Sunday, January 26, 2014

What Are You Made of?

Apoptosis is essentially when a cell is programmed to willingly die for the greater good of the whole. This is what happens when the cells holding a leaf on a tree die so the leaf drops off, when the cells holding our fingers and toes together die and slough off so we can spread our fingers and toes, etc. Though not recognized in the scientific community I call this micro apoptosis. Why? Because I think macro apoptosis exists too. Micro occurs at the level of cells within an organism, macro occurs at the level of organisms within a group of like organisms. Consider lemmings that drown themselves in droves, or an injured or sick animal that separates itself from the herd/pack - e.g. javelin. It sounds simple enough until you consider that it applies to people as well - think about people who volunteer to fight in war.

          This is not to say that we are just animals. We are more than the sum of our biological parts. All living things share genetic material because we are made from the same stuff - think of the chemicals that make up the genetic material. The atomic mass of the human body is about 65% oxygen, 19 % carbon, 10% hydrogen, and miscellaneous after that (nitrogen 3%, etc.). That means we are chemically about the same as a big bucket of water with a few handfuls of diamonds dropped in it (add a dollop of chicken manure to get even closer to us).

So much for being related to apes! Anyway, these are just a few things to think on.

What Are You Made of? Part II

Last week’s thought concerned what we are composed of from the standpoint of chemical mass. Water is the most abundant chemical compound in human cells (65-90% of each cell). Most (not all) water molecule consists of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom, but the mass of each oxygen atom is much higher than the combined mass of the hydrogen atoms. Six elements account for 99% of the mass of the human body (and most other animals too): oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium, and phosphorus. This is easy to understand since YHWH made us all from the same stuff.

We when look at what we are composed of numerically we find a very different story. There are many species of bacteria and other microorganisms that live on or inside our body. In fact, 90% (by number) of the cells in or on our body are microbes. Some of these are necessary for our health - people have actually died because modern antibiotics have killed off too many of their digestive bacteria. Those that neither help nor harm us are called commensal organisms. There are about 10 times more bacterial cells in our body than human cells. Again, no surprise since we were made from the dust of the Earth - which is packed full of microbes.

There is also an estimated 100 times more microbial genes than human genes in our human genome. A handful of human genes (the consensus today is around 40) appear to be bacterial in origin. How and why are they there? Some scientists say the bacteria are fairly recently in evolutionary history, because the genes are not found in our closest animal ancestors. Others say they are ancient relics from evolutionary events that took place long ago and, for reasons unknown, the genes were lost in these ancestors.

Bottom line is that science really has no answer. YHWH does!

Reference Articles:

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

A Different Kind of New Years Resolution

This time of year a lot of folks have made a “new year resolution”. If you consider yourself a Christian I have a suggestion for one you probably have not considered. Confirm your beliefs for yourself.

          This is not as simple as it sounds since most folks believe what they do because they were raised to believe in them. They then go thru life convinced in beliefs they have never researched for themselves. To complicate matters these beliefs are then often reinforced because they then associate with others that hold those same unconfirmed beliefs.

          Consider what it would be like if folks like Luther had not studied for themselves. Do you believe all your sins are forgiven by the blood of Jesus? That is not what Jesus says. Read the gospels for yourself and you will see this. Do you believe the Law is done away with? That is not what Jesus says. Read the gospels for yourself and you will see this.

          It is your own soul that is at risk. Do you love YHWH enough to learn for yourself what He expects from you?

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Trinity doctrine is a lie!

Then he came and took the scroll from the right hand of the one who was seated on the throne.

(Revelation 5:7)

Then I heard every creature — in heaven, on earth, under the earth, in the sea, and all that is in them — singing: "To the one seated on the throne and to the Lamb be praise, honor, glory, and ruling power forever and ever!"
(Revelation 5:13)

When YHWH physically saved the people of the earth He used Noah. Noah saved all of the people - plus himself.

When a person finally sees the fallacy of the trinity they may well see a love so far beyond our comprehension as to be unimaginable. How awesome it was that YHWH may have risked His only begotten Son Jesus to spiritually save us. Jesus came to Earth to be born of woman; and, to save all born of woman. Plus Himself?

If Jesus had failed as man, then what would have become of Him? Could YHWH have lost His only Son? What an unimaginable risk! That is a love to glorious to contemplate.

We know Jesus gave His life as a man as a sacrifice for us. But did Jesus, if He failed as man, also risk eternal damnation just to save us? What an unimaginable risk! That is a love to glorious to contemplate. That is love beyond comparison.

For the Father is not judging anyone, but has given the judgment to the Son, that all may be honoring the Son just as they are honoring the Father. The one not honoring the Son is not honoring the Father - the one sending him.
(John 5:22-23)

          Yes, we should honor Jesus as we honor YHWH; but, never worship Jesus, the Son of YHWH, as God the Father, YHWH Himself!