom from tyranny to others. Sadly while they were doing so their own people have slowly been being engulfed by a tyrannical government at home. Even sadder still the military is itself becoming a tool for the oppression of the people it was meant to protect.

To our troops in uniform: Your oath is first and foremost to defend the Constitution! If there is any honor left in our military then perhaps it is time to consider action at home - not to overthrow the US Government - but to restore it to the Constitutional Republic it was meant to be. Of course this is highly unlikely since the US Government has been deploying the military domestically in a manner that instills fear. - This while the country is slowly invaded because of under protected borders.

The US Military and law enforcement personnel have a lot in common. I have served in both. They were both once considered honorable professions that served, respectively, their country and their community. Now they have become the tools of tyranny.

          Americans are on track to suffer the tyranny felt by the Europeans from the Nazis and the Fascists. Ironically I posit it will do so in the 20’s and 30’s of this century just as it happened in Europe in the 20’s and 30’s of the last century.

          It has become a coin toss which will happen first: civil war, a nuclear attack, or the Second Coming. Either way the end of the US is near.

          CONSIDER: If the US were to suffer a major terrorist attack in the US it will not be the terrorists that suffer under the repercussions - it will be the American people. The Government is already poised to declare martial law, suspend the Constitution, and nationalize all major industries (food, energy, communication, etc). Look at history folks - did the SS or the Gestapo suffer the privations of the average German citizen? - Of course not. The Government will provide first and foremost for itself - including the military and law enforcement agents it uses to enforce its will. They call it Continuity of Government - I call that a euphemism for tyranny.

Quote of the Week

The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, I'm from the government and I'm here to help.  - Ronald Reagan

Comment: I doubt Reagan realized how prophetic his comment would turn out to be.


Did You Know

          The States that ceded from the Union in the 1860’s had the Constitutional right to do so. That is why the States that were conquered by the US called it The War of Northern Aggression. COMMENT: The next domestic conflict in the US will be a true Civil War.

Studies estimate 10,000 innocent Americans are convicted each year in the US

I have mentioned before that US Prison System is big business. So big in fact even Judges are making money off of it.

There have been over 500 documented cases in which a person was killed by police with Tasers.

Here is a CATO map of US police raids gone wrong. COMMENT: These incidents include deaths for “suspects”, as well as unrelated bystanders, by Government sanctioned forces - in other countries they are called death squads - in the US they are called SWAT teams. No matter what name you call them their goal, and the results of their actions, are same - comply with the Government’s wishes or risk death or imprisonment.


Tuesday, May 12, 2015

The Population Control Game

Verse of the Week

Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

(John 15:13)

Thought for the Week

Most folks probably do not give much thought to the term population control. It actually has two applications these days. One is controlling the actions of the existing population; the other is the control of population growth. The Left is working hard to employ the mastery of both.

 “TOTALITARIANISM - Domination by a government of all political, social, and economic activities in a nation. Totalitarianism is a phenomenon of the twentieth century: earlier forms of Despotism and Autocracy lacked the technical capacity to control every aspect of life.”(WordNet)  The Government of the USA is no longer lacking in the technical capacity to control most of the citizens of the USA, nor is it lacking in the will to do so. It just needs a little more time - and the sheeple are giving it to them!

“Although both Communism and Fascism are forms of Totalitarianism . . . In theory, Communism opposes the identification of government with a single charismatic leader (the “cult of personality”).” Does Obama have a cult following? -- Hillary?

“OLIGARCHY: This name is given to designate the power which a few citizens of a state have usurped, which ought by the constitution to reside in the people.”

Under the guise of equality the Left wing liberals of the USA are combining the social control of the Fascists (via police state), the economic control of the Communists (via global warming mandates), and the political control of an oligarchy (via the Democratic Party). (NOTE: This could not happen if the Republican Party was not full of power hungry RINO cowards). The fast approaching phase will be a wet dream for Orwellian power holders and a nightmare for the people. The final outcome is unknown. A lot of bloodshed will lead to either the utter destruction, or rebirth, of freedom - the coming civil war will determine that.

The Left, under many guises involving “rights”, has been working on population growth for a long time - at least since it embraced eugenics before even Herr Hitler did. In Herr Obama’s time just look at the 1968 Democratic Party Platform, and I quote, “This new emphasis on food will buy time to launch effective programs of population control.” They are still at it now. In fact, this push continues unabated worldwide. “Reproductive rights” are a euphemism employed for abortion and contraceptives. “Gay rights” are a sleight-of-hand trick to decrease birth rates via increased homosexual activity. The US Government, in your name, is forcing the acceptance of abortion and homosexuality at home and abroad - especially on poor.

I have seen a lot of slogans that reference “for God and Country”; but, I have never seen one that referenced “for God and Government”. First and foremost I love YHWH. I also love my fellow man and believe he deserves his God given freedoms. I have served YHWH and my fellow man for most of my life. The motto of my service in the US Navy was “So others may live”. The motto for my service in the US Army was “de oppresso liber”. In both Services I swore an oath to defend the Constitution of the USA against all enemies - foreign and domestic. I have always honored that oath and will continue to do so - even if it means I must fight against the traitors of the Constitution within the US Government.

Apathy is the way of the coward and slavery the way of the cowered. Resistance to tyranny is not treason. Resist now! If you “cease and desist” your freedom will cease to exist.


Quote of the Week

The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. - Winston S. Churchill

Comment: Introspection demands we acknowledge that we use our beliefs to both understand and explain Truth; but, Truth itself is a matter of knowledge not belief.

Did You Know

The Italian Communist Party was called the Democrats of the Left (1921-91). The party changed its name to the Democratic Party of the Left in 1991; it became one of Italy's largest political parties and western Europe's largest communist party. In 1998 it renamed itself Democrats of the Left.

Planned Parenthood, championed by the Left and the Democratic Party, is the largest seller of abortions in the USA AND disproportionally targets minorities for abortion by locating 80% of its abortion clinics in minority neighborhoods. Blacks comprise only 13% of the US population but account for 37% of all abortions. Black women are five times more likely to abort than white women. COMMENT: That is a lot of potential left wing voters being murdered so where are all the left wing liberal protests over this racial disparity? Historically left wingers are evolutionists and as such believe in the concept of eugenics - that is true racism!

Homosexual men average 80% fewer children than their heterosexual counterparts.

Arab Muslims hate blacks even if they are Muslims too. COMMENT: Do a Goggle search for something like “Arab Muslims killing African Muslims” and you get over 62 million hits.

Muslims hate homosexuals. Muslim views towards the LGBT mafia are yet another area where the Left is hypocritical. You cannot support Islam and homosexuality! COMMENT: Just as the Left acts critical of police activities but supports more Government and more laws to control people. The more laws you have the more law enforcement agents you need; and, the less moral the law the less moral the methods of enforcement.

For those that like to use science to justify their evil: First science told us nothing can go faster than the speed of light. While still claiming that they then told us the universe started by a Big Bang - that went faster than the speed of light. Then they told us that the universe is still expanding from the bang and that the parts closest to us are moving away slower than those farther away from us (what happened to Laws of Physics - e.g. friction?). They even claim those farthest away from us are moving so fast that we have never and will never see them! COMMENT: Scientific opinion is like the weather - if you do not like it just wait a while - it will change. Thankfully the TRUTH never changes. PS - Hmm, the entire universe, except for our solar system, could have disappeared 2 years ago and we would not know it for another 2 years from now (the Alpha Centauri system, the closest star system to our solar system, is 4.37 light years from the Sun).

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Nazi's, Muslims, & Democrats

Verse of the Week

Teach me Your way, O YAHWEH, and lead me on a level path, because of my enemies.

(Psalms 27:11)

Thought for the Week

Hitler and the National Socialists Party (Nazi) achieved mastery over the German people by first subverting two very specific categories of people - the children and the Armed Forces.

If you can indoctrinate the children you can control their future. The National Socialists were quick to enforce the teaching of their views in the national education system. The Democratic Party, under the sway of Left wing liberals, is doing the same in the USA (e.g. common core). Each passing generation of the USA is more submissive and immoral - to the point that most now accept (if not   support) abortion, homosexuality, etc. Also, they are more ignorant, with each passing generation, of the two foundations of American freedom - the US Constitution and the Bible. Due to this the support for many basic rights, such as freedom of speech, free exercise of religion, the right to bear arms, etc. are diminishing rapidly.

If you can control the Armed Forces you can control the present. The National Socialists changed the entire culture of the German military. They did this in two ways. First, they began teaching intolerance for any view other than their own. Second they began ousting any who would not adopt their point of view. The same has been happening in the US military. Rather than focus on military training an inordinate amount of time and effort goes toward “sensitivity training” and indoctrinating all Service members in other matters (sexual harassment, gender equality, LGBT acceptance, etc). Many Service members have been surveyed concerning their willingness to fire on US citizens. Furthermore they are taught that foreign Muslims are not terrorists but domestic Christians are.

It has reached the point that many generals have resigned (by force or by choice) just like many of the general staff members did under the National Socialists in Germany. In fact it has gotten so bad that many nationally known figures are now saying Christians should not enlist in the military; and, it appears many Christians are also leaving military service due to political pressures.

A nation’s “Armed Forces” are more than its military and the National Socialists knew this. A nation’s law enforcement apparatus is also an “Armed Force”. In fact law enforcement personnel are a government’s front line combatants against its own population. The infamous SS began as a government control mechanism over the populace. The infamous Gestapo followed suit under the dictates of the National Socialists. The USA is following suit - even to asking citizens to spy on each other (I guess someone is feeling insecure - even the NSA spying on its own citizens is not enough).

In the US the growing “militarization” of both national and local police forces is growing at an exponential rate - including drone usage. US Law Enforcement kills another citizen almost daily (even though usually only white cop on black citizen makes the main stream media). The US President uses these deaths as an excuse for more federal control over local police forces and has even called for a nationwide police force (apparently the US Marshals, FBI, ATF, DEA, etc. do not give the government enough control). Even organizations not traditionally considered law enforcement (Department of Education, Dept. of Agriculture, EPA, etc.) now have their own SWAT teams (and are conducting Gestapo style night raids on private citizens at an alarming rate)! The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is purchasing so much firearm ammunition that it has caused a shortage - not just for private citizens but even for local police agencies. Not satisfied with all that the DHS is also spending millions on “Less-than-lethal” weapons.

Now combine all the above. What happens when the members of the Armed Forces have no morals - and just follow orders? What happens when the members of the Armed Forces have no qualms about imprisoning or killing their fellow citizens? Then the Government will have Armed Forces acceptable to the Democratic Party - and they will use them against their own people - just like the National Socialists Party. The USA will be no more.

When your grandchildren are subjects and not citizens how will you explain to them why you did nothing to protect them?

Quote of the Week

In war, truth is the first casualty. - Aeschylus

Comment: The USA is at war within. In the USA, just like pre Nazi Germany almost a century ago, too many citizens are turning a blind eye to what is happening around them. Like Germany, if the socialists gain control the country will destroyed. History has judged that the Germans may have been that self-centered but they could not be that blind. What will your excuse be?

Did You Know

It is not just the radical Muslims that kill Christians - even your run of the mill Muslim “refugees” have proven they will kill Christians if they think they can get away with it. COMMENT: And Obama is bringing them into the USA by the plane load and forcing communities to accept it. They say there is a silver lining in every cloud - I guess if the US becomes a more Muslim nation the upside will be a people willing to stand up for morals and against the LGBT Mafia.



First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out -- Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out -- Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out -- Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me -- and there was no one left to speak for me. -- Martin Niemöller (1892–1984)



First they went after our children’s minds, and I did not speak out -- Because I had no children.

Then they went after the gun owners, and I did not speak out -- Because I owned no guns.

Then they went after the Christians, and I did not speak out -- Because I was not a Christian.

Then they went after me -- and there was no one left to speak for me. -- Average American 2015