Sunday, November 30, 2014

Know who you are serving!

               A while back, before I started this website, the owner of an Army/Navy surplus store asked me why God never answers her prayers. After talking a bit it became apparent that her prayers consisted mainly of asking for either money to meet her debts or for “miracle cures” for people on their death beds. Without going into detail I can say that she seemed satisfied with my response and thanked me. Sadly such questions are all too common. I have heard such questions from folks driving new cars and living in nice homes who defend their actions by saying they are asking for help with their bills and not asking to be rich. They are too blind to realize their life style is that of the rich for most of the world.

          Most folks have heard the old saying, “there are no atheists in a foxhole”. Both in and out of the military I have met many folks who do not give their Creator much thought until they want something from Him; and, they typically deride God when such desires are not fulfilled. These folks are usually at a loss for words when I ask them why YHWH should listen to them when they do not listen to Him. Some get downright angry when I point out that YHWH is their Creator not their banker or their doctor; and, even their banker sets standards they must meet to get money and their doctor has instructions they must follow if they expect his advice to do them any good. Those who ignore YHWH’s instructions should not be surprised when He ignores their desires.

           There are an increasing number of “preachers” leading “mega-churches” whose teachings come straight from psychology textbooks and who only cite the Bible when they can find a convenient verse to support their agenda - and then most of the verses are used out of context. The messages these anti-Christs teach are more akin to get-rich-quick schemes and/or a motivational speaker working the talk show circuit. Their pop psychology is making them rich though since it seems most folks prefer sound bites over explanations. The end results are false messages creating false hopes. Is it any wonder so many are led astray when they do not listen to Jesus? Jesus was quite clear when He said, “You are not able to serve God and wealth” (Matthew 6:24, Luke 16:13).

          How would any parent feel if the only time their child spoke to them was when they wanted something? How would any parent feel if their child ignored not just every rule laid down for them but every bit of advice as well? Do you approach YHWH with awe, love, and respect or with a wish list? Are you seeking His Christ or a cure? Are you offering Him worship or asking Him for wealth? If you ask for and get any earthly advantage - beware the wrong spirit! Satan is listening too!


But Satan now is wiser than of yore, and tempts by making rich, not making poor.
-- Alexander Pope
Comment: Jesus was quite clear that those who follow him would be persecuted for it (John 15:20). He was also quite clear that he would not claim many that claim him (Matthew 7:21/22). Beware the rocky ground (Matthew 13:21).
Did You Know

There is actually a club for “Christian” Millionaires.

There is actually a Facebook page just for “Christian” Millionaires.

There is actually a book called “Becoming a Millionaire God’s Way”.

There are even “Christian” billionaires.

The Google search for “how to get rich the christian way” produced 56,700,000 results.

The median expected annual pay for a typical Pastor in the United States is $88,816. (Source) For the average American worker in 2013 it was around half that - 44,888.16. (Source)

In 2013, 45.3 million Americans (14.5 percent) were in poverty and 49.1 million Americans lived in food insecure households, including 33.3 million adults and 15.8 million children. (Source)

Poor nutrition worldwide causes nearly half (45%) of deaths in children under five - 3.1 million children each year. (Source)

There are many interpretations for the phraseology used jointly in Matthew 19:24, Luke 18:25 and Mark 10:25 regarding the camel versus rope versus gate debate (See Note1). The point Jesus was making is basically the same no matter which interpretation you use. Simply read the verse which precedes it - e.g. Matthew 19:23 (See Note2). Jesus was just saying the same thing in a different way (See Note3).

Note1 - As far back as the 4th Century it has been said that "camel" is a Greek misprint; that kamêlos (camel) was a misprint of kamilos, meaning "rope" or "cable". The OGM uses “camel rope”.

Note2 - For precept must be on precept, precept on precept; line on line, line on line; here a little, there a little. (Isaiah 28:10 - see also Isaiah 28:13) (Caution: The NET Bible has quite a different translation/interpretation for these verses in Isaiah - as does the DRB. However, the HRB, ISA, JPS, KJV, LITV and YLT all roughly follow the version presented here.)

Note3 - Such repetition was a common teaching method among the Jews dating back hundreds of years before Jesus. Jesus often used this method.

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