Sunday, September 21, 2014

Passing the Buck?

THOUGHT for the WeeK

          These days it seems, at least in the US, that more than a few of the “older generation” complain about the younger generation’s lack of literary and verbal skills - especially in regards to communication. The older folks point to the degradation of language skills caused by technology - especially computerization of learning and communication. Examples abound. It seems younger folks depend on “spell check” instead of learning how to spell correctly. Worse yet, the younger folks abbreviate almost obsessively; and, when texting, use more abbreviations and smiley faces than punctuation marks. Neither generation may care for my take on this issue.
          The first thing the older generation needs to consider is that younger folks, though inherently striving to make their own mark, also, especially when very young, depend heavily on being “lead by example”. The society the older folk allowed to develop has, for the most part, utterly failed to create worthy examples. They are learning (I hope) a lesson Obama still has yet to grasp - you cannot lead from behind. It does not help when the same US president claims words do not mean what they say (e.g. the Islamic State is not a State and is not Islamic - even when the “Islamic State” is comprised of over 90% Islamists and has more land area than the nation of Belgium).
It does not help when a US president (Clinton), in an effort to avoid responsibility, plays semantics with the definition of “is”. Clinton went on to assert that “sex” is only “sex” when it involves intercourse. I still remember the discussion that ensued with my young daughter at the time - as if it was not challenging enough to counter what the schools were doing to brainwash her on the issue of acceptable sexual practices.
The younger generation, or at least a large portion of it, has been taught by examples like these that language usage is as fluid as the definition of right and wrong - which is being taught by these same examples. They have been taught that nothing is fixed or carved in stone; and, that whether something is good or bad is all a matter of personal preference - in language as well as in life.
          Sadly, due to the abundance of such poor examples, the younger generation has not, for the large part, learned that the “House of Freedom” is a building with more to it. Individual rights are but one cornerstone of that house; but, with individual rights come individual responsibilities. Ever heard the adages “Your rights end at the end of your nose” or “Your rights end where mine begin.”? The other two cornerstones are social in nature - social rights which come with social duties - e.g. the right to protest is not the right to riot. These four cornerstones create a house of freedom we can all live in. Consider:  expressing an opinion (individual right) in or to the public (social right), and, not silencing opposing opinions (individual responsibility) while ensuring opposing views are not suppressed (social duty). This is true tolerance which the liberals cannot tolerate! All of this was built upon bedrock of greater importance - Biblical morals.
          If there is no right or wrong there are no “rights”. The law does nothing to stop folks from denying each other their “rights”. If it did there would be no crime - it only reacts after the event. The law cannot stop a would-be rapist - morals can. Animals have no morals. If we were “just higher order animals” then there would be no wrong in rape - it would just be a natural case of procreation. The law does not prevent murder - morals do. Is not murder just a natural example of the strong over the weak? But, thankfully, we are more than animals; and, there is a right and wrong. It is defined by our Creator - YHWH.
          So, for the younger folks, if you really want to prove your independence and assert your freedom then show it by ignoring all the bad examples and teach your children better than you have been taught. Words do have assigned meanings for a reason. (Read George Orwell’s 1984. Some old folks found it funny, some scary, and apparently too few thought it could start coming true the way it has.) Make yourselves worthy of the freedoms you have inherited - before they are all lost; and, remember that without YHWH you would have neither life nor freedom. It does not take a village to raise a child - it takes a set of parents with a set of morals! Child education is a parent’s job - not the States!
          For the older folks, too many parents in previous generations parted from the job instead of doing their part. Admit blowing it, so far, by having allowed this degradation of morals and freedoms to happen on your watch. Then quit just complaining and do something about it. Grow up, show some backbone, and “lead by example” (listen to YHWH) - you are not dead yet! If you will not help then get out of the way and give the younger generation a chance - maybe they’ll have more courage!
          For everyone, worldwide, until YHWH sends His Son again our future is in our own hands, young and old alike. Many of our forefathers fought and died for freedom - we all owe that gift to our children. Many of our forefathers did this so they could pass down their knowledge of YHWH. This we must do too - with or without freedom, with or without abbreviations or punctuation.
          The language of freedom and morals may change - the need for both will not. (No matter how ignorant, degenerate, or immoral the citizens or presidents of the US become!)
          PS - A small addendum to last week’s thought that ties in here: Research the “Atoms for Peace” program - the US gave Iran its first nuclear reactor; and, in 70’s, competed with the Germans and French to nuclearize Iran! Just one more of the legacies older generations left the younger ones to deal with!
QUOTE of the Week
“The follower of Christ, whose service means an ever-growing understanding of his teaching, and an ever-closer fulfillment of it, in progress toward perfection, cannot, just because he is a follower, of Christ, claim for himself or any other that he understands Christ's teaching fully and fulfills it. Still less can he claim this for any body of men.” -- Leo Tolstoy, The Kingdom of God Is Within You
          COMMENT: No matter when or where we were born the Truth does not change - only our understanding does. I posit that the greatest impact our “earthly situation” has on Truth is our own exposure to it and our search for it. Freedom to be exposed to, to search for, and to learn the Truth is a blessing that comes with responsibilities. The greatest responsibility is ensuring the spread of the knowledge of the Truth - in present generations and for generations to come.
NOTE: I would posit that understand the teachings of Jesus is the easier of the two - after all, as Jesus promised, we have the Holy Spirit to teach us all things - all we need to do is listen to Jesus and the Holy Spirit over the teachings of other men such as Saul of Tarsus, the popes, etc. The harder part is having the initial courage before men in the “ever-closer fulfillment of it”. For those with true love and obedience toward YHWH He will grant His grace (unmerited help) to us so we can have and maintain this courage - for ourselves and for others.

My research shows that:
The Old Testament (Original Testament) was written in the Ancient Hebrew Language - which had no punctuation.
Chapters were not introduced to the Bible until 1238 by Cardinal Hugo de S. Caro
Verse divisions were not added to the Bible until 1551 by Robertus Stephanus.
There is a world famous modern day poet who never used capitalization in his poetry - known as
          BTW* Theodore Roosevelt warned us of the dangers of the hyphen. I highly recommend young and old alike take the time to look that up! It could do a world of good. IMHO
BTW - By The Way
IMHO - In My Humble Opinion



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