Tuesday, February 24, 2015

End Times - What's Missing?

Verse of the Week

But before all this, they will seize you and persecute you, handing you over to the synagogues and prisons. You will be brought before kings and governors because of my name.

(Luke 21:12)

Thought for the Week

          I do not usually delve much into prophetic interpretations but since it has become so popular of late I have written a little on the subject. The article In the Spotlight this week is the most recent example and deals with an aspect of the end times I feel is still being overlooked by most of the mainstream “Christian” media - perhaps because it is not a very politically correct aspect to deal with.

I try not to let my being a US American or politics in general influence the articles written for “In the Spotlight”; but, I make no such effort on this “front page” and offer no apologies for that.

          There is another aspect of the end times that is missing from most of the mainstream “Christian” media. It is missing because it is information given to us by Jesus himself that runs counter to all the “tithe to us and get rich” schemes that fill most current mainstream “Christian” media. Reread the “Verse of the Week” above if you still do not understand. Jesus told us several times we would be persecuted if we followed him; but, as indicated in the verse above he specifically singled out this persecution as a precursor to the other “popular” events as signs of the end times.

          It seems it is more profitable to sell books about Blood Moons than it is to tell Jesus’ followers to get ready to be hunted down as criminals. Watch all the programs you want and read all the books you like - just remember nothing replaces the guidance of YHWH’s Holy Spirit. Folks, even those who do not worship YHWH, seem fascinated by comparing the current increase in earthquakes, famines, plagues, and wars with prophecy - Biblical or otherwise. It seems many were actually disappointed to learn the Mayans missed the mark with 2012 - evens alleged “Christians” who should know better (Jesus was quite clear that only YHWH knows the time). Even Satan and his minions do not know when YHWH will send His son to return; but, that does not slow down their efforts to win.

The current rise in Islamic violence is for a reason. Mainstream “Christian” leaders are not the only ones cashing in on end times fever. Many Muslims believe the Mahdi is already on Earth and is waiting to appear. For them the end times have begun. There is a reason that the left wing liberal democrats cannot understand this threat from Islam. They do not understand faith in any god. They do not understand that the root cause is not economics - it is religious belief.

If you are a worshipper of YHWH then get ready to be considered a criminal AND to be treated as such. Also remember (or for some learn) what the true worshippers of YHWH are especially called to do in the end times: witness (Luke 21:13) - that means spread the Gospel of YHWH and Jesus the Christ (not the false apostle Paul)!

          Governments will not protect you. In fact, as in the case of the US, they will continue to enslave you. Muslims are allowed, even encouraged, to lie to non-Muslims in the furtherance of Islam - just look at Obama. It is not ignorance - it is intention. The people of the US have become apathetic and complacent. Even if the end times are not near biblically speaking they are well under way for the people of the US and any other formerly free people. Voting has not worked; the tyrants continue to ignore the will of the people. There are only two options left: surrender or stand up for the right to worship YHWH our Creator!

Quote of the Week

Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add 'within the limits of the law' because law is often but the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual. -- Thomas Jefferson

          Comment: The US government is making it a crime to live as a true follower of YHWH. Jesus became a felon when he stood for YHWH against Satan’s tyrants of Rome. Will you be a willing slave to a government run by Satan or a felon for worshipping YHWH?


Did You Know

          1 out of every 107 Americans is incarcerated

The US has about 5% of the world’s population but has 25% of the prison population.

About one US citizen a day is illegally incarcerated in ICE detention facilities - this while Obama lets known criminal illegal immigrants wander about freely awaiting a hearing 5 years down the road.

          FEMA camps set up after Katrina and Sandy were surrounded with fences topped by barbed wire facing IN!

India is the only non-Muslim/Christian majority country in the world where Muslims and Christians have separate laws. (The US is getting there though.)

Icelanders are building a pagan temple - the first in over 1000 years. - A sign of the times?

Here is a list of some of the things most Muslims believe will be signs of the end times:

There will be a great conflict in the land of Syria until it is destroyed. (ISIS)

There will be a loss of honesty; and, authority is given to those who do not deserve it. (Obama)

Jews will be fighting Muslims. (Israel did not exist when this prophecy was written)

People will compete in the construction of very tall buildings.

Women will be appearing naked despite their being dressed.

People will be seeking knowledge from misguided and astray scholars. (Global warming, followers of Paul)

The Euphrates will uncover a mountain of gold. (Oil)



Sunday, February 1, 2015

Satan's Minions? - Catholics & Muslims

Verse of the Week

Do not be afraid of sudden terror, nor of the destruction of the wicked when it comes.

(Proverbs 3:25)

Thought For the Week

          The evil machinations of the adherents of Islam (e.g. terrorism) pose an obvious mortal threat (See Note1). In fact comments are being made to the effect that the Islamists are operating as if it is still the Dark Ages. In many ways this appears to be true; yet evil, and the danger it poses, exists in many forms. Some are more obvious than others. Often, more dangerous, are the less obvious forces of evil.

The modern sins by violence of the Islamists are comparable to the same past sins of the Catholic Church - which are too numerous to list and too pronounced to be denied. Even recent popes have offered official apologies for some past actions. The sad truth is that the Catholic Church is more evil today; but, it wields its power via financial and political force rather than force by violence. It also has a PR department that is second to none.

I suppose I should explain my statements - by dangerous I refer to the soul. The sword of Islam is no more dangerous to a person’s soul than was the sword of Rome. Perhaps the Catholic Church has admitted past mistakes because they were indeed mistakes. They slaughtered a lot of innocent people but it is doubtful they got many true converts. The Catholic Church has learned what the ignorant Islamists have not - “you can catch more flies with honey than you can with vinegar”. The Islamists are still so ignorant they count on a fly swatter!

          The Catholic Church has acted as a force against the followers of YHWH since its very inception. It spent over a millennia trying to be a wolf in sheep’s clothing; and, it then spent centuries just being a wolf. For the last few centuries it has turned to the more subtle nature of the serpent; and, in this more modern era the snake is slowly shedding its skin.

          Modern popes have kissed the Koran and the behinds of the Islamists. The latest pope is kissing the behinds of homosexuals. I would add pedophiles but who knows how long that perversion has been condoned by the papacy. Just as insidious is that the papacy has found a new cheering section amongst many so called evangelicals. All of this is claimed to be done in the name of “tolerance” (especially by the duped evangelicals).

          Have you ever seen the word tolerance in the Bible? It seems these folks, if they believe in sin, equate tolerance with the adage “hate the sin but love the sinner”. Did Jesus do that? Only if the sinner quit sinning! He told them to “go and sin no more” (e.g. John 5:14 & 8:11). But what if the sinner does not stop sinning? Jesus said “sin no more, that something worse may not happen to you”? He said this to a man that had already been crippled for 38 years and was not accused of committing any sin!

          Satan loves tolerance - he will accept any coward no matter how depraved. Tolerance gives him and his free reign to corrupt the next generation even worse!

Note1: Some would counter that by saying, “unless you are a democrat”. To which I reply the issue is not one of blindness but purpose. Obama and his adherents see these machinations not as evil but as a means to an end. Consider his own words: "The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam." - US President Barack Obama at the UN General Assembly on 9/25/12 (related Source). Or just ask Howard Dean. These folks are not anti-American - they are anti-christian America. Their wet dream is a US President Ayatollah Khomeini.



They have the Gospel according to Matthew in its entirety in Hebrew. For it is clear that they still preserve this, in the Hebrew alphabet, as it was originally written.

-- Epiphanius of Salamis, Panarion 29.9.4

Comment: A simple citation from history (Epiphanius died in 402 A.D.) for those folks who still follow the Catholic inspired “Greek only” tradition as the language of the originals concerning New Testament writings. If you believe the original writings of the Bible were inspired by YHWH then you might want to learn what was written before Satan got a hold of the writings. PS - Epiphanius also tells us, in Panarion 29, the Nazarenes rejected the writings of Paul.


Did You Know

The Catholic Church in the US has 171 billion in assets (Chicago diocese alone has over 3 billion in assets). The Catholic Church, if it were treated as a corporation, would rank in the top 20 of US corporations. It operates as a tax free charitable entity yet only about 2% goes to charity.

The Vatican is the smallest country in the world - yet owns and controls more land than the USA.

Regarding past sins of the Catholic Church (that make ISIS/ISIL look like Obama’s JV team) research Charlemagne and the Bloody Verdict of Verdun (about 4,500 decapitated in one day)!

George Bernard Shaw had a character say this in his 1908 play, Getting Married: "I believe the whole British Empire will adopt a reformed Mohammedanism before the end of the century."

Muslims preserve the tradition that Matthew went to Ethiopia to preach the message of God.