Sunday, June 29, 2014

Chrislam, Abortion, etc

Chrislam and the LGBT

          It has saddened me for quite some time to see so many so called “Christians” who do not keep the Sabbath of YHWH.

Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.

(Exodus 20:8)

I am saddened too by how many follow the trinity doctrine and place Jesus as equal to the One True God - YHWH.

You shall not have any other gods before Me.

(Exodus 20:3)

Hear, O Israel, YHWH our God is one - YHWH. And you shall love YHWH your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.

(Deuteronomy 6:4-5)

But, Satan has successfully used these deceptions for quite some time. In these more modern times I feel the sadness growing as I see the increase in numbers of those falling into Satan’s other deceptions. Some of these deceptions are not so new; but, they are certainly growing among so called “Christians”. I speak of murder by abortion and the growing influence and acceptance of the LGBT crowd. Yet there is another deception that has a new twist - chrislam. It is the melding of “Christianity” and Islam - more on that in the “In the Spotlight” article this week.

Our poor children have a heavy burden with so many parents deceived and societies (e.g. the USA) that not only allow sin but require its acceptance and promote its practice. Obama and his ilk, as tools of Satan, did not start these trends but they have certainly accelerated their growth and popularity; and, they are forcing this, their evil agendas, as hard as possible down the throats of the citizens of the USA as well as promoting them to the world in general - with taxpayer money no less.

The LGBT mafia has mastered the art of extortion. In most states in the USA a private citizen is allowed to make a “citizen’s arrest” for a crime committed in their presence. Can you imagine what would happen if someone arrested a LGBT mafia member under the RICO Act! (18 U.S. Code Chapter 96 - RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS) -- sections 1461–1465 (relating to obscene matter), or sections 2251, 2251A, 2252, and 2260 (relating to sexual exploitation of children) or even section 278 (relating to importation of alien for immoral purpose), etc.! Do states have RICO Acts at the state level?

Much of the LGBT crowd is ok with Islam being taught in public schools but not “Christianity”. This is ironic because under sharia law the LGBT crowd would be executed - as they currently are in many Muslim countries. If the end does not come quickly this could lead to some rather strange consequences. I would say I am waiting to see how the battle between the chrislamists and the LGBT mafia plays out but since they are both on the same side - with Satan - it’s a moot point. Though maybe if the women hide their sexual preference they, being infidels, will just be made into sex slaves - just not with the type of partners they prefer. Still, they could then get all the abortions they can handle since pregnancy would lower their value!

The One testifying these things says, Yes, I am coming quickly. Amen. Yes, come, Lord Jesus! The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with all of you. Amen.
                    (Revelation 22:20-21)


Down to Gehenna, or up to the Throne, He travels the fastest, who travels alone. - Rudyard Kipling
Comment: All worshippers of YHWH are part of a single flock, but, we are still individuals. No matter who you affiliate with it is your own actions and beliefs that will be on trial when Judgment Day comes. You will answer for your own works or lack thereof. Christ Himself said the unfruitful branch is cast into the fire (John15:1-6).
According to WHO (World Health Organization) there have been over 20 million abortions worldwide so far this year and every year in the world there are an estimated 40-50 million abortions. This corresponds to approximately 125,000 abortions per day. Abortion is the leading cause of death worldwide - even when you add many other causes together. Consider the statistics so far this year:
Alcohol related - 1.2 million
- AIDS - .75 million
Cancer - 3.7 million
- Children under 5 years of age - 3.5 million
Communicable diseases - 6 million
- Malaria - .45 million
Suicide - .5 million
- Smoking - 2.2 million
Traffic related deaths - .6 million
For a combined total of 18.9 million - still less than death by abortion!
Furthermore, studies show that abortion accounts for 13% of women’s deaths during pregnancy and childbirth. And for so called “Christians” - 37% of women obtaining abortions identify as Protestant and 28% identify as Catholic!
Comment: That means over half the abortions worldwide are solicited by women who call themselves Christians! These women are responsible for more deaths in a year than Hitler was in his lifetime! And to add insult to injury in the USA they get taxpayer money to pay their contract killers (abortionist). Is it any wonder that Jesus said, “many are called but few are chosen”.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Is Your Family Tree a Tree to Life

With all the turmoil, uncertainly, and chaos in the world today it can be challenging to keep a focused mind and a settled spirit. Some folks try to hide in ignorance - choosing to play ostrich and stick their heads in the sand, some strive to try to predict the future - as if they can know what Jesus has already said no one but YHWH knows (beware of these false teachers):

But as for that day and hour no one knows it - not even the angels in heaven - except the Father alone.
(Matthew 24:36)

Still others, I include myself here, find solace in drawing closer to YHWH as best we can. One way to do this is the study of our multifaceted roots, our beginnings, as gentile worshippers of YHWH. On one hand we began like all men - we were created by YHWH; and, we all trace our lineage thru Noah to Adam. But, YHWH’s first chosen people - the “root stock”, include Israel in their line, gentiles do not.

The descendants of Israel are still YHWH’s chosen people - the covenants He made are everlasting. Gentile worshippers of YHWH have not replaced the chosen people of YHWH; rather, Jesus told us we are made, thru Him, a part of the flock of Israel:

And I have other sheep which are not of this fold. I must also lead those, and they will hear My voice; and there will be one flock, one Shepherd.
(John 10:16)

Gentiles worshippers of YHWH can be, in essence, grafted into the family tree of Israel; but only if we remain obedient and fruitful (John 15). Today, many “Christians” act as though they were the only chosen people of YHWH. These same “Christians” have a family tree leading to roots found among the pagan gods of Rome, not YHWH and the nation of Israel. That is why the “family tree” of “Christianity” looks more like the evolutionary tree of Darwin! That tree comes from Pagans, Paul and the Popes, not YHWH and His Prophets, or Christ and His Apostles.

Everyone needs to learn their family tree - or you may be barking up the wrong tree:

Not everyone saying to Me, Lord, Lord, will enter into the kingdom of Heaven, but those doing the will of My Father in Heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name do many works of power? And then I will declare to them, I never knew you; depart from Me, those working lawlessness!
(Matthew 7:21-23 -- reference: Psalms 6:8)

          As James told us:

But someone will say, you have faith and I have works. Show me your faith without works and I will show you faith by my works.
(James 2:18)

                    For just as the body without the spirit is dead, so
                    also faith without works is dead.
(James 2:26)

          Do your roots lead to the tree of life? You must be doing the will of YHWH and not just believing:

The one who has an ear had better hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To the one who conquers, I will permit him to eat from the tree of life that is in the paradise of God.
(Revelation 2:7)

Blessed are the ones doing His commands, that their authority will be over the Tree of Life, and by the gates they may enter into the city.
(Revelation 22:14)

Sunday, June 15, 2014


The word catholic means essentially universal or all-encompassing and the etymology is from Greek katholikos “universal, general”.

The term pontifex maximus - which the Catholic pope uses, comes from the Roman king Numa Pompilius (he was actually a Sabine), circa 715 BC. He also founded, among Romans, the cults of Jupiter, Mars, and Quirinus. The etymology is Latin meaning “great bridge maker”.

From the Britannica Concise Encyclopedia - pontifex - Member of a council of priests in ancient Rome. The pontifices were responsible for administration of the jus divinum (laws concerning religious practices). There were 3 pontifices under the monarchy, but by the time of Julius Caesar the number had grown to 16, of which 1 was designated chief priest, or pontifex maximus. Also included in the collegium (college) of pontifices were the Vestal Virgins. Among the duties of the pontifices were regulation of the calendar and of expiatory rituals, consecration of temples and sacred objects, superintendence of marriage and the family, and administration of the laws of adoption and succession.

Comment: There is a reason why it is called the Roman Catholic Church and not the Roman Christian Church or the Christian Catholic Church. The job of the Roman Catholic Church Pontifex Maximus, the great bridge maker, was to “bridge” the differences between all the roman religions and come up with one “catholic” state religion. They did and it is primarily an amalgamation of the previous roman pagan religions and the teachings of Paul with a small percentage of “Christianity” twisted by anti-Semitism. It is not based on YHWH or the teachings of Christ.

Eliot Quote

We shall not cease from exploration

And the end of all our exploring

Will be to arrive where we started

And know the place for the first time. - T.S. Eliot, Dry Salvages


Comment: Our beginnings, our roots, have a lot to do with who we are and what we believe. However, we can change who we are and what we believe. Do you know the “roots” of what you believe or are you afraid to explore your beliefs and instead are going blissfully unaware through life as one of the “sheeple”? The destiny of your soul depends on what you do and believe. Do you care enough about yourself or your children to explore the truth?

Muslims and the USA

NOTE: I was recently contacted via the contact form and had a running e-mail conversation concerning my websites home page widget that depicts the terrorist attacks by Muslims since 9/11. The writer had some good, valid points so I will be moving the widget to the Christian Prepper Page - not removing it from the website.

There is a running debate here in the USA concerning Muslims. On one side there are those that look at all Muslims as actual or potential terrorists. On the other side are those that claim that most Muslims are peaceful and are not terrorists.

To me the answer lies in history. Many today are still taught about killing done by Christians in the Crusades. This is false. The killing, and there was a lot of it, was done by adherents of the Catholic Church. The Catholics slaughtered Muslims and Christians alike. The Catholic Church “claimed” to be Christian though, so we have to look deeper for the truth. The Truth is easily found in the teachings of Christ in the Bible. No person who actually follows the teachings of Christ would ever launch an offensive attack on another person. Obviously the Catholic claim to being followers of the teachings of Christ was a false claim.

Nowhere in the teachings of Christ are we told to kill another human being - just the opposite. This includes not killing even those that worship Satan. The killing of alleged witches is another example of folks killing others against the teachings of Christ while still claiming to be “Christian”. All the killings - murders actually - done in the Crusades, the witch hunts, the Inquisition, “Manifest Destiny” etc., where against the teachings of Christ. True followers of the teachings of Christ would never commit such heinous acts.

This leads us to today and the issue of Muslims and terrorism. The problem here is almost the direct opposite of the issue of “Christian killing”. While no teaching of Christ says to kill, some of the teachings of Mohammed do teach to kill non-Muslims! This means every follower of the teachings of Mohammed could, in light of their religion, justify being a terrorist - this includes every “sect” of Islam - Sunni, Shiite, etc.

The question changes from “are all Muslims terrorists” to “are all Muslims really following Mohammed”. Just as for much of its history the Catholic Church forced people to convert to Catholicism or die, Islam has done and is still doing the same thing. Many folks living under sharia law in Muslim countries may assert that they are Muslim when they really are not - primarily because if they do not “act” Muslim they will be killed!

Most of the left wing liberals that claim Islam is a religion of peace would be killed or enslaved under sharia law. Women, at best, would be relegated to a status even lower than “second-class citizen”. The LGBT crowd would all be killed outright - as would adulterers, pedophiles, etc. Ironically, and sadly, the way the USA is headed lately it would become closer to being a “godly” nation under sharia law than under our current system!

Anyway, the bottom line is that Christ taught not to kill; and, Mohammed taught to kill or enslaved all that do not follow him. If only all the left wing liberal “Islamophiles” would move to an Islamic country.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Gandhi Quote

Seven blunders of the world that lead to violence: wealth without work, pleasure without conscience, knowledge without character, commerce without morality, science without humanity, worship without sacrifice, politics without principle. - Gandhi
            COMMENT: YHWH tells us He would have mercy not sacrifice (Hosea 6:6, Matthew 9:13 - also see 1 Samuel 15:22); and, Jesus tells us we will suffer for following Him (Matthew 13:13, Luke 21:17, etc). Since Gandhi did not, to my knowledge, “make sacrifices” (i.e. burnt offerings) but suffered for his beliefs I think suffering is what he intended with “worship without sacrifice”. Is this a case of doing the right things for the wrong reasons? That I leave to YHWH and Gandhi

John Adams Quote

If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animating contest of freedom, go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen. – John Adams, speech at the State House, Philadelphia, PA, 1 August 1776.


          If you are not willing to defend what is right then do not complain when what is done to you (and to others in your name) is wrong.

Abortion of the USA

I recently watched a TV program, presented on TBN, called Babies Are Murdered Here. Everyone,  American or not, should see the film - it is free online.

You shall not murder.

(Exodus 20:13 and Deuteronomy 5:17)

About 25 times the Bible speaks of a “woman with child”. These verses range from how a child grows inside the womb (Ecclesiastes 11:5) to several specifying the horrific act of ripping apart a woman with child. We see how serious a child’s life is in Exodus 21:22: just causing a woman to deliver a child prematurely is grounds for punishment - even if the child is born unharmed and healthy! It is a crime just to endanger the life of an unborn child in such a manner! And, if a person causes an unborn child to die then the person causing the death of the unborn child is to be killed! (Exodus 21:23) These Scriptures are again reflected in the New Testament era in the teachings of the Apostles (Didache 2:2). Why are we allowing this slaughter?

Hear Me, those knowing righteousness, the people with My Law in their heart; do not fear the scorn of man; and, never fear their abuse.

(Isaiah 51:7)

          The USA often acts as if it is “the”, or at least “a”, world leader. In such a role the USA has utterly failed. The USA is no longer “the land of the free and the home of the brave”. Rather the USA has become a land of murderers of innocents and the home of cowards too afraid to stand up for themselves. Americans no longer protect their children, born or unborn. The ones we do not kill we let the Government educate in the ways of Satan. It should surprise no one that the USA is on a downward path. Cowards and tyrants always fail in the end.

Hear, O earth! I will bring evil on this people, the fruit of their thoughts. For they have not listened to My Words, My Law; but rejected it.

(Jeremiah 6:19)

          I spent twelve years in the Armed Forces of the USA “defending freedom”. Sadly those freedoms have been lost to my own government. Why were these right lost? Is it because too many Americans no longer have the courage to stand up for what they believe, or do too many believe in the ways of Satan, or both? Either way the America I used to know and love is dying a slow and painful death. The Muslim need not fear us - we are destroying ourselves from within. It is just a matter of time - unless we begin to fight back!

Sunday, June 1, 2014

The Didache

I touched very briefly last week on the issue of abortion and presented a verse from the Didache (aka Hora’ ah, or Lessons of the Master For all the Tribes by the Twelve, or The Teaching of the Twelve for the Nations, etc. This is a vital text to any who wish to present the clear cut, unequivocal, prohibition against abortion by YHWH. However, if you are like most folks, you have never even heard of the Didache. I find this very sad although I am not surprised. I have never heard a preacher or priest speak of the Didache. I have watched numerous TV programs such as The Lost Books of the Bible, Banned from the Bible, etc., on the History and Discovery Channels - the Didache was never mentioned. I have also watched many programs on both secular and religious channels that discuss how the Bible came to be in its present form - the Didache was never mentioned. Until a few years ago I had never seen or heard anyone ever even mention the Didache. The author of the website is the only person I have ever communicated with that is familiar enough with the Didache to discuss its history and importance.

          Many scholars believe the Didache, though “lost” to the “West” for centuries, may have been written long before any other book in the modern New Testament. (Just as Deuteronomy - and possibly more - was lost for 300 years [read from 2 Kings 22:8 onward or 2 Chronicles 34:14 onward] so too was the Didache lost to us for a time.) The Didache is cited by many of the “apostolic fathers” and is a part of the Bible in some parts of the world. There are many translations available on the web as well as in the Free Downloads section of this website - browse a few since some contain the background and historical data about the Didache itself too.

Briefly, the Didache has no specified author - it is believed to have been written by one or all of the Twelve Apostles as a means of communicating the teachings they had learned from Jesus. This is the only “book” outside of the Original Scriptures believed to have been used by the earliest followers of Jesus; and, it is more concerned with real life application and how we should act rather than with how we should think - sort of a how-to manual.

          If you are sincere in wanting to develop and grow your relationship with YHWH then I highly recommend that you read the Didache. I have yet to have a person that followed this recommendation that did not deepen their relationship with YHWH as well as gain a deeper insight and appreciation for the writings in the modern accepted version of the Bible. Please take the time to at least glance it over - you will be glad you did. This truth is so pervasive that I am currently working with another (more well-known) author on a study Bible that includes the Didache and excludes the writings of the false apostle Paul.

                    There are two paths; one belongs to life and one to death, but there is much difference

between the two paths. The path of life is surely this: first love your God who created you. Next, your neighbor as yourself. And all things that you would not want to happen to you, likewise do not do to others.

                    (Didache 1:1/2)

Walking a Fine Line

As worshippers of YHWH and followers of Jesus we walk a fine line in this world. On one hand we are “set apart” and know that the kingdom we await is not of this world. One the other hand we are to spread the truth and to help others in need as much as we can. This can be tricky when trying to decide how much, and in what ways, we are to try to influence our current society and current affairs. We try to balance our endeavors to reflect both our dedication to YHWH as well as try to influence those around us.

          Consider that as a true follower of YHWH and an American I strive to serve YHWH as well as strive to protect and promote the freedom for others to serve Him as well. This freedom is more important than many realize. For example, in 386 Priscillian was executed by other “so called Christians” for denying the trinity and honoring Saturday as the Sabbath. I do both today in the US and have not been killed for it - just ridiculed. I am even allowed to help spread the truth about the trinity and the Sabbath. With the internet I can do so worldwide. These actions still carry the death penalty in many parts of the world.

          To ignore the secular dangers to freedom within society is to endanger our ability to spread the truth. Citizens in the US (and many other parts of the world) have become so complacent about our “type of freedom” that we are sliding toward Satan and dictatorship more and more every day. We have gained the “freedom” for homosexuals to teach their perversions in our schools to our children while we have lost the freedom to teach our children to pray in school. We have gained the “freedom” to kill our unborn children while we losing the freedom, in most cases, to defend ourselves and others.

Under Obamacare we are even being forced to pay for others to kill their children. It was bad enough when our government forced us to pay taxes that indirectly paid for these State sanctioned murders; but, now we are being forced to pay for them with “fees” that are designated for the sole purpose of murder.

                    . . .  thou shalt not murder a child by abortion nor kill them when born.

                    (The Didache [The Teaching of the Twelve]:  Chapter 2, Verse 2)

I have heard folks who actually say they wonder how this could happen in our great democracy. Wake up folks! Even though our ignorant politicians try to force feed democracy to the world the USA has never been, nor was intended to be, a democracy! We were a constitutional republic. The US forced Israel to help the PLO form a Palestinian state that has a democracy. The Palestinians are opting for a regime that is based on terrorists that want to destroy Israel and the US! The US  Constitution demands that the Federal Government guarantees States will even have a republican form of government: Article Four, Section Four, Clause 1 - The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government.

          Our forefathers knew the dangers and limitations of a democratic government:

“Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide.” -- John Adams

          It wasn’t just Americans that saw this either:

“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can exist only until the voters discover they can vote themselves largesse out of the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidate promising the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always to be followed by a dictatorship." -- Alexander Fraser Tyler, a British contemporary of George Washington,

          Folks today scream about democracy and demand equality. These demands, by citizens, businesses, and the government itself, have led to laws that are a Marxists dream - serious crimes under Marxism include “exploitation of labor”, "price gouging," "price fixing," violating “civil rights”, etc. Consider what Wilfredo Pareto said: "The demands for equality are always demands for special privileges."

          The US is not a democracy. We have become primarily a plutocratic oligarchy* that has a secondary agenda based on whoever screams the loudest (an ochlocracy**). It is not even recognizable as a constitutional republic anymore:

"Once political freedom is eliminated, the instruments of democracy can be so used to multiply the power of the tyrannical state. This constitutes the essence of fascism, that is democracy without freedom." -- Alex Ascoli

          If you still think you are safe consider that Executive Order number 11490 allows the president of the United States to assume dictatorial powers after declaring a national emergency. This was long before more constitutional rights were usurped by the federal government via the Patriot Act, etc.

Some folks are probably thinking I am paranoid. Paranoia has been defined as "an irrational fear." Is there a word in the English language for a "rational fear." I once read something along the following lines, “Modern humans are not free. They are like tethered dogs: as long as they keep their heads close to the stake, they do not feel the leash. They prefer comfort to freedom.” The USA has troops all over the world “defending freedom”. These troops swear an oath to defend the Constitution of the US. We need them here at home to defend us from our own government!

Teach me Your way, Yahweh; and lead me on a level path, because of them that lie in wait for me.

(Psalms 27:11)

          If we are not free to share the Gospel then we have no freedom at all. Stand and be heard, for your own sake and the sake of our children. If you do not stand up for Christ and stand against abortion, homosexuality, etc., then do not be surprised when Christ will not stand up for you:

Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter into the kingdom of heaven — only those doing the will of my Father in heaven. On that day, many will say to me, 'Lord, Lord, didn't we prophesy in your name, and in your name cast out demons and do many powerful deeds?' Then I will declare to them, I never knew you. Go away from me, you lawbreakers!

(Matthew 7:21-23)


*PLUTOCRACY = Rule by the wealthy. OLIGARCHY - Rule by the few.

**OCHLOCRACY - Rule by the mob.