Monday, November 18, 2013

US failing

My focus here is YHWH and the teachings of His Son Jesus. Still, I am a native US citizen and am saddened and often disappointed in the direction the US has been taking away from YHWH for some time. This is not reflected much in my articles but it does come out some in my Christian SAR blog and in my Thoughts for the Week. This is such a week.

Worldwide Christian persecution is the highest it has been since the Catholic Church ran the Crusades and the Inquisition. Even here in the US our government now forces Islam down our throats while at the same time badgering Christians and slowly criminalizing Christian beliefs.

For those in the US, and even others worldwide concerned with current trends, if you have not read or seen “The Harbinger” or “The Harbinger Decoded” I highly recommend that you do so. I myself just briefly caught the end of an airing of “The Harbinger Decoded” on CTN on the 27th of October. It is scheduled to air again on the evening of November 24th. Whether you like the author or not he does present many interesting and thought provoking concepts.

I try not to be egocentric in my views but there is little doubt that the US is drifting away from YHWH. I believe it is doing so at an accelerated pace. Only YHWH knows how and when the US will fall but fall she will and deservedly so. To my fellow brothers and sisters here in the US all I can say is keep the faith and spread the Gospel the best you can - the persecution will increase. Always realize that there is only one church and it is persecuted - even if the citizens of the USA have been blind to this by the earthly power the US has held and is losing fast due to internal disintegration.

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