Tuesday, November 10, 2015

A Time to . . .

Verse of the Week

Teach me and I will be silent; and cause me to understand in what I have erred.

(Job 6:24)

Thought for the Week

If only mankind would listen. There is no doubt that knowledge and technology have exploded across the globe during the last century and some have equated this with progress. Yet with the unprecedented number of deaths in the last century from war, genocide, democide, famine, etc it makes one wonder why anyone would call it progress as well as giving one cause to pause and wonder how and why this could all happen.

The why seems simple enough - Satan and his evil machinations. With Satan's influence it seems man and evil are bound together like hand and glove. Then again gloves allow each digit to operate individually as well as to be individually encased so perhaps foot in sock is a better analogy. Evil it seems often flourishes best in a collective setting rather than an individual one - consider "mob mentality", "herd mentality", etc. In the war against evil we are all "socked" in by the evil around us and many are too engrossed in their own battles to offer aid to their neighbor - which leads us to the "how this has happened"

The how seems to be fairly simple too - death from disinterest or self-interests. Apathy is Satan's greatest defensive measure as it deters the collective will to act against evil. Sadly, though we are collectively surrounded by evil, most folks just "go along to get along" and are content as long as they have their own little space for wiggle room. And therein lays the danger because socks are a far more dangerous environment than gloves - consider the problem of athlete's foot but who has ever heard of athlete's hand. One dirty digit places us all at risk of succumbing to the fungus of evil that surrounds us.

The evil ones among us, like Satan, are knowledgeable about the Bible and are adept at citing Scripture in support of evil (e.g. Matthew 4:6); and, like Satan (and the mainstream media) they tend to pull things out context to suit their own views (e.g. Matthew 7:1/5). Knowledge, in and of itself, is neither good nor evil: The application of knowledge is; and, practically every bit of knowledge man has gained, even that designed for good, has been twisted to serve an evil purpose. This is in essence from a lack of wisdom - as if knowledge and wisdom held a relationship of inverse proportion and the more knowledgeable man becomes the more absurd he behaves.

The Word teaches us that fear (reverence) of YHWH is the beginning of both knowledge (Proverbs 1:7) and wisdom (Proverbs 9:10, Psalms 111:10). From almost the very beginning man has sought knowledge at the expense of reverence and wisdom. Just as man's knowledge has grown exponentially during the last century so too has his reverence for his Creator decreased. Is it any wonder that wisdom is so lacking?

To understand and gain mastery in any endeavor, whether it is in a scientific field, a sport, a skill, etc., one must first learn, and then always apply, the basic fundamentals. Man, in his attempts to understand and gain mastery over himself and his environment, has strayed from the basic fundamentals - how and why he came to exist.

Man was created by and for YHWH. This knowledge, and the wisdom it brings, is the only source of protection from the evil that surrounds us. It is a vaccine against the rabid evil that is engulfing all of mankind. A person vaccinated against rabies may be safe from rabies but they are not safe from attack from an infected rabid person. The more people vaccinated the greater the level of individual protection. Have compassion on your fellow man, get involved, and help spread this knowledge, this understanding, this wisdom, before it is too late.

So let your light shine before men, so that they may see your good works, and may glorify your Father in Heaven.

(Matthew 5:16)

Quote of the Week

Little did we guess that what has been called the century of the common man would witness as its outstanding feature more common men killing each other with greater facilities than any other five centuries together in the history of the world. -- Winston Churchill

There is an old adage that says "hope for the best, prepare for the worst". We should never underestimate man's cruelty to man. History shows evil is increasing in its frequency, intensity, and scope. The children of YHWH hope for Jesus' quick return; but, we must be prepared to endure.

- Churchill also said, "You can always count on Americans to do the right thing - after they've tried everything else." I fear America's will to do the right thing has become so diluted by Muslims from the East, Catholics from the South, and homosexuals/liberals from within, that doing the right thing has become a thing of the past.

Did You Know

Democide: any murder by government - by officials acting under the authority of government. In the last century there have been an estimated 250 to 300 million deaths by democide. Comment: This also happens to be the estimated population of the entire world when Jesus was crucified (all these numbers are depending upon the source, of course).

Genocides from 1900 to 2000 claimed an estimated 45 to 50 million lives. Comment: This is a little more than the number of military deaths due to war over the last century.

Global death from famine in 2000 was about the same ratio wise as it was in 1900 - about 3 per 100,000 people. Comment: Deaths from famine seem worse today because the population is greater - from just over 1 billion in 1900 to almost 7 billion in 2000 - so the number of deaths in 2000 were higher even though the ratio was the same (1900 versus 2000). Note also that this varies widely, for example death by famine during the last century peaked in the 1920's at 814 per 100,000.

Back in the 1960's a Norwegian statistician added up all of the wars through history. The total was 14,531. Comment: There have been more than 264 wars recorded in the last century. That would be about a 10% increase over the average of 242 (14,531 divided by 60 centuries of recorded history).

Sunday, November 1, 2015

US Downfall vs Nazification

Verse of the Week

                    Rejoice not against me, my enemy; for if I fall, I shall arise. For if I sit in darkness,

                    YAHWEH is a light to me.

                    (Micah 7:8)

Thought for the Week

          It is not hard these days to find articles comparing the US to either Rome before it fell or to Germany when the Nazi's began to seize power; and, ironically there are indeed many similarities to both comparisons. There are many reasons why Rome fell as a superpower as well as why Germany fell under Nazi sway but in both cases there was a very simple underlying factor - the people themselves allowed it. It is well known that Rome had deteriorated within into a corrupt welfare state under the sway of dictators and freeloaders long before the empire was attacked from without. As for Germany it is common these days to point at the Nazi's as if they conquered Germany but that is untrue - a few wanted power and most of the rest submitted in their own selfish interests.

           Among many of the  eerie similarities between Nazi Germany and the present US is the wandervogel of Germany in the 1920's and the hippies of the 1960's in the US. Many of the youth of the wandervogel later became right wing Nazi leaders - just as most of the hippies have become left wing socialists and now lead the US.

          The right wing fanatics of Germany that blamed all their ills on Jewry are mirrored today in the US by the left wing fanatics who blame all their ills on Christians. Sadly the US has a triple dose of fanatics when you add the right wing racists who still blame the Jews and then also add the Muslims who blame Jews and Christian alike.

          Make no mistake these left wingers are fanatics and anyone who believes the left wing liberals are for "peace and love" and are anti-violence is suffering under a delusion - consider animal rights/environmental terrorists, black lives matter advocates, millions of abortions, etc. And, the left wing fanatics today, like the Nazi's, understand the power of indoctrinating the next generation while propagandizing their view on the current generation.

          Consider that when the Nazi's attacked other nations they gained many allies against the Jews. In Lithuanian, which was predominately Roman Catholic, in what became known as the Kaunas Massacre, regular citizens beat dozens of Jews to death and then danced over the bodies to tunes from an accordion. At other massacres (e.g. at Butrimonys, Alytus, etc) the locals "worked for the Germans" just so they could have the Jew's property. In fact, in the Baltic States, 80% of the murders were done by local death squads.

           Mob mentality is as dangerous on a national level as it is in a local lynch mob. The Nazi's turned half the world into a lynch mob against Jews. Today the US left is doing the same but against Christians.

          Karl Jaspers, a Swiss-German scholar, made on observation after the defeat of the Nazi's:

                    "That which has happened is a warning. To forget it is guilt. It must be continually                                         remembered. It was possible for this to happen, and it remains possible for it

                    to happen again at any minute. Only in knowledge can it be prevented."

          Physical genocide against Christians is already becoming a reality in Africa and the Middle East. Just as the West ignored the plight of the Jews it is ignoring the plight of Christians. Left wing propaganda has created a bias against Christians, that is already running rampant in Europe and the US, that borders on Intellectual and emotional genocide. History has proven that when the masses are taught to hate the killing soon follows.

          The war of words is being lost, evil is winning. The Word of YHWH is already being banned from schools, the workplace, and the public square. And what is the next logical step? Well, does it not explain the left's rabid demands to disarm the public? The left knows it will not be able to completely ban the Bible unless they first ban the ability to keep it. The children of YHWH will triumph in the end when the Lord finally unleashes the wrath of YHWH! Until then . . .  Then they will deliver you up to affliction, and will kill you, and you will be hated by all nations because of my name. And then many will be offended, and they will deliver up one another and will hate one another.

(Matthew 24:9-10)

Quote of the Week

          God protect and strengthen you for everything that still may come before this insanity in which we are forced to live reaches its end. -- Max Planck (winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1918, founder of quantum mechanics)

          Comment: Planck wrote the above in a letter to a friend after learning the Nazis had executed his son Erwin for participating in an attempt to assassinate Hitler. The time is fast approaching in the US when the worshippers of YHWH, both Jew and Gentile, will face increasingly harsh persecution. Though the insanity has changed the evil driving it has not.


Did You Know

          In French Territories (e.g. Louisiana circa 1724) under the Code Noir (Black Code), Jews were banned (article 1) and it was illegal to practice any religion other than Roman Catholic (article 3). Decades later France passed an official government decree that God did not exist! Comment: Ever wondered why France fought so hard in WWI yet caved so easily in WWII?

          Christians top the list of persecuted faith groups worldwide, as per the International Society for Human Rights, 80% of all incidents of religious discrimination are committed against Christians.

          It has been estimated that 80-90% of arrests made by the Gestapo were the result of information voluntarily provided by regular citizens. Most surveillance was also conducted by neighbors at the Gestapo's request and not by the Gestapo officers themselves. For example: the Wurzburg region had only 28 Gestapo officers over a population of more than a million people. Denunciation (e.g. hostile gossip) was the weapon of choice for the State. Comment: When Uncle Sam abrogates the Second Amendment and starts kicking in doors looking for firearms it will not just be Federal and State databases they use to guide their footsteps. They will also use membership lists and internet searches/purchases as well; and, worse yet, they will use your family and your neighbors against you too. You have been warned.

          As late as 1940 the Nazi's where still trying to find a place to send the Jews (e.g. the Madagascar Plan to force France to surrender the island for Jewish resettlement). Comment: The entire world with one exception (the Dominican Republic), refused to aid the Jews and as such all share in the guilt of the Holocaust. Though the Nazi's wielded the knife the world helped corner the victim.